United States History (CP/AC)
The summer reading selection for CP and AC United States History is the Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass by Frederick Douglass.
The Dover Thrift Edition of this book can be ordered at most book stores and is very inexpensive; use ISBN 13: 9780486284996. Note: you can obtain any edition of this book you would like. Based on the numbers of students ordering the text, it is highly recommended that you order the text ASAP!
When you return in September, you will be expected to be familiar with the core content of this book. To guide you through the reading, answer the following questions handwritten on loose-leaf. All of the answers are found within the text so no outside research is required. The assignment will be collect Monday, September 12th.
You should also know this assignment will be used in class and WILL BE graded!
Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass,
PART I: Chapters 1 to 9
1. What are we told about Douglass’ father and mother?
2. In order to keep the slaves from stealing fruit, what does Colonel Lloyd do?
3. Colonel Lloyd owned so many slaves that he did not know them… nor did all of the slaves know him. What happened when Colonel Lloyd met one of his slaves while Colonel Lloyd was riding on the road one day?
4. Why did Mr. Gore kill Demby who was in the Creek? How did Mr. Gore justify his murder of Demby?
5. Mrs. Giles Hick murdered Douglass’ wife’s cousin… “in a most horrible manner, breaking her nose and breastbone with a stick, so that the poor girl expired in a few hours afterward.” Why did Mrs. Giles Hick murder the young girl?
6. Douglass gets word he is to go to Baltimore in three days. Precisely, how is Douglass prepared to go to Baltimore? What will be his first job when he gets to Baltimore?
7. When Douglass arrives in Baltimore, his new mistress is Mrs. Auld. What is Douglass’ first impression of her?
8. Two Irishmen encourage Douglass to run north. Why does he not follow their advice?
9. Describe what happened to Douglass’ old grandmother. Why does Douglass think that the treatment his grandmother received was so unfair?
10. “While I lived with my master in St. Michael’s, there was a white young man… who proposed to keep a Sabbath school for the instruction of such slaves as might be disposed to read the New Testament.”… What happened at the Sabbath school?
11. Describe how Douglass’ job in the shipyard helped him to learn to read and write. Explain two other ways by which Douglass learned to read and write.
(A) Shipyard
(B) A second way:
(C) Third way
PART II: Chapters 10 & 11
12. Mr. Covey sends Douglass to get wood to be carried back by a team of oxen. What happened to Douglass and the oxen; what was the ultimate result of this incident?
13. Mr. Covey was called “the snake.” Why did those enslaved refer to him with this title?
14. Douglass runs away from Mr. Covey and returns to his master. Describe the circumstances that led to Douglass’ running away.
15. After Douglass returns to Covey, he is helped by another slave Sandy Jenkins. What is Jenkins’ solution to prevent Covey’s whipping Douglass
16. What does Douglass describe as the “turning point in his career as a slave”? (Again, involving Mr. Covey)
17. How is Christmas for those enslaved described? -- including the contest described.
18. Douglass plans to escape with several others. What is his plan?
19. Douglass’ plan of escape is discovered. How does Douglass destroy the evidence of the plan? [How does he advise his fellow slave Henry to get rid of the evidence?]
20. What job is Douglass given and what problem does he run into at the ship yard?
21. Douglass is allowed to “hire his time.” Why does Master Hugh withdraw from Douglass the privilege of hiring his time?
22. How does Douglass mislead Master Hugh in terms of Douglass’ intent to run away?
23. Why is Douglass asked to change his name? How does he get his new name?
24. What comparison does Douglass make between life in the South and that of New Bedford?
25. While he was attending an anti-slavery convention in Nantucket, what does Douglass do for the first time? How does he feel about doing this?