LA communications to schools

Title: / Summer Term 2017 Update 4 NQT Induction
Summary: / NQT Induction Outcome; Key Dates for Induction; 2017-18 NQT registration;
Target school(s): / All with registered NQTs and those who will have NQTs in 2017-18
Specific schools
For attention of: / Heads, CPD and Induction Co-ordinators, SBMs
Author: / Julie Shaw and Linda Crichton
Contact: / Julie Shaw and Linda Crichton
Email: / and
Telephone: / 020 7598 4804 and 020 7641 3364
Newsletter date: / 17th July2017
Action required/
due date: / Please share with relevant colleagues and action as appropriate

Summer Term 2017 Update 4 NQT Induction

1NQT Induction Outcome

NQTs who are completing induction at the end of the summer term should receive an automated message from NQT Manager once their final assessment has been reviewed and the recommendation of the school accepted. Once the formal return from the 3 Local Authorities is made to the NCTL (at the end of August), NQTs will be able to access the NCTL self-service portal and download a copy of their NQT induction certificate -

For any who are part way through their induction and moving on, please ensure that you retain copies of your assessments as any new school who have agreed to continue to support you with induction will want to see this information.

2Key Dates for Induction

Please diarise the following key dates for the new academic year 2017 -2018.

Registration Deadline for NQTs starting September 2017 is 21st September 2017

Welcome Events:

For Primary NQTs the date is Tuesday 19th September from 4pm – 6pm in Kensington Town Hall, Hornton Street, W8 7NX

For Secondary NQTs Thursday 21st September from 4pm – 6pmat the Lilla Huset PDC, 191 Talgarth Road, Hammersmith, W6 8BJ.

NQT Induction Tutor and Co-ordinator Training will be held on 2 afternoons – Wednesday 27th September and Thursday 5th October from 2pm – 4.30pm at the Lilla Huset PDC.

Assessment deadlines:

Autumn term = Friday 8th December 2017

Spring Term = Friday 16thMarch 2018

Summer term = Friday 6thJuly 2018

3Registration of NQTs for 2017-18 - Reminder

Choice - there are increasingly varied options available to schools for both the Appropriate Body function, to quality assure and manage the formal induction process, and to access NQT CPD courses.

Appropriate Body for statutory induction - The Education Service remains confident that it is best placed to offer a thorough and robust service in terms of quality assurance arrangements, impartiality and experience in dealing with NQT induction and the many associated and sometimes challenging issues that schools can experience when supporting induction.

NQT CPD - In terms of the Primary and Early Years NQT CPD offer, we are also confident that our very comprehensive and flexible programmes are high quality, and relevant to the needs of NQTs, demonstrating positive impact on NQTs’ practice.

External quality assurance - The detailed UCL-IoE external evaluation of both the courses and schools’ and NQTs’ perceptions of suitability and impact of our NQT CPD programme continues, and has found consistently high standards and approval ratings. The NQT service is reflective and responsive, and where the need for improvements are identified, these are addressed and kept under review.

The NQT service will remain accessible to all schools within the three authorities despite any changes in local authority partnership arrangements.

If your school has appointed NQTs you wish to register for induction this September, we welcome and look forward to working with your school. Please find attached an SLA booking form. Please complete and return to Julie or Linda. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to ask.

4NQT Baseline Survey

Earlier in the academic year the NQT service conducted a baseline survey of the whole NQT cohort and we are grateful for those responses we received, please see the main findings for this initial survey attached.

We are now conducting a follow-up survey to measure changes in attitudes and experience from induction beginning to end. This will help us to better understand how you feel your experiences and the support you have received has impacted on your development and confidence. It will help us review and make potential changes to support and provision, and guidance to schools, all aimed at making improvements for future NQTs (your future colleagues).

The survey should take no more than about 5-10 minutes’ maximum to complete, and will be open until midday Friday 21 July. The survey link is here:

We would be grateful if you could complete the survey as the more responses we receive, the more accurate picture we will get. As a small incentive, you could win a £50 Waterstones prize. The winner will be randomly drawn from survey respondents.

And finally…..

We would like to thank all schools for working with us over the past academic year, meeting assessment deadlines, responding to our requests for involvement in recruitment fairs and focus groups and for your continued support for the NQT CPD programme.