UNDP Audit of the “Development, Publication and Advocacy of the 6th Philippine Human Development Report (PHDR)

Summary of Contracts for Consultancy and Other Services

Date / Contract Letter No. / Consultant/ Contractor / Contract Cost / Particulars / Activities/ Deliverables / Start/
Deadline / Status of Accomplishments / Payments made
Feb 09 / 009-072 / PMC Consultants and Partners Co. / Php 45,000
Out of pocket expenses – Php 5,000 / Audit of the financial statements of HDN Foundation and the following projects:
Project 1 –
Development and Publication of the 5th PHDR – “Peace, Human Security and Development in the Philippines;
Advocacy Activities for the 5th PHDR and Preparatory Activities for the 6th PHDR.
Project 2 –
Development and Publication of the 6th PHDR – Institutions, Politics, and Human Development in the Philippines.
Project 3 -
Statistical CapacityBuilding for La Unionand Misamis Oriental for the Development of Municipal Level Human Development Index (Phase 1)
Project 4 –
HDN Operating Funds /
  1. Auditor’s Report that contains an opinion on the FS of the Foundation;
  1. Annual Information and ITR as reviewed by us and for the final approval by the Foundation’s management;
  1. A mgt. letter, if warranted, detailing our findings, comments and recommendations for ICS and admin. And financial procedures improvement; compliance with SEC and BIR reuirements. Xxx xxx
/ To commence upon signing of the agreement and will be completed two weeks after.
(Contract is undated) / Draft audited financial statements have been submitted on Mar. 17, 2009. / Date DV Check No. Amount
3/11/08 142 233885 P18,000
4/8/08 154 233903 27,000
Total P35,000
(No Taxes Withheld)
01/26/09 / 2009-070 / 1 / Yvonne Chua / P150 per page of the final edited report
est. not more than 300 pages
exclusive of 10* WTX for remittance to the BIR
additional fees to be negotiated in case of additional writing / Consultant - editorial services
  1. Edit the material intended for the 6th PHDR;
  2. Recommend if add’l. material is needed and/or when the existing material is needed and/or when the existing material requires popularization to maximize impact;
  3. Recommend for approval the design/layout of the Report.
  1. Submission of material to the Editor;
  1. Editing, Additional Writing (If any);
  1. Layout;
  1. Printing
/ 22 Jan. 09
22 Jan. 09/
13 Feb 09
13 Feb 09/
21 Feb 09
23 Feb 09/
06 Mar 09 / Completed, submitted edited material on Mar. 3, 2009[MC1]
01/16/09 / 2009-069 / 2 / Eduardo A. Davad / P55,555.55
10% WTX
Payment sched.
1st – 10% (5,555,55 upon contract signing;
2nd – 20% (11,111.11)
approval of final cover design;
3rd – 30% (16,666.67) submission of layout studies;
4th – 40% (22,222.22) submission of all final artwork / Consultant to create the book design, layout and cover art for the 6th PHDR
Expected putputs
  1. Cover art and short write up on the artworks concept:
- three studies;
- two revisions on the selected study; and
- minor revisions after approval of the second revision.
  1. Book design and layout, inc. graphics and illustration enhancements (final artwork)
- two studies of lay-out spreads of chapter page and text page (with full quotes, table, txt, caption); and
- revised mock-up based on comments. / Cover artwork:
