Section 10 Supplementary information
Summary of the FENTO ILT standards for the application of ICT to teaching and supporting learning in further education
Summary overview
These standards are an amplification of the FENTO standards for teaching and supporting learning in further education in England and Wales in an ILT context.
A: Encourage learners to manage their own learning pathway / A1 Encourage learners and prospective learners to use the organisation’s services through the use of ILTA2 Help learners identify their learning needs and preferred learning styles through the use of ILT
A3 Help learners develop and review their personal learning plans through the use of ILT
B: Plan touse ILT as part ofthe learning programme / B1 Identify opportunities for using ILT
B2 Provide ILT materials to support learning
B3 Select appropriate ILT learning environments.
C: Facilitate learning on-site using ILT / C1 Facilitate learning on-site for individuals using ILT
C2 Facilitate learning on-site for groups of learners using ILT
C3 Encourage learners on-site to learn from each other using ILT
C*: Facilitate online learning / C*1 Facilitate online learning for individuals
C*2 Facilitate online learning for groups of learners
C*3 Support the development of online learning communities.
D: Develop and adapt ILT materials to support learning /
D1 Plan and structure ILT materials development
D2 Develop design specifications for ILT materials
D3 Design ILT materials according to specifications
D4 Evaluate the effectiveness of the designed materials in use.E: Provide learners with support to use ILT / E1Help learners continuously develop their use of ILT
E2Support learners to enhance their performance in using ILT
F: Track and assess learnersusing ILT / F1Track learner participation with the help of ILT
F2Assess, with the help of ILT, what individuals have learned and achieved
F3Record and report on learners’ progress and achievements using ILT
G: Champion the application of ILT to teaching and learning / G1 Provide information to support ILT developments
G2 Identify and disseminate good practice in using ILT
G3 Design and implement development programmes to enable staff to use ILT
G4 Contribute to the evaluation of the organisations ILT strategy and practice
Additional standards that apply
H: No amplification / It is assumed that staff will conform to existing and emerging codes of practiceQ: Conduct an ILT development project / Q1 Plan an ILT development project
Q2 Implement an ILT development project plan
Q3 Review the impact of the project
These standards above should be used in conjunction with unit Q which advocates a project management approach to the adoption of ICT.
* Learning facilitation is presented as two units, on-site and online, in recognition of the differing methodologies employed and knowledge needed.
Summary overview
These standards are an amplification of the FENTO national occupational standards for management in further education in an ILT context. The nomenclature has been chosen so the management standards start at M and consequently I, J, K and L are not used.
M: Create a culture that encourages innovation in ILT / M1 Communicate the value the organisation places on innovation in ILTM2 Support creativity and innovation in ILT
M3 Publicise individual and collective achievements in innovation in ILT
N: Lead the organisation’s ILT vision,strategy and objectives / N1 Secure commitment to the development of the organisation’s ILT vision
N2 Develop the organisation’s ILT strategy and objectives
N3 Communicate the organisation’s ILT vision, strategy and objectives
N4 Review the organisation’s ILT vision and strategy
O: Secure, deploy and monitor the use of human and operational resources for ILT / O1 Secure human and operational resources for the organisation’s ILT strategy and plans
O2 Deploy human and operational resources for the organisation’s ILT strategy and plans
O3 Monitor the use of human and operational resources for the organisation’s ILT strategy and plans
O4 Evaluate the use of human and operational resources for the organisation’s ILT strategy and plans
P: Develop, implement and monitorpolicies for the acquisition, maintenance and use of ILT / P1 Develop policies for the acquisition, maintenance and use of ILT
P2 Implement policies for the acquisition, maintenance and use of ILT
P3 Monitor and evaluate policies for the acquisition, maintenance and use of ILT
Additional standards that apply
Q: Conduct an ILT development project / Q1 Plan an ILT development projectQ2 Implement an ILT development project plan
Q3 Review the impact of the project
These standards above should be used in conjunction with unit Q which advocates a project management approach to the adoption of ICT.
The full standards can be accessed at: [
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