Lancaster Bible College
In accordance with theCOSMA Accreditation Process Manual(December 2015, p.28), this summary of accreditation status describes the formal action taken by the Commission on Sport Management Accreditation (COSMA) Board of Commissioners with regard to an academic unit/sport management program seeking accreditation for its sport management programs by COSMA.
Profile of Accredited Academic Unit/Sport Management Program
Type of Program:Bachelor of Science in Sport Management and Biblical Studies
COSMA Accreditation Information
History:“Accredited with Notes and Observations” in September 2017
The COSMA Board of Commissioners reviewed Lancaster Bible College’sBachelor of Science in Sport Management and Biblical Studiesprogram in September 2017. The review was based on the eightCOSMAaccreditationprinciples that require an academic unit/sport management program to show that its programsdisplay excellence in undergraduate sport management education and continuous improvement through COSMA’s developmental approach(Accreditation Principles and Self Study Preparation Manual, May 2016, p. 1).
On September 29, 2017, the COSMA Board of Commissioners determined that Lancaster Bible College demonstrated that it meets these principles, that its programis consistent with the continuous improvement and excellence in sport management education that COSMA has established and should receive recognition for a seven-year period up to September 2024.
Additional Reporting Requirements
Lancaster Bible College’sBachelor of Science in Sport Managementand Biblical Studies programis“Accredited with Notes and Observations.” “Accredited with Notes”indicates that certain principles of COSMA have not been met. The academic unit is required to address the Notes on an annual basis until those concerns are dealt with by the academic unit and accepted by COSMA. The academic unit has up to two years to eliminate the deficiencies identified in the Notes. If the deficiencies are not removed within the required two-year period, the BOC may place it on probation (Accreditation Process Manual, December 2015, pp. 30-31).
Principle 1: Outcomes Assessment
Note 1:Take the following steps to respond fully to the action item identified by the site visit team:
- Submit a revised rubric for SLO 5. Nothing on the current rubric measures oral communication or “a variety of formats.”
- Report only the data from the elements of each rubric that measure the student learning outcome in the matrix. Your rubrics may measure more elements than the SLO you have identified them to measure. Only report the data related to the SLO(s).
- Provide a revised SLO matrix that includes only the data that measures the SLOs.
- Optional: Provide copies of “simplified” rubrics that only show the items for which data is being reported in the matrix and which are measuring the SLO. Another option is to highlight on the rubric the elements that are being tabulated and reported in the matrix.
Principle 2: Strategic Planning
Note 2: In your Annual Report, address the following questions/issues related to your strategic plan:
- Send a progress report on the development of the “Core Values.”
- How do critical success factors relate back to the Core Values, the mission of your program and mission of the College?
- Include the impact for your program and on the strategic planning process as a whole of the development of a master’s degree program (under “items not related to COSMA” in the strategic plan).
- Close the loop – what are the action steps you will use to support your mission? How do items such as conference attendance tie into the Core Values, program mission and/or professional development as a whole?
Note 3: As the strategic plan undergoes revision, the closing of the loop for the SWOT analysis may be folded in.
Principle 7.7 External Accountability
Note 4: Now that your program has been granted accreditation, use the required language to denote this change in accreditation status.
Reaffirmation of Accreditation: September 2024
Public Disclosure of Student Achievement Information
Information pertaining to student achievement in the sport management program accredited by COSMA can be obtained by visiting Lancaster Bible College’swebsiteor by contacting Amanda Dowhen at .