  1. Submission of studies
  1. Submission of the 1st revision to the cover art
  1. Submission of the 2nd revision to the cover art
  1. Submission of final cover art and write-up
  1. Submission of two lay-out studies
  2. Submission of revised lay-out mock up
  3. Submission of final designed book (artwork)
/ 26 Jan 09
30 Jan 08
4 Feb 09
6 Feb 09
23 Jan 08
30 Jan 09
11 Feb 09 / Final cover artwork submitted on Mar. 8, 2009
Layout submitted on Mar. 17, 2009
1/9/09 / 2009-065 / 3 / Hilson Defensor Garcia / Php 2,125
Incl. of 10% WTX / Research Assistant – /
  1. Assistance to the research team in data gathering, encoding and processing;
  1. Creation of reports, presentation and tables and charts of such data;
  1. Assistance in the preparation of communication and correspondence related to the project;
  1. Performance of other duties which may be assigned by the RA[i], the OHDR authors, PC or the Pres.
/ 12 to 16 January 09
part time;
approximately 20 hours / Assisted Toby Monsod (primary author of the 6th PHDR Overview Chapter) in data gathering and meetings with COA and OMB
1/16/09 / 2008-059 (Amended) / Toby Melissa C. Monsod / Php 130,000
Incl. of 10% WTX
1st draft – 40%
Revised report – 30%
Final Overview Chapter – 30% / Local Consultant – Overview and Synthesis Chapter of the 6th PHDR
  1. Provide an overview and synthesis chapter of the 6th PHDR, drawing on relevant insights and findings from the background and technical papers produced for the report.
  1. It shall cover the ff. points:
  1. Arguments and evidence for the importance of institutions in the achievement of human development. Xxx. Xx
  2. Demonstrate, with evidence, the effects of formal and informal constraints that impinge upon the functions of a government organization on the efficiency and effectiveness in the performance of its functions;
  3. Assessment of the weaknesses and strength of Philippine government institutions and offer alternative approaches to improving their performance and resilience against informal external pressures… xxx xxx
  1. Active participation in workshops.
/ 1st draft overview
Workshop 2 (present overview and stat appendices)
Revised overview / 15 Nov 08
5 Dec 08
15 Dec 08 / Final draft submitted on Feb. 16, 2009[MC2]. / Date DV Check No. Amount
6/23/08 185 233941 P 61,200
Tax 6,800
1st payment P68,000
11/10/08 250 248060 P 61,200
2nd payment P 68,000
1/5/09 / 2009-064 / 4 / Vincent Lazatin / Php 4,444.44
Incl. of 10% WTX
Can reimburse additional research cost with receipts. / Consultant for the Research and writing project on the Office of the Ombudsman.
Provide substantiation and evidence for specific instances of breakdowns I the checks-and-balance system and overreaching of powers in political watchdogs institutions, in particular, institutional weakness in the office of the Ombudsman. / Approximately 3 – 4 pages long excluding appendices.
Final report / 06 to 15 January 09
on or before 15 January 09 / Paper submitted on Jan. 15, 2009
12/1/08 / 2008-062 / Ronaldo F. Jabal / Php 100,000
Incl. of 10% WTX
1st – 10% (Php10,000)
upon signing of contract
2nd – 40% Php40,000 – submission of strategy paper for the advocacy and dissemination of the report and acceptance and approval by the HDN
3rd – 30% (Php30,000)
Completion of activities listed in the advocacy and dissemination plan
4th – 20% (php20,000)
submission of report on the advocacy activities and accomplishments carried out for the 6th PHDR …. / Advocacy Specialist
Develop and carry out a strategy for increasing the visibility of research and findings contained in the PHDR;
Generate greater sustained interest among the press in covering the issues pointed out in the PHDR;
Develop and carry out a strategy for creating greater engagement w/ policy makers and other interest groups who are relevant to the issues contained in the report;
Serve as communication consultant to increase the visibility of dissemination activities being undertaken by the Secretariat (such as road shows and launches);
Plan and carry out strategies to encourage journalists to cover issues in the Report in an in-depth and comprehensive manner; and
Perform press and advocacy campaign duties as described per outline attached. /
  1. A strategy paper detailing the advocacy and dissemination plan for the 6th PHDR that will be presented to the HDN Exe. Com for discussion and approval;
  1. Press kits, press releases, policy briefs, and other deliverables indicated in the outline;
  1. Final report on the advocacy activities and accomplishments carried out based on the advocacy and dissemination plan.
Submission of strategy paper with list of activities
Completion of activities listed in strategy paper
Submission of final report of accomplishments / 01 Dec 08 – 30 April 09
05 Jan 08
30 Mar 09
30 April 09 / Strategy paper submitted on Feb. 17, 2009[MC3] / Date DV Check No. Amount
12/02/08 302 262265 P 9,000
Tax 1,000
Initial payment P10,000
12/18/08 299 262262 P36,000
Tax 4,000
Second Payment P40,000
11/18/08 / 008-061 / 622 Design/ Benito Sj Vergara / Php 33,600
Incl. of 12%
50% down payment / Website development, population and migration / Development, scripting, programming, population, testing, migration and other related activities for ver. 2 launch HDN website / To be discussed / Website migration completed over the Christmas break.[MC4]
Email configuration completed on Jan. 9, 2009. / Date DV Check No. Amount
11/18/08 261 248069 P16,800
(50% downpayment)
12/2/08 277 248089 16,800.
