Summary Record of the 1st Meeting of NPC for WRC-2011
The 1st meeting of National Preparatory Committee (NPC) for ITU’s World Radiocommunication Conference-2011 (WRC-11) was held in the Conference Hall, 13th Floor, Sanchar Bhavan, New Delhi on 10 June 2008 under the chairmanship of Shri R.J.S. Kushvaha, Joint Wireless Adviser to the Government of India, WPC Wing. The list of participants is enclosed at Annexure-1.
2.The Chairman welcomed the participants and requested for the approval of the draft agenda. The NPC approved the agenda for meeting.
2.1The Chairman gave the brief overview of the objective of NPC . He informed that the WRC-07, vide its Resolution 805, setup the Agenda for the WRC-11.The Agenda is very extensive covering about 33 main issues involving many radiocommunication services which requires intensive preparatory work on each agenda item from technical and regulatory angles to ensure that the national requirements are effectively projected and national interests are protected in the field of radiocommunications at the Conference.
2.2The working procedure and methodology for preparatory work at national level, especially in relation to work of NPC, was discussed and it was agreed that similar procedure, as adopted for earlier NPCs for previous World Radiocommunication Conferences may be followed for the present NPC also. The progress of preparatory work and regional and international levels, especially the outcome of the ITU Conferenec preparatory meetings (CPM) and the last meeting of the APT Preparatory Group ( APG) was also briefly discussed. Further, Chairman informed that the first meeting of CPM was held in the month of November 2007. This meeting of CPM divided the various agenda items of WRC-11 into six ChaptersandAPG, in its first meeting, established six Working Parties and attributed agenda items to these Working Parties.
2.2 After further discussion,it was decided that work of the NPC for WRC-11 be divided into the six Working Groups on the lines of chapter structure proposed in the report of CPM-11/1 and Working Parties established by APG.It was also decided that the NPC will be open to all stake holders.Based on the past experience of Work of earlier NPCs, Chairman proposed to have Chairman and Co-Chairman for each Working Group and the NPC approved it. The Chairmanship and Co-chairmanship for each Working Group was also discussed. The representative of JCES requested Chairmanship of WG-2 and Co-chairmanship of WG3. The NPC agreed with the proposal of JCES. Accordingly, the Working Group structure, attribution of agenda items for different WGs as well as Chairmanship and Co chairmanship of the WGs, as given below, were decided:-
Working Group / WRC-11 Agenda Items nos / Issues / Chairperson / Co ChairpersonWG-1 / 1.3, 1.4, 1.9, 1.10 / Maritime and aeronautical issues / WPC / DG shipping
WG-2 / 1.14, 1.15, 1.21, 1.23 / Radiolocation and Amateur Service / JCES / Ministry of Civil Aviation
WG-3 / 1.5, 1.8, 1.17, 1.20, 1.22 / Fixed, Mobile and Broadcasting Issues / WMO/WPC / JCES
WG-4 / 1.6, 1.11, 1.12, 1.16, 1.24 / Science Issues / IMD / DOS
WG-5 / 1.7,1.13,1.18,1.25, 7 / Satellite issues / DOS / Doordarshan
WG-6 / 1.2, 1.19, 2,4, 8.1, 8.2 / Future Work Programme and Other issues / TEC* / WMO/WPC
* subject to confirmation by TEC
2.3 The Departments identified for providing chairpersons and co-chairpersons to the Working Groups were requested to mail the contact details (name, designation as well as telephone, fax, e-mail, etc) in respect of Chairpersons and Co Chairpersons of the Working Groups on e mail address . It was also agreed that the work of the NPC be carried out through electronic mails to facilitate speedy work of the NPC.
2.4 It was also decided that the names of Chairpersons and Co-Chairpersons of Working Groups of NPC will be placed on the WPC website. All the stake holders were requested to send their names directly to chairpersons &co-chairpersons for interest of their Working Groups with a copy to WPC Wing.
3. The Chairman requested for cooperation and active participation of all members in order to achieve success in the preparatory meetings at regional and international levels with a view to protecting and projecting the national interests in all the regional and international fora, including at WRC-11.
The meeting ended with the Vote of Thanks to Chair
List Of Participants in the 1st meeting of NPC
S.No. / Name & Designation / Deptt./Organisation1. / Sh S.ayeenathan, Dy.Director, FM / DOS, ISRO ( HQ)
2. / Sh. Arif Khan, GAIndia & SAARC / Qualcomm
3. / Sh. J.P.Garg / Nokia Siemens Networks
4. / M/s Vertika Misra / COAI
5. / Sh Nitin Sapra / COAI
6. / LtCol Mohan Khosla / IHQ, Ministry of Defence
7. / Gp Capt. N.Anand / D Sigs (Air) Air HQ
8. / Wg Cdr V.V.Kulshrestha / JD Sigs (Air) Air HQ
9. / Sh. P.K.Kapoor, G.M.Commn. / Airport Authority of India
10. / Sh. J.M.Jolly, Jt. G.M.Commn. / Airport Authority of India
11. / Sh. M.Rajith Ali, MGR Commn / Airport Authority of India
12. / Sh Arun Kumar Singh / TTSL
13. / Sh. J.P.Gupta / Reliance Commn.
14. / Sh. Raj Sharma / Erricson
15. / Sh. Srinivas Reddi / Erricson
16. / Sh. B.K.Mitra / ITU-APT foundation of India
17. / Sh. V.P.Singh, Director / All India Radio
18. / Sh B.K.Obroi, Dy. Director / All India Radio
19. / Sh. D.P.Khatana, Manager / AUSPI
20. / Sh. B.P.Srivastava / BECIL
21. / Sh. Harkesh Gupta, CMD / BECIL
22. / Sh. Rajeev Kumar, Dy. Director / Doordarshan
23. / Sh. Umesh Kumar Sikari, A.D.E / Doordarshan
24. / Cdr K.J.Sharma, JDNS Ops / IHQ MOD
25. / Capt. Subhash Gadhvi, DNS / IHQ MOD
26. / Cmde. P.Mehra / JCES/ HQIDS
27. / Col P.K.Sharma / JCES
28. / LtCol Jitendra Singh / JCES
29. / Wg Cdr S.S.Kumar / JCES