Library support for the Riversideteaching & learning community

Bibliographies………….can be compiled which supplement and/or support your class programs. These could be either directly related to the topic that you are teaching or may consist of wide reading materials in the topic range

Wide viewing lists…….of DVD material that supports topic areas of the curriculum are available. DVDs may be borrowed by students overnight or weekend to add context to their studies

Book boxes…………….can be assembled to support your class program. The items are loaned to you. A list of titles is supplied with the box so that you can keep track of the resources. To arrange a book box or a bibliography, contact the teacher-librarian

Bookings……………….for library, computer and small group spaces, media trolleys and equipment such as laptops and cameras can be made by contacting us on ext.120.

[N.B. When booking laptops, please nominate the number of students in the class & ensure a library staff member initials your booking]

Laminating………...... we are able to laminate teaching materials, posters etc. Whilst there are charges for student laminating, there is no charge for faculties except for large quantities

Messengers…………….may deliver materials (eg.DVDs) to you at the last minute in “emergencies”

Periodicals………………circulation of periodicals or a copy of the appropriate contents page may be arranged for curriculum related periodicals

SCAN……………………reviews of websites are circulated to faculty head teachers so that useful sites can be included into teaching programs

Taping…………………….of television programs (inc. Foxtel)are arranged by contacting us on ext.118

Etiquette for shared use of the library community space

It is always appreciated when teachers consider other users when using shared spaces such as the library and computer rooms. Please remember to askyour students to …..

  • place their bags OUTSIDE on the hooks or benches provided (taking any valuables with them)
  • maintain a hush at all times while using communal library space
  • wait for the teacher before moving into rooms or library areas
  • remember that these spaces are food & drink free zones
  • log off their work station
  • pick up any papers or other rubbish and place in the bin
  • put their chairs under the tables when leaving

At the end of the day it is appreciated if your students

  • shut down/power off the computers
  • close any open windows

Could teachers also remember to clean the whiteboard at the end of each lesson

When sending groups of less than 5 students from your class make sure you give them a green out of class pass indicating the time you expect the girls to return. Ask the girls to give this slip to the teacher-librarian before moving into the library to check there is space and that we can assist in their task/s

Library Staff

Teacher-librarians: Wendy Chamaoun, Suzana Karbic………………………………Ext.120

Library Admin Staff: Helen Forbes (F/T) Cathy Robson(Wed, Thurs., Fri)…………..Ext.118