(final payment))
(No Taxes Withheld)
11/11/08 / 2008-060 / Cymple Busines Solutions Inernational, Inc. / Php 40,000 / Accounting Services /
  1. Encode and/or update the monthly recordings in 2008 books of accounts of all HDN bank accounts or projects;
  2. 2008 Quarterly Financial Reports of each HDN project – (BS, IS, and Statement of Cash Flow);
  3. Assist on reports review and filing to regulatory agencies – BIR, SSS, PHIC, and HDMF
  4. Assist on review of monthly bank reconciliations and petty cash expense report
/ No timeline / Draft books of accounts submitted on Jan. 14, 2009.
Revised books have been completed by end of Mar. 2009 but not yet submitted to HDN office. / Date DV Check No. Amount
11/18/08 258 248074 P22,400
(50% downpayment)
12/2/08 279 248090 22,400
(Final Payment)
(No Taxes Withheld)
11/24/08 / 2008-055 (Amended) / Hilson Defensor Garcia / Php15,000
Incl. of 10% WTX / Research Assistant / Same as / 24 Oct 08
full time work
at least 40 hrs a week. / Assistance in gathering and formatting data from DepEd, TIMSS, PSY.
Research assistance to Toby Monsod and assistance in 6th PHDR meetings
Formatted HDI data for the HDN website.
Performed other administrative duties / Date DV Check No. Amount
11/18/08 260 248072 P 7,650.00
12/10/08 281 248092 6,750.00
12/16/08 291 262254 6,750.00
10/15/08 / 2008-058 / Clarissa David / Php60,000 per month
Incl. of 10% WTX / Advocacy Specialist
  1. Lead in the conceptualization and oversee the advocacy campaign plan both for the 6th PHDR and the HDN as an institution;
  2. Establish links with other NGOs that have similar advocacies as HDN;
  3. Undertake activities that will increase the visibility
/ October to December 08 / Contracted and reviewed the works of the web designer (Ideals Creatives), website developer (Benito Vergara) and advocacy specialist Ronaldo Jabal.
Performed project coordinator duties. / Date DV Check No. Amount
10/15/08 236 248045 P27,300
Tax 3,000
10/30/08 242 248055 27,000
Tax 3,000
11/14/08 253 248063 27,000
Tax 3,000
11/28/08 265 248076 27,000
Tax 3,000
12/12/08 284 248095 27,000
Tax 3,000
12/22/08 295 262258 27,000
Tax 3,000
10/24/08 / 2008-057 / Ibarra C. Mateo / Php 25,000
Incl. 10% WTX
Can reimburse add’l. research costs upon presentation of receipts
50% upon signing of contract;
50% - submission and HDN approval of the report / Consultant for the Research and Writing Project on Government watchdogs
Substantiation and evidence for specific instances of breakdowns in the check- and balance system and over-reaching of powers in political watchdogs institutions. / Report of 3-4 pages long excluding appendices.
Final report / 28 Oct 08 to 7 Nov 08
07 Nov. 08 / Final papers submitted on Nov. 29, 2008. / Date DV Check No. Amount
11/10/08 248 248058 P11,250
11/10/08 251 248061 11,250.
Tax 2,500
10/24/08 / 2008-056 / Ma. Jo-Anne Loquellano / Php 8,500
Incl. 10% WTX / Research Assistant / Same as / 24 Oct 08
part time
at least 20 hrs a week / Assistance in gathering and formatting data from DepEd, SWS, Office of the Ombudsman, National Government Sector Audit, World Bank.
Transcribed presentation of Emy Boncodin for use in the 6th PHDR.
Formatted HDI data for the HDN website / Date DV Check No. Amount
11/18/08 259 248073 P7,600
Tax 850.
10/24/08 / 2008-055 (orig) / Hilson Defensor Garcia / Php 8,500
Incl. of 10% WTX / Research Assistant / Same as / 24 Oct 08
part time
at least 20
hrs a week / Assistance in gathering and formatting data from DepEd, TIMSS, PSY.
