

Phone Number:______

Courses Requested:

CC English ______Eng 9 ______

Eng 10 ______Eng 12 ______

CC Algebra I ______CC Algebra II ______

Geometry ______Business Math ______

Global History 9 ______Global History 10______US History ______

Economy ______Government ______

Living Environment ______Chemistry ______

Earth Science ______Astro Ocean ______

Health ______PE ______

For Science Courses:

Only students who failed the Regents exam for Earth Science or Living Environment but passed the class may enroll in the Exam Review Course.

Students who have not previously taken the Regents exam must attend the Remedial Course.


Lab classes are not available for chemistry during summer school.


I hereby certify that the student named is qualified to study the subjects requested; has had the required immunizations; and has my approval to attend summer school. The student has a copy of his/her final report card and will show it to his/her summer school teachers.

(Signature of Home School Counselor or Administrator)


Kenmore East High School ______Kenmore West High School ______Other (please specify)


Students must be on time and carry their home school I.D. while in attendance at summer school.

Students who miss more than 15% (4 ABSENCES) of instructional time will be denied credit. Any student who is tardy for a summer class by more than 10 minutes will be charged with a 1/2 day absence. Summer School does not distinguish between excused and unexcused.


Standards in academics and behavior during the summer are governed by Ken-Ton School District Policy and are identical to those enforced during the regular school year. Each student is expected to demonstrate the self-discipline and positive attitude necessary to succeed. Students can and will be suspended by a summer school administrator for serious infractions of the district’s student Code of Conduct.


Students are expected to participate in class, take notes, complete assignments, and prepare for quizzes and tests. Students whose effort in summer school is unsatisfactory can expect difficulty understanding course material, lower grades, and in extreme cases a loss of academic credit for the course.


Remedial Courses

Remedial courses are 123 minutes in length each day and are for students who have previously taken and failed a course.

Exam Review Courses

Three-week Regents review, or “Exam Review Courses,” are designed for students who have already taken a Regents exam and are preparing to retake the Regents exam in August. Exam Review Courses are available only to students who have already taken that Regents course. Exam Review Courses begin on Thursday, July 28 and end on Tuesday, August 16. Students will take the required Regents exam during the scheduled exam time.

“New” Courses

One-half credit new courses are 123 minutes in length daily. These courses are for those students who have not yet taken the course.

Regents Examination Only

Students must receive remediation prior to re-taking any Regents examination.


Report Cards

Report Cards are issued twice during summer school, once in late July and again at the end of the summer school term. Report cards are mailed by the district technology center directly to students’ parents or guardians.


Transportation to and from summer school is the responsibility of each student. The district does not provide bus services for summer school students.

Bicycles and Skateboards

Bicycles and skateboards are not allowed inside the school building for any reason. Students should lock their bicycles in the bike racks provided in front of and behind the building. The school is not responsible for bicycles left on campus.


Students are encouraged to use the library for research, studying or borrowing. The library is open during regular summer school hours.


The summer school does not maintain a cafeteria or any facility for lunch. Water and juice vending machines are available.


Lockers are not available for use by summer school students.

Medical Assistance

School Nurse Hours 8 am - 12 noon.

Cell Phones

Cell phones should be turned off during class.





Grades 9-12


Kenmore East High School

350 Fries Rd.

Tonawanda NY 14150


Fax: 716-874-8443

July 11 - August 19

Classes Monday-Thursday Only

Summer School Office

Mrs. Christine Koch, Principal


Administrative Intern


Course offerings are always contingent upon enrollment. Insufficient enrollment may cause a course to be cancelled. In general, a minimum of 20 students is necessary to offer a class.

Remedial Courses:

(Students must have taken the course previously to enroll.)

English 9, 10, 11, 12

Global History & Geography 9, 10

US History and Government

Algebra I, Algebra A, Algebra B


Algebra II

Intermediate Algebra

Business Math

Physical Setting/ Earth Science

Living Environment

Physical Setting/ Chemistry

Astronomy / Oceanography

Physical Education

**Credit Recovery (8:00 am—2:00 pm only) and must be approved by the home school counselor**

Exam Preparation Courses:

Exam Review Courses are 3 week review classes for Regents exams. Students must have already passed the class and, for all science exams, provide documentation of the completion of required laboratory activities. Exam Review Courses begin Thursday, July 28.



