Lead review of PTA financial records at the end of the fiscal year (June) to ensure accuracy. Coordinate meeting with President and include Treasurer Elect, Enrichment Elect, and four volunteers.


Organize luncheon for all McKenzie faculty held in the school cafeteria on the afternoon of the first day of school. Coordinate volunteers, food, and set up/clean up.


Support major school fundraiser by working with large committee to plan and coordinate this event. Tasks include developing event theme, securing location, building event website, soliciting sponsors and auction items, planning and decorating for the event, manage school-wide communications to promote event. 10-15 hours per week time commitment.


Coordinate with the Village, Civics & Safety Committee, and the gym teachers to organize and run Bike Safety Day for 2nd & 4th graders in April. Coordinates with Active Transport Alliance and the Civics & Safety committee to organize and run the Bike to Highcrest for 4th graders in May.

Birthday Books

Work with Library staff to coordinate birthday book donations.Includes monthly promotion of program, and corresponding with donors and teachers.

Book Fair

Organize Fair in the fall during daytime and evening hours. Act as liaison with Scholastic, publicize the event, work to secure volunteers, help with set up/take down, manage stock, and assist with classroom visits. Also, work with volunteers, staff and teachers.

Box Tops for Education

Promote program, clip coupons, count submissions and drive enthusiasm.


Coordinate the usage of the bulletin boards in the main lobby of the school, by upcoming events and other themes.


Work with lunchroom staff to coordinate lunchroom volunteers via Sign Up Genius. Communicate with volunteers on a regular basis.


Manage the pilot electronic scrip fundraising program. Help to raise awareness within the McKenzie community, promote program deadlines and assist in card distribution.

Cheetah Spirit

Organize “cheetah spirit” program - signs are placed in people’s yards to commemorate special occasions. Involves placement and removal of signs, coordinating volunteers as needed.

Civics and Safety

Create awareness of safety in and around McKenzie. Includes promoting carpool lane rules and safe walking routes to school, and attendance at a monthly Village-wide meeting. Works with Bike Safety and Bike to Highcrest Chairs.

Community Review Committee (CRC) Representative

Serve in an advisory role to Wilmette Public Schools District 39 Board of Education. Attend monthly evening meetings to develop topics and recommendations for improvements within the district. A two-year commitment preferable.


Coordinate with the District and an outside vendor to create the annually published print and online directory.

ENRICHMENT COORDINATORS (Kindergarten, 1st, 2nd, 3rd, and 4th grade)

Coordinate with Enrichment Program Assistants and teachers to schedule field trips and in-school programs. Planning is mostly done during the summer and early in the school year.

Fall Frenzy

Organize fall family carnival in October including games, crafts, cake walk, pizza sales and coordinating volunteers.

Family Action Network (FAN)

Attend monthly meetings, promote FAN sponsored educational programs on parenting/social issues, and share information with the PTA membership and school community.


Coordinate supportive communication to McKenzie families, teachers and staff.


Work with PE faculty to plan and organize Grades 1-4 Field Day Event. Recruit and organize parent volunteers to assist with morning and afternoon sessions.


Organize and schedule program to bring curriculum-related art programs/projects into all classrooms 2-3 times each year. Work with teachers, staff and PTA VP of Enrichment.

First Day Coffee/Kindergarten Coffee/Virtual Volunteer Fair
Organize events to welcome parents in new school year, provide information and sign up opportunities, and plan refreshments.

Fourth Grade Farewell

Organize party with a committee of 4th-grade parents including theme, volunteers, activities, and food.


Maintain butterfly and prairie gardens including weeding, watering and plant maintenance. Organize projects, nature games, insect hunts, and arts/crafts for grades 1-4 during recess. Coordinate volunteers.


Promote environmental awareness at McKenzie and spearhead green initiatives such as school supply and costume exchanges, walking school bus and waste-free days in the cafeteria. Coordinate volunteers for various activities and programs throughout the school year.

Ice Cream Social

Coordinate outdoor family event including coordinating ice cream vendor, and planning games/crafts at this school-wide event.


Coordinate volunteers, equipment, quiet resources for a limited number of students to use during indoor recess.

Junior Great Books

Encourage a love of reading! Manage schedule, recruit parent volunteer leaders (minimum of 8), coordinate training session, collect fees, and schedule classes during lunch hours (8 weeks, January – March).

Last Day Popsicle Party

Plan popsicles and (ice-)coffee to celebrate the last day of school.

learning commons

Coordinate volunteers who re-shelve books, help with displays and organize special projects in the Learning Commons. Work with school librarian.

Lost and Found

Manage the Lost and Found including organizing a periodic ‘last chance’ search and charity donation of unclaimed items.


Compile and edit information submitted for the monitor and newsletter on a weekly and monthly basis. Enjoy writing, the editing process, and working with others.

Movie Fun Night

Organize this drop-off, kid-only evening event two times during the school year. Coordinate volunteers, design bulletin board and publicize event.


Coordinate and plan an event in the fall to welcome new families to the McKenzie community.


Members of this committee are elected by the PTA General Board in January, to identify, review and slate candidates for the PTA Executive Board. Assist (as needed) with filling certain general PTA committee positions.

open gym night

Coordinate with school staff for indoor fun in the gym on select winter evenings.


Read and understand PTA Bylaws and procedure. Advise board when questions arise.


Coordinate, facilitate and promote communication and teamwork between parents of children who receive support and services in District 39 schools and the district staff.

Power Up TO Play

Promote a healthy school by organizing and coordinating a family event during the year – Nutrition & Exercise Night, as well as the Fun Run for McKenzie families, teachers and staff in the spring.

School Supplies

Coordinate with teachers and national school supply company to manage on-line orders and delivery of student supplies.


Coordinate programs for nearby school in need which include holiday gift program, hats and mittens drive and other programs.

Spirit Wear

Work with vendor to determine design and style of McKenzie spirit-wear. Manage orders and help distribute when orders are ready. Also includes ordering t-shirts for Variety Show in spring.

Spring TEACHER/STAFF Luncheon

Organize luncheon at your home to honor teachers and staff during Staff Appreciation Week in May. Coordinate volunteers, food, and set up/clean up. Volunteers help with planning and implementing the event on the day of.


The Producer and Director team, along with volunteers (parents, teachers and staff) write, produce and perform an original show each year. No drama experience necessary. Behind the scenes help is needed as well. Rehearsals begin in January for shows in March.

Welcoming Committee

Match incoming families with current McKenzie families – attend New Family Gathering (fall) and Kindergarten Orientation (spring) to manage school tours. Coordinate school tours throughout the year.


Be involved in the process of publishing, managing orders, and distributing the yearbook. Includes photographing school events, processing orders, managing photo submissions, layout, and more!

Edited by J. Tan 2/21/17