Research assistance to Toby Monsod and assistance in 6th PHDR meetings
Formatted HDI data for the HDN website.
Performed other administrative duties / (Please see page 11)
7/17/08 / 2008-052 / Marielle Nadal
(Ideals Creatives, Inc.) / Php 20,000
1st – 25 % Php5,000 upon signing of contract;
2nd – 25% Php5,000 upon submission of initial screenshots studies for the Home Page
3rd – 50% Php10,000 upon submission of final artwork / Redesign of the HDN Website[ii]
  1. Three initial screenshots studies for the Home Page
  1. Two revisions on the chosen Home Page study
  1. Minor revisions and development of sub-pages after approval of the second revision
  1. Template development for up to 15 pages
  1. Selection of WordPress theme and wireframe draft development
  2. Submission of photos, text and logos
  3. Submission of three initial screenshots studies for the homepage
  4. Submission of 1st set of revisions made on chosen study
  1. Last day for minor revisions and development of sub-pages
/ July 31
July 31 to Aug 28
Aug 14
Aug 28 or two weeks after HDN submits comments on first revision
Sept 28 or two weeks after HDN approves revision / Website layout and design finalized on December 2008
Illustrations received on Feb. 25, 2009[MC5] / Date DV Check No. Amount
9/8/08 264 248033 P5,0001st
9/30/08 281 248040 5,000 2nd
11/18/08 287 248066 10,000
(No Taxes Withheld)
6/30/08 / 2008-051 / Dr. Clarissa David / Php180,000
1st – Php60,000 upon signing
2nd – Php60,000
upon submission of the 1st draft of chapter 1
3rd – Php60,000
upon submission 1st draft of Chapter 2 / Consultant – Collaboration on Chapters 1 and 2 of the 6th PHDR
To collaborate with and assist the Primary author on Chapter 1, the Overview and Synthesis Chapter of the 6ht PHDS, drawing on relevant insights and findings from the background and technical papers produced for the report /
  1. Submission of 1st draft of background papers
  2. Comments on drafts
  3. Revision to Background Papers
  4. 1st draft of chapter 1
  5. Workshop (to present Overview and Stat appendices)
  6. 1st draft of chapter 2
/ July to September 2008
July 1
July 25
Aug 15
Aug 29
Sept 15
Sept 30 / Reviewed Chapters 1 and 2
Co-wrote draft chapter on Human Development, Gender Equality and Poverty / Date DV Check No. Amount
7/15/08 194 233950 P 27,000
Tax 3,000
7/28/08 198 248005 27,000
Tax 3,000
8/15/08 208 248016 27,000
Tax 3,000
8/29/08 213 248021 27,000
Tax 3,000
9/15/08 221 248029 27,000
Tax 3,000
9/30/08 225 248034 27,000
Tax 3,000
2/29/08 / 2008-048 / Prof. Cynthia Rose Bautista;
Prof. Allan Benedict Bernardo; and
Prof. Dina Joana Cristobal / Php170,000
Incl. 10% WTX / Consultants – Write a paper on the topic “Review of Institutional Reforms in the Department of Education: 1990 to present:
Review and analyze the major institutional reforms and programmatic changes undertaken in the DepED from the Educational Commission to the BESRA.
The paper shall propose:
specific policy recommendations and institutional reform measures that will enable broad scale adoption of successful programs and framework in the DepEd bureaucracy.
Examine the case of DepEd ARMM. / Output:
40 pages long; double spaced, excl. Appendices
full bibliography of info and sources drawn upon;
