The ItalianChapter of the IIC helditsannual joint workshop withthe Italian Communication AuthorityAgcom last January 12th, at the Agcomheadquarter in Rome.
This year meeting wasaimed at providing participants with a betterunderstanding of topics regardingEuropeanpoliciesthatwould lead to a Digital Single Market, via an open exchange of views and experiencesfrom the main European Countries.
Attendeesincludedrepresentatives of Italian, German and French regulatoryAuthoritiesas well as representatives of industry leaders: Telecom Italia, Fastweb. Wind, Vodafone, Skyplc. Wilhelm Eschweiler took part at this event as his first public occasion as newly appointed Chairman of BEREC (the Electronic Communications Authority network in Europe).
The workshop wasopened by Angelo Marcello Cardani (PresidentAGcom) and Augusto Preta (PresidentIIC- ItalianChapter) and the session waschaired by IIC President Franco Colasanti.
After the welcomeaddresses and a brief introduction by Erik Lambert (SilverLining), an overview of the issues and an insight of the situation in Germany, France and Italy has been illustrated by Scott Marcus in hiskeynote speech.
Scott talk focused on supply-side deployment issues and highlighted the differences between countries in Europe on broadband infrastructure that would not allow a ‘one size fits all’ approach. He was followed by the interventions of Wilhelm Eschweiler, chairman of BerecandBNetzA (Germany), Philippe Distler,Commissioner of Arcep, and Antonio Preto,Commissioner of Agcom. All the speakersemphasized how the actual situation in their countries is characterized by the deepening of the ultra-broadband diffusion as an effect produced by the intervention of private forces. At the same time they pointed out how in many respectstheir effort has been fostered by the certainty and the innovative characteristics of Authority’s rules.
The second part of the workshop, chaired by Sandro Frova (Università Bocconi, Milan) and introduced by the speech of Brian Williamson (Communications Chambers) was devoted to the players point of view. Focus was on investments in infrastructures, service developments and competition and the panel has benefited from the participation of Philip Pilcher (Sky Plc), SaverioTridico (Vodafone), TizianaTalevi (Fastweb), Cristoforo Morandini (Telecom Italia) and Romano Righetti (Wind).
The Agcom - IIC joint initiative has established itself as a major event in communicationin Italy. Presentations provided at the workshop are available to the IIC members on request.
Digital Europe: European and national policies to drive investments,
market development and competition
Autorità per le Garanzie nelle Comunicazioni – Sala Angrisani
Via Isonzo 21/b, 00198 Roma, 12 January 2016
9h15Welcome address
Angelo Marcello Cardani, President Agcom
Augusto Preta, President, IIC Italian Chapter
9h30Chair: Fabio Colasanti, President IIC
Introduction to the working day
Erik Lambert, Silver Lining
Key note speech
EU Single market, Digital Agenda and national policies: France, Germany, Italy
Scott Marcus, Expert
The role of the regulation
Wilhelm Eschweiler, Chairman Berec, BNetzA (Germany)
Philippe Distler, Arcep (France)
Antonio Preto, Agcom (Italy)
11h15Coffee break
11h30Chair: Sandro Frova, Università Bocconi, Milan
The impact onthe market: investments in infrastructure, service developments and competition
Brian Williamson, Communications Chambers
TizianaTalevi, Fastweb / Philip Pilcher, Sky PlcCristoforo Morandini, Telecom Italia / SaverioTridico, Vodafone
Romano Righetti, Wind
13h15End of the workshop