Summary of the meeting of the Hawk Board held on

16th July, 2008

The meeting began at 11am. Jim and Terry were delayed so the Vice Chairman, Nick Fox opened the meeting. Apologies had been received from Mike Nicholls, Andrew Knowles-Brown, Chris Corker, John Hounslow, Jemima Parry-Jones, Brian Morris, Dean White, and Charlie Cox.

Present were: Derek Stotton(DS), Bob Edwards(BE), Steve Halsall(SH), John Hill(JH), Pete Eldrett(PE), Roy Lupton(RL), Gary Biddiss(GB), Nick Kester(NK), Nick Fox(NF), Malcolm Page(MP), Doreen Page(DP), David Horobin(DH), Grant Dudley(GD), Julie Murphy(JM), Cathy Riley(CR), Karl Leadley(KL), Mike Clowes(MC) and later we were joined by Chris Auger(CA), Nevin Hunter(NH), Jim Chick(JC) and Terry Large(TL).

The Minutes of the last meeting were agreed without comment and there were no matters arising.

CA Update: MC read out an update from the CA which contained the following:

Moorlands Campaign

EnglandWales: Adrian Blackmore attended the RSPB’s launch of its report ‘On a Wing and a Prayer’ in Manchester on 6 May, and had a meeting with Natural England’s Director for the North East Region, Martyn Howat, and Dr Mark Avery of the RSPB.A meeting was held with the consultant ornithologist responsible for the North Pennine Moors Special Protection Area Breeding Bird Survey regarding the statements concerning illegal persecution contained within the RSPB’s Report. He now understands that it will be unacceptable to have any similar statements made in the survey that is being carried out on the North Yorkshire Moors.

Scotland: In response to the controversy surrounding birds of prey in April/May Tim Baynes wrote an article for the 12 June edition of the Shooting Times. He also attended a meeting in London between the Uplands Appeal and the Countryside Alliance to plan how to tackle the long term issue of predator control in both the uplands and lowlands.

Accounts: MC produced the accounts for the CFF and the HB and went through them. He pointed out the deficit in the CFF accounts of just over £1000 but stated that this was mainly due to the purchase of a lap top and other equipment for over £900 and the increase in expenses paid to members. These were agreed and signed by TL and MC.

The HB accounts were similarly perused and SH asked about CLA and members expenses. MC replied that at the CLA he paid for the display givers and other expenses claimed by persons attending. Likewise the members’ expenses had increased with the cost of fuel causing more members to claim. These were passed and signed by JC and MC.

MC then gave a current report on the accounts.

TheHB current account holds £10,376.40. The deposit account £38,268.43.

The CFF current account holds £6695.73. The deposit account £16,104.69.

A discussion then followed with regards to authorised expenses and it was decided that any meetings arranged between HB meetings which entailed the hire of rooms etc, the Treasurer should first be contacted for clearance. If he thought it too expensive then he would contact the HB for clearance or otherwise. It was asked if it was necessary to have so much in the current account but it was decided to leave the management of the accounts to the Treasurer.

Animal Health: CA gave the following update.

Registration Review: - Defra are finalising the Statutory Instruments that will amend Schedule 4 and the Ringing and Registration Regulations, and hope to issue a press release shortly to coincide with them being laid before Parliament. This will mean the changes come into force on 1 October 2008 as planned.

We know that the Minister wants a consistent approach across GB and there may have to be allowances made for other species considered at risk in Wales and Scotland – peregrine and merlin. However, Scotland and Wales have been very quiet lately and it is unlikely that their changes will take effect at the same time. So for a while, we will be operating a 3 tiered system depending on where the keepers are located.

WLRS has set up a working group to look at how our procedures might be revised to ensure that costs are kept as low as possible when we go for full cost recovery on bird registration.

NK suggested very strongly that the HB would have to approach the Welsh Assembly again to push for agreement and the Scottish HB should have another attempt to get Scotland on board.

