Summer Reading & Work 2012-2013
11th Grade IB English
Mrs. Joy Hellard & Mrs. Rebeca Wilson
- How to Read Literature Like a Professor by Thomas C. Foster
ISBN# 978-0-06-000942-7
Make sure to read this book first; it will give you insight to what we will be tackling this year. You are to take notes in bullet format for the following chapters: 1,2,3,10,11,12,14,15,16,17,18,19,23,24,and 26. List two or more ways each literary feature can be used within writings. This will be due the first week of school; typed, double spaced, 12 point font, Times New Roman.
Example: Chapter 9 It’s Greek to Me
Myth allusions found in literature:
- Life journeys with great hardships – The Odyssey
- Fate versus choice that leads to personal tragedy – Oedipus Rex
- Petty actions and jealousy that creates a downfall – The Iliad (Achilles)
- Fiela’s Child by Dalene Matthee
ISBN# 10:0-226-51083-2
This novel is not easy to find, make sure to allow yourself enough time between the purchase/arrival date and time you will need to spend reading it. You will address each of the driving questions below with paragraph responses of 10-12 sentences in length. The focus of your paragraphswill derive from one of the bulleted topics from each question that you will research prior to and during the reading. Connect specific examples (contextual evidence) from the novel to the research of the topic. A total of four paragraphs will be due the first week of school; typed, double spaced, 12 point font, Times New Roman.
1-In what ways do time and place matter to this work?
- Setting of Veldt
- Setting of Forest
- Setting of Coast line/Cape Town
- 1870’s in South Africa specifically Knysna
2-What was easy to understand and what was difficult in relation to social and cultural context and issues?
- Racial disparity
- Marriage and family customs
- Matriarchal and patriarchal roles
- Superstitions and myths
3-What connections did you find between issues in the work and your own culture(s) and experience?
- Discrimination
- Self-discovery
- Religious beliefs
- Family
4-What aspects of technique are interesting in the work?
Author’s Style:
- Narration-POV
- Split narration
- Syntax
- Figurative language
- Use of dialogue and/or description
- Characterization
If you have questions feel free to email either of us. Please do not wait until the day before school begins to ask questions.