Algebra II

Comprehensive English

Physical Setting: Earth Science

Physical Setting/ Chemistry

Living Environment

US History and Government Global History and Geography

New Courses:

All new courses must be approved by the home school counselor.

Participation in Government ...... 1/2 credit Economics ...... 1/2 credit Health (students must have completed gr. 9) ...... 1/2 credit

Physical Education:

Preference will be given to seniors at Kenmore East and Kenmore West. Students will swim every day as a part of the physical education program. Non-swimmers may remain in the shallow end of the pool. Students exempt from swimming due to a medical excuse will be assigned daily work. Grades for students are based on participation (60%), an exam (30%) and a portfolio (10%).


The Kenmore-Town of Tonawanda Summer School Program is an opportunity for students to retake courses which they failed or were unable to take during the regular school year. The majority of courses are offered on a review or remedial basis. The Summer School Program is only available to district residents.

The Ken-Ton School District is registered by the New York State Education Department. Credits earned in summer school may be applied towards a high school diploma.

2015-2016 final grades will be incorporated into the summer school grades.


Summer School will be held at:

Kenmore East High School.

350 Fries Rd, Tonawanda NY 14150

716 874-8402


June 1 – June 28: Students may pre-register for summer school in the Counseling Centers of Kenmore East or Kenmore West High School. Please contact your home school’s Counseling Center for an appointment. Appointments are available during the regular school day.

Grades are posted for Ken-Ton High School students online Friday, June 24. Counselors are available to register students on June 24 - June 28from 8:00 AM until 3:00 PM in their home school.

Walk in registration will be held on June 30 & July 6th at Kenmore East High School from 8:00 am – 12:30 pm.


Students without the appropriate documents will not be allowed to register for Summer School . There will be no exceptions. To register, students must have the following:

·  Final report card or progress report from the home school. Completed registration card (attached) signed by the home

school counselor or administrator.

·  Students registering for Earth Science, Living Environment or Chemistry must provide proof of 700 minutes of completed laboratory activities.

·  Students attending private schools must provide two (2) proofs of district residency at the time of registration.


Remedial Course Schedule: (July 11 - August 18)

Period 1...... 8:00AM - 10:03AM Period 2...... 10:13AM - 12:16PM

*Class periods are 123 minutes long.


June 1 – June 28 …..…………………………...Pre -Registration June 30 & July 6………………...Walk In Registration at East HS

July 11………..…….………………………………….Classes Begin

July 27…………………………………..End of 1st marking period July 28………………….…….……..Exam Review Courses begin August 16…………………………………………….Last class day August 17 - 18…….…………….…...Regents and RCT Exams ** August 22, after 6:00 PM ……..……………….….Grades posted August 23, 6:00 PM..………...Commencement at Kenmore East

* Earth Science Lab Practical is required for all Earth Science students who are challenging the exam.

** Students expecting to take Regents and/or RCT exams must present a valid photo ID on the day of the exam.

Regents and RCT Exam Schedule:

Wednesday, August 17, 2016


RE in Algebra I (Common Core)

Geometry (Common Core)

Physical Setting/Chemistry

RCT Writing


RE in Global History and Geography

Algebra 2/Trigonometry

RCT in Science,

RCT in U.S. History and Government

Thursday, August 18, 2016


RE in U.S. History and Government

Physical Setting/Earth Science

RCT in Global Studies, RCT in Mathematics


RE in English Language Arts (CommonCore)

Living Environment

RE in Algebra II (Common Core)

RCT in Reading

Kenmore-Tonawanda UFSD

Summer School 2016


This card must be completed by the student and/or parent and turned in at the time of registration.

Student’s Last Name: Student’s First Name:



City: State: Zip: Parent/Guardian Name: Parent/Guardian Email address: Home Phone: Emergency Phone: Cell Phone: Student’s Date of Birth: Grade: Home School: Ken-Ton Student ID Number:

Courses Requested:

Students may schedule up to two classes and one Exam

Review Course.


Remedial New Exam Review Course Exam Only

2. Remedial New Exam Review Course

Exam Only

3. (Exam Review Course ONLY) Exam Review Course Exam Only

4. Credit Recovery: Continuation: New Enrollment:


Special Education/Other Services:

Resource SC 504 Plan Co-taught

*Private Schools must provide a current copy of any current

IEP or 504 plan .