GB asked if it would be possible for a draft copy of new documentation so that the Clubs could be briefed or could 2 HB reps be briefed early to pass on any news. CA will look into it.

CITES Charging - Defra is still waiting for the Minister to make an announcement on revised fees. Given that legislation takes 3 months before it can come into force, it looks like the 1 October commencement date is not going to be possible, and we are looking at 6 April 2009.

NF suggested inviting a member of the Welsh Assembly and the Scottish Parliament to HB meetings. JC will write and invite them before the next meeting.

Fast track exports - The birdsthat can qualify for fast track exports are those with a registration document and an A10. You cannot apply for all three at once and expect it to be processed within 5 days – the usual 15 working day target will apply.

If you want to use the fast track service you should therefore make sure that the birds’ registration and A10 details are received by WLRS no less than 15 days (the standard) before an export application is submitted. A handful has been received so far.

Cleansing after outbreaks of Bird Flu - A notice has been posted on our website alerting us to the fact that the protection zone in Oxfordshire has been lifted. You can sign up to alerts on disease outbreaks which will keep you up to date – information on signing up to receive RSS messages is available on our Animal Health website: see the alerts and feeds link on the right hand side of the front page. You can also sign up to alerts on CITES subjects with this service.

Website - We are encouraging stakeholders to comment on our new website and suggest improvements. If you have a suggestion please click on “contact us” on our CITES front page and follow the links to send us an email. Please use it so we make the website easy for you to use, and give you the information you need. Text alerts – you said it would be useful to get text alerts on subjects such as trade bans, changes to legislation, changes in procedure, reminders about fast track rings etc and we are looking into this.

Nevin Hunter then introduced himself as the new Chief Wildlife Inspector for the next 2 years, a serving Police Inspector with the Devon & Cornwall Constabulary. He will be looking at inspections being carried out correctly with a valid programme of inspections and looking at the risk value to Inspectors. The Government and the Police want people to comply with the law and will enforce it against those who don’t. He could be our best friend or our worst enemy.

A lively debate then ensued led by DS and JC. Eventually NF calmed matters and the discussion ended with both parties deciding to co-operate fully.

Education Update: JM informed the meeting that a few hundred now had the award and the AAP`s were mainly based at B of P centres, course givers and a prison. There are approx 100 assessors who are working to achieve the awards under the new ruling that all assessors must obtain the award. There have been problems with the ways in which some assessors have completed assessments and Mike Nicholls has sent out a letter with detailed instruction of what is required and expected. It is hoped that this will resolve the problems. Following this Lantra is in the process of weeding out “useless” assessors.

Lantra have been arranging for local assessors to attend at the Living Heritage Fairs and have updated the arrangements for visits by External Verifiers which should keep the costs down considerably. NF suggested a decal could be awarded along with the award that people who had the award could wear it at meetings to encourage others to follow suit. This was thought a good idea. BE stated that his club was becoming very interested and asked if the award could be offered to experienced falconers free of charge. Reply, No.

SH – The BFC have 9 qualified assessors and 7 more being processed. They are thinking of making it compulsory for applicants to join the BFC to work towards obtaining the award and will help with finances from the joining fee. Everyone thought this an excellent idea. JM will arrange for the Lantra Awards site to be linked to club sites to assist.

CR – Cathy began by introducing herself and went on to say that a future agenda item was that the qualification structure of the award may be able to go into a national framework where it could qualify for grants. It would be recognized at a higher level listed on a government list of qualifications and this would also cover extending the awards to other sections of falconry.

NF – When we first began the motivation was welfare. If we move to higher awards i.e. Falconry, there are very few people with jobs in it e.g. pest control. CR replied that people do qualify for other purposes than jobs. MC – When we first thought of the 2 modules it was agreed to begin with them then at a suitable time add other modules or units on rehabilitation, breeding and display giving. NF agreed. GB – If we go for it the clubs that need to promote it. GD – It will be a good PR exercise to the rest of the world. MC asked if the EWG could look into it and this was agreed.