e-copy of the documentation
  1. Annotated outline
  1. First draft (for circulation)
  1. Consultants workshop (to discuss draft)
  1. Revised report
/ 01 Feb 08 to 30 June 08
25 Feb
30 Mar.
08 April
15 May / Revised final draft submitted on Jan. 8, 2009 / Date DV Check No. Amount
4/12/08 158 233907 P30,600
Tax 3,000
5/28/08 179 233935 P61,200
Tax 6,800
11/10/08 249 248059 P61,200
Tax 6,800
1/2/08 / 2007-047 / Ezra F. Pena / Php15,000
1st – 50% - FR of the 3 projects;
2nd – 50%
FR of the HDN foundation / Bookkeeper /
  1. October to December 07 Financial Reports for the 3 HDN project accounts – BS; Cash Flow and IS
  1. 2007 quarterly financial reports for the HDN Foundation account. – BS; CF and IS
/ Jan 2, 2008
One week
One week / Final 2008 books of accounts submitted / Date DV Check No. Amount
2/4/08 122 233865 P13,500
Tax 1,500
1/27/08 / 2007-045 (amended) / Dr. Tirso B. Paris
Pres. Asia Pacific Policy Center [iii](APPC) / Php220,000
1st – 40% submission of preliminary HDI tables;
2nd – 40% submission of final technical annex and preliminary results of Institutional Indicators and Incentives Structures; and
3rd – 30% submission of final tables required for the overview chapter and provision of all data used for the HDI computations / Consultants to write the Technical Annexes for the 6th PHDR. /
  1. Technical Note, describing various HDI and other statistics;
  2. Tables and figures for the Overview chapter
  3. Requirement of the Consultants working on the Institutional Indicators and Incentives Structures, e.g. a methodological annex
/ Jan. to June 2008[iv] / Technical annex submitted on Dec. 12, 2008.
Final statistical annexes submitted on Feb. 12, 2009 / Date DV Check No. Amount
5/13/08 173 233926 P65,700
Tax 7,300
Initial P73,000
12/2/08 276 248088 P79,000
12/2/08 278 248087 39,600
2/1/08 / 2007-038 (amended) / Romelo Credo / Php11,227
Inc WTX / Administrative Clerk / Refer to TOR / No period stated / Prepared the ff reports:
-Liquidation of cash advance
-Petty cash replenishment and liquidation
Organized and provided logistical requirements for meetings, forums, workshops and events
Coordinated and corresponded with offices in relation to HDN requirements
Performed procurement and monitoring of office supplies, fixed assets and publications
Accomplished and submitted forms for BIR, SEC, PhilHealth, SSS and PAG-IBIG
2/1/08 / 2007-037 (amended) / Mitzirose Legal / Php26,000 / Until 01 May 2008[MC6]
5/26/08 / 2007-036 (amended) / Dr. Clarissa David / Php60,000 per mo. / Project Coordinator
  1. Manage the day-to day affairs of the office;
  2. Prepare the TOR of the parties hired to undertake project activities;
  3. Organize and coordinate project workshops and meetings;
  4. Coordinate the preparation of the provincial/regional Annex Statistical Tables and Methodologies;
  5. Assist in the drafting of the framework and synthesis chapter;
  6. Coordinate the drafting and revision of the full Project Final Report, closely taking guidance from the PHDN Pres./Chairman and members of the Project Steering Committee;
  7. Liaise with the UNDP, PIDS, and other concerned parties in connection with the project implementation;
  8. Establish links with other NGOs that have similar advocacies as HDN;
  9. Undertake activities that will increase the visibility of the HDN;
  10. Look for possible additional sources of funding for HDN; and
  11. Perform other functions and responsibilities that may be assigned by the PHDN President/Chairman of the Project Steering Committee.
