Part I - Summary of Unit/Lesson Development

(plan and implementation)

This benchmark assignment is completed in TIE536.

As a part of this course you are required to develop the framework for a unit of instruction and to implement and teach one lesson from that unit. It may be a new unit that you have not done before or a unit that you are currently using and wish to revise in a new model. It must be a unit that contains content you will be able to teach this quarter. The unit and the fully implemented lesson must demonstrate ways in which technology tools and experiences can be integrated into the curriculum.

The completed project will include but not be limited to the:

1)Development of the unit plan including:

a)A brief summary of curricular context and unit goals

b)The rationale for the framework and pedagogical approaches to be included in the unit

c)Goals and objectives for the unit

d)The NETS-S and Illinois Learning Standards to be met

e)The essential understandings and key questions for students that will guide the unit

f)A listing of what students will know and be able to do as a result of the unit

g)A table of the proposed lessons for the unit that includes lesson goals, assessment strategies and technology that may be integrated into each possible lesson.

2)Completion of unit plan using one of the frameworks introduced in the course.

3)Full implementation of one performance task (lesson) within the unit using the provided template. ** Field experience of the unit portion of the TIE 536 benchmark,**

a)Lesson implementation includes the creation of the necessary rubrics to support task activities according to identified assessment strategies.

b)Piloting of that lesson in a classroom. This will include:

i)reflection on the experience

ii)an evaluation of the use of technology experience for students (tool and/or task)

iii)the appropriateness of the assessment tool used (with student input on development and/or review)

iv)ideas of redesign for future use.

Photos or video during lesson implementation should be included in this write up. If possible you might consider inviting a colleague to be an observer for later feedback.

*Submission of completed materials in electronic and hard copy. This includes all materials designed for student use as part of the implementation.

Part II – Design and Implementation of a Professional Development Experience

As a technology leader in your building you will be helping other teachers develop technology integration skills and strategies. You have been asked to plan to design a session that will be approximately three hours in length. You know that that is just a jumping off point so you will include in your plans extended experiences and activities the teachers may use as follow-up on the session you will implement. You have just completed designing a unit framework and lesson implementation for a graduate course you are taking. Your task is to develop to develop an initial professional development experience introducing the teachers in your school to either the framework or the value of the pedagogical approaches you have used in your lesson. You may use the lesson you have just implemented as the frame for the session you are designing. Other resources may be added as well. **This professional development session should last a minimum of three hours.

Your project will:

1)Open with the following information:

a)Long term rational for professional development on this topic

b)Goals and objectives of the professional development plan

c)Goals and objective for the session to be implemented

d)Where the implemented session will be implemented, the length of the proposed session and the expected number of participants.

2)Design will demonstrate an understanding of Adult Learning Theory

3)Design will demonstrate use of National Council of Staff Development Guidelines

4)Develop performance objectives for, and assessment of the professional development session. Technology experiences will be linked to Illinois Technology Standards for All Teachers and to the NETS-T Foundation Standards.

5)Include opportunity to build teacher’s knowledge of the legal, ethical and responsible use of technology resources.

6)Create participant materials for further implementation of the lesson/unit.

7)Model specific pedagogical approach to the session

8)Assess participant materials used in implementation of lesson during professional development session

9)Provide opportunity for group to consider other approaches, technologies and assessment strategies for the lesson.

10)Design and have participants complete an assessment to determine if you, and they, met the goals for the experience.

11)After teaching the performance task, compose a reflection on the experience, on the success of the assessment tool and ideas for redesign for future use.

**If possible arrange to have parts of the session videotaped or tape recorded for your use as personal assessment and as part of the required verification of field projects. Each participant should sign an attendance sheet and fill out an assessment form. These components should be included as part of the documentation turned in. All project materials should be turned in as electronic and hard copy.

**Implementation of this material constitutes the field component of this project.

**This assignment is a part of the field experience in the TIE 535 course. If you are unable to lead this experiencewith your full school faculty you may arrange to pilot this plan with 5 or more teachers.