Festival of Falconry 2009: NF stated that there will be a meeting at the CLA Game Fair at 7pm on Saturday night. A non-profit Company had been formed to run the festival and was in the process of applying for charity status. John and Charlotte Hill were looking for sponsorship and JH was arranging stalls and entertainment. No decision has yet been made on the outside organizer. He went on to describe the proposed new layout and suggested that clubs bring their own tents if possible. Also for clubs to assist in feeding others and to bring hawks along. KL asked for signs to be erected in the weathering areas banning the feeding of birds there.

TL will be the Master of Ceremonies for the grand parade and UNESCO delegates will be along, hopefully in large numbers. There was a good turn out at the Paris meeting and it is hoped for large numbers of delegates at the festival who will be linked to national falconry camps to be shown around and hosted. If anyone has any ideas of a VIP who should be invited let him know. NK added that the clubs must publicise the festival as much as possible.

Constitutional Amendment: As it had been agreed at an earlier meeting to change the voting system of the HB MC had prepared the necessary amendments for voting. There were 3 amendments and it was decided to vote on them all at the same time. They were:

  1. Constitution. Delete para.1. Replace with “The Hawk Board elections will be held every 2 years. At each election 3 specialist members will be elected for a 4 year period.”
  2. Para. 7a. Delete “through the 3 year election process.”
  3. Para. 8 delete “3 years” and add “4 years”.

These were briefly discussed then a vote was taken and they were passed unanimously. MC will amend the Constitution and send out to all members.

CFF Update: TL thanked KL for the money collected in the donation tins he had taken to shows and DP for arranging the new CFF/HB identity badges. MC asked about who was to have the money for the Festival 2007 books which had been sold and inadvertently placed in the CFF account. He asked NF if he wanted to leave it with the CFF as a donation. NF replied that when the festival account was up and running and we knew how many books were referred to a cheque could be made out to the new account.

Club News: RL of the UK Eagle Falconers Association reported about the new group. At present there were only 10 members and they were preparing the foundation, constitution and rules of the club. They will throw open the club for new members at the Festival in 2009. NF asked how many people fly eagles in the UK and RL replied about 20 – 30 hunting and more non-hunting which the club is trying to persuade people against. NF thought that they needed as many people on board as possible to get greater effect. A discussion ensued and it was decided to have an official launch of the club at the Festival next year.

PE – The Wessex Club had had a good day at the Broadlands Heritage Fair and may be going to Bowood.

SH – He had spoken earlier about the BFC plans with Lantra. It is going to be suggested that all council members take the Lantra award. They had now given out 180 pink rings to members flying hybrids. Hazel Rainier will see JC at the CLA to discuss the Heritage Fairs. At the festival the BFC plan to go back to the days of The Old Hawking Club.

DH – The Welsh Club are attending with the Northants Club on 9th August to have a number of assessors qualified in order to have 2 in each region.

GD – Agreed with the above and informed the meeting that they are beginning a mentor system for new members. They have a sponsor for the Festival and hope to take a proper documentary maker along.

KL – The arrangements for the 40th anniversary of the club have been delayed due to bird flu.

GB – SEFG are having a quiet period at the moment after their 25th anniversary but they are busy with shows, demos and thinking about next year’s festival.

A.O.B. KL reported that on 30th June he had been employed by a local council to go on an eviction where birds were present. 50% of the birds had been very badly looked after and were given to the RSPCA. He was very concerned by the lack of knowledge of the Police Wildlife Liaison Officers.

TL asked why the Home Counties had not been invited to the CLA. MC replied that he had to invite the 3 national clubs. After that he invited those from the areas where the meeting was held and those who were helpful at the event. He had heard nothing from the Home Counties for months. He will however invite them to the 2008 Fair at BelvoirCastle.

NK will try again to find out more about the quarry licences from Natural England and CA will follow up.