/ Revised final report, incorporating the comments and suggestions gathered during the workshop, is expected to be submitted at the end of the contract period. / June 1, 2007 to May 31, 2008
Extended to June 08 / Manage the day-to- day affairs in the office
Prepared the TORs of individuals and organizations hired for the Project
Coordinated with the Executive Committee, authors, editor and layout artist on the development, editing and design of the Report
Reviewed authors’ drafts as part of the PHDR writing team
Called meetings and workshops
Endorsed preparation and approved release of checks
Reviewed all documents and reports submitted to UNDP
Liaised with the UNDP, PIDS, and other concerned parties in connection with the project implementation
[MC7] / Date DV Check No. Amount
10/15/07 / 2007-043 / Geoffrey Ducanes / Php170,000
Incl. 10% WTX / Consultant – write paper on “Conceptual and Operational Framework for Estimating Institutional Effects” / Output –
40 pages long, double spaced excluding appendices;
bibliography of info and sources drawn;
e-copy documentation
  1. Annotated outline
  2. Meeting with authors and Steering Committee
  3. First draft (for circulation)
  4. Consultants’ workshop (to discuss draft)
  5. Revised report
/ October 15, 2007 to March 30, 2008
02 Nov 07
14 Nov 07
15 Feb 08
27 Feb 08
24 Mar 08 / Annotated outline finalized on Nov. 26, 2007. / Date DV Check No. Amount
12/5/07 096 191034 P30,600
Tax 3,400
P34,000 1st
12/2/08 275 248086 P61,200 2nd
12/16/08 289 262252 61,200 Final
(Taxes remitted 2009)
10/15/07 / 2007-044 / Juan Miguel M. Luz / Php170,000
1st – 20% annotated outline;
2nd – 40% first draft
3rd – 40% Revised report / Consultant – write paper on “Institutional Framework of the Department of Education” / Output –
40 pages long, double spaced excluding appendices;
bibliography of info and sources drawn;
e-copy documentation
  1. Annotated outline
  2. Meeting among authors and Steering Committee
  3. First draft (for circulation)
  4. Consultants’ workshop (to discuss draft)
  5. Revised report
/ October 15, 2007 to March 30, 2008
2 Nov 07
14 Nov 07
15 Feb 08
27 Feb 08
24 Mar / Final draft submitted on Oct. 22, 2008 / Date DV Check No. Amount
11/27/07 090 191023 P30,600
Tax 3,400
P 34,000 1st
5/18/08 172 233925 P61,200
Tax 6,800
P 68,000 2nd
10/10/08 240 248089 P61,200
Tax 6,800
P68,000 Final
10/15/07 / 2007-042 / Ms. Toby Melissa C. Monsod / Php170,000
1st – 20% annotated outline;
2nd – 40% first draft
3rd – 40% Revised report / Consultant – Write paper on “Incentives Structures and Management in the Bureaucracy” / Output –
40 pages long, double spaced excluding appendices;
bibliography of info and sources drawn;
e-copy documentation
  1. Annotated outline
  2. Meeting among authors and Steering Committee
  3. First draft (for circulation)
  4. Consultants’ workshop (to discuss draft)
  5. Revised report
/ October 15, 2007 to March 30, 2008
2 Nov 07
14 Nov 07
15 Feb 08
27 Feb 08
24 Mar / Final draft submitted on Nov. 14, 2008. / Date DV Check No. Amount
12/5/07 096 191034 P30,600
Tax 3,400
P34,000 1st
12/2/08 275 248086 P61,200 2nd
12/16/08 289 262252 61,200 Final
(Taxes remitted 2009)
10/15/07 / 2007-041 / Emilia T. Boncodin / Php130,000
Incl. 10%WTX
1st – 20% annotated outline;
2nd – 40% first draft
3rd – 40% Revised report / Consultant – Write paper on “Case Study on the influence of the Budget Process on effectiveness of Governance” / Output –
40 pages long, double spaced excluding appendices;
bibliography of info and sources drawn;
e-copy documentation
  1. Annotated outline
  2. Meeting among authors and Steering Committee
  3. First draft (for circulation)
  4. Consultants’ workshop (to discuss draft)
  5. Revised report
/ October 15, 2007 to March 30, 2008
2 Nov 07
14 Nov 07
15 Feb 08
27 Feb 08
24 Mar / Annotated outline finalized on Nov. 28, 2007. / Date DV Check No. Amount
12/5/07 099 191037 P 23,400 1st
P 26,000
12/2/08 274 248085 46,800 2nd
12/16/08 288 262251 46,800 Final
10/15/07 / 2007-040 / Joseph J. Capuno / Php130,000
Incl. 10%WTX
1st – 20% annotated outline;
2nd – 40% first draft
3rd – 40% Revised report / Consultant – Write paper on ”Case study comparing Devolution and Decentralization in the Provision of Social Services” / Output –
40 pages long, double spaced excluding appendices;
bibliography of info and sources drawn;
e-copy documentation
  1. Annotated outline
  2. Meeting among authors and Steering Committee
  3. First draft (for circulation)
  4. Consultants’ workshop (to discuss draft)
  5. Revised report
/ October 15, 2007 to March 30, 2008
2 Nov 07
14 Nov 07
15 Feb 08
27 Feb 08
24 Mar / Final draft submitted on Oct. 6, 2008 / Date DV Check No. Amount
11/27/07 093 191027 P23,400
5/2/08 169 233922 P46,800 2nd
10/18/08 239 248048 46,800 Final
