Curriculum Vitae
Summary of Most important Professional Events
Regie Routman
Teacher and mentor, teacher-researcher, author
Academic Degrees
1964Syracuse University, Bachelor of Arts and Science
1977John Carroll University, Master of Education
Teaching and Coaching Experiences
1997-2013Conduct weeklong residences in K-6 schools, most of which are high poverty with large numbers of English language learners. Apply an Optimal Learning Model with students, teachers, and principals, gradually releasing responsibility after demonstration teaching and shared experiences. (See Residency Model, Appendix A.) Residencies have taken place in twelve states across the U.S as well as in Canada and the American School in Brussels, Belgium and in London, England.
1992-1997 Literacy Coach for all five elementary schools in Shaker Heights, OH; initiated and led weekly professional development meetings in each building; coached teachers and principals to improve reading and writing practices
1995-1997Proposed and led first, literature-based, district reading adoption in Shaker Heights, OH; led establishment of school book rooms with teacher-leveled books for guided reading
1987-1992 Reading Recovery teacher, Mercer School, Shaker Heights, OH; trained through first Ohio State University liason
1983-1987 First Grade Book Flood, Moreland School, Shaker Heights, OH; proposed, wrote, and implemented plan to teach reading and writing through children’s books and authentic writing (no worksheets or basal texts) in a school where student population was 95% African-American and high poverty and most students were failing to learn to read with commercial basal series. Co-taught first grade and, later, grades 2 and 3 as success of first grade program extended to all primary grades.
1972-1983 Reading Specialist at Moreland School, Shaker Heights, OH; pull out of small groups of students; moved from skills-in-isolation teaching to using children’s literature, mostly “natural language texts,” to teach reading.
1969-1972 Learning disabilities tutor, Moreland School, Shaker Heights, OH (part time position)
1965-1971 Elementary School Teacher, grade 4, in schools in Chittenango, NY and Southfield, Michigan; grade 5 teacher in Newton, Massachusetts (part time position)
Spring 2013Professional LITERACY Communities: (working title for book to be published by ASCD)
August 2012 Literacy and Learning Lessons from a Longtime Teacher. (International Reading Association.)
February 2012 “Mapping a Pathway to Schoolwide Highly Effective Teaching”, Phi Delta Kappan
Fall 2011“Reflections on Literacy Teaching and Learning”, Manitoba Reading, (Journal of the Manitoba Reading Association.)
Spring 2011 “Engaging and Empowering Students to Write: The Principal Influence,” New Hampshire Journal of Education
April 2011Foreword for The Comprehension Experience: Engaging Readers Through Effective Inquiry and Dialogue by Dorsey Hammond and Denise Nessel, Heinemann: Portsmouth, NH: fall 2011
2009-2008 Regie Routman in Residence: Transforming Our Teaching; video and literacy-based professional development series for ongoing, on-site PD for schools and districts; also web-based; includes Writing for Audience and Purpose (2008), Reading-Writing Connections (2008), and Reading to Understand (2009)
2008Teaching Essentials: Expecting the Most and Getting the Best from Every Learner, K-8, Portsmouth, NH: Heinemann
2005Writing Essentials: Raising Expectations and Results While Simplifying Teaching, Heinemann (also translated into French)
2003Reading Essentials: The Specifics You Need to Teach Reading Well (also translated into French and Chinese)
2002“Teacher Talk,” Educational Leadership, March 2002
2000Conversations:Strategies for Teaching, Learning, and Evaluating, Heinemann
2000Kids’ Poems: Teaching Students to Love Writing Poetry; series for kindergarten, grade 1, grade 2, and grades 3-4. NY: Scholastic
1996Literacy at the Crossroads: Crucial Talk About Reading, Writing, and Other Teaching Dilemmas, Heinemann
1991 Invitations:Changing as Teachers and Learners K-12. Heinemann (Second Edition, 1994)
1991The Blue Pages: Resources for Teachers (Second Edition, 1994), Heinemann
1988Transitions: From Literature to Literacy, Heinemann
Professional Presentations
2012-1990For the past two decades, I have spoken at more than two hundred state, regional, and national conferences, including ASCD, IRA, and NCTE (organizations where I am a longtime member.) Many of these presentations have been keynote addresses. See below for recent speaking engagements:
- September 10 and 11, 2012
In partnership with the International Reading Association
Literacy and Leadership Institute
St. Louis, MO
Keynotes on Literacy Essentials and Leadership Essentials
- June 25 and 26, 2012
Literacy and Leadership Institute
Madison, WI
Keynotes and workshop sessions
- April 30, 2012
International Reading Association
Annual Conference
Chicago, IL
Teaching Edge featured speaker
“Exemplary Reading and Writing Practices: Raising Achievement and Sustaining Results”
- April 14, 2012
Oregon Reading Association
Creating Engaged and Independent Readers, Writers, and Thinkers
A Conference for Pre-Service and Beginning Teachers
Portland, OR (Concordia University)
- June 20 & 21, 2011
National Literacy and Leadership Institute
Milwaukee, WI
Keynotes and workshop sessions
- June 7–8, 2011
Georgia Conference on Teaching Reading and Writing
Atlanta, GA
“Accelerating and Sustaining Schoolwide Literacy Gains: What Does It Take” (keynote)
“Highly EffectiveTeaching, Coaching, and Leading: Essential Practices That Accelerate Reading and Writing Achievement, Engagement, and Enjoyment” (workshop session)
- May 8 & 9, 2011
International Reading Association (IRA)
Orlando, FL
May 8: Full Day Institute: "Literacy, Leadership, and Whole School Change: Perspectives, Practices, and Possibilities"—keynote
May 9: “TeachingEdge: Applying an Optimal Learning Model to Accelerate Literacy Achievement," featured IRA, 2 hour session
- April 8, 2011
Massachusetts Reading Association (MRA)
Boston, MA
“The Effective Literacy Teacher: Raising Achievement for ALL Learners” (keynote)
“Teaching Writing Well: How to Capitalize on Authentic Audience and Purpose, Raise Student Engagement and Achievement, and Teach all the “Skills” Too (workshop session)
- March 26, 2011
Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development (ASCD)
San Francisco, CA
“Accelerating Schoolwide Achievement Through Literacy-based Professional Learning Communities”(workshop session)
- February 4, 2011
Colorado Council of the International Reading Association (CCIRA)
“The Highly Effective Teacher: What Does It Take?” (keynote)
“I do it.” “We do it.” “We do it.” “We do it.” “You do it”: Applying an Optimal Learning Model to Accelerate Student Achievement, Engagement, Enjoyment, and Independence” (workshop session)
Other Professional Achievements
Present-1993Regie Routman Teacher Recognition Grant
Annual $2500 award that I support, sponsored by the International Reading Association; honors an outstanding elementary classroom teacher dedicated to improving the teaching and learning of reading and writing across the curriculum in real-world contexts in grades K-6. At least 60% of the students in the teacher’s school must be eligible for free and reduced lunch. (Up until 2008, the grant was called the IRA Regie Routman Teacher Recognition Award and carried a prize of $1000.)
March 2011Urgency and School Change Conference
Seattle, WA
Organized and led--with colleagues, and, in partnership with Seattle University—a small, intimate conference on school change.
Spring 2010Sandra Kim Literacy Legacy Award (first award winner)
Sponsored by the Literacy for Special Needs Program
Seattle University, Seattle, WA