Workshop Evaluation

What activities in the workshop are the most helpful?

Panel review
George’s talk
The discussion about what specifically should be included in intellectual merit + broader impacts  integrate career trajectory in research/education projects.
Learning things specific to the CAREER.
Make panel
Presentations by winning proposers
The review (mock) process
Do’s & Don’ts of a good CAREER proposal
Interactive discussions
Presentations by George
Panel review
George’s presentation
Mocking panels
Dr. Eden’s presentation!
Panel discussions!
Ethics discussions by Dr. Hazelrigg
All was very helpful
The talk by G. Hazelrigg. It is very useful to know what is expected in these proposals, and the most effective presentation techniques.
Reading real proposals was also very helpful.
Mario’s presentation was the best one – it was reflecting to see how a CAREER proposal can be naturally written & still fit the NSF review criteria.
Examples of successful & unsuccessful proposals
Discussion about content
Defining research objective
Each element of the workshop had its benefits.
George’s presentation was very enlightening.
Reviewing & panel discussion of actual proposals was very helpful.
NSF 1st presentation
Introduction by George
Overview by Dr. Hazelrigg.
Program officer’s presentation
Awardees’ presentations
Mock panel
Mock panel
Presentations from former awardees
George’s presentation and discussion
Mock panel
Mock panel review
Interactions with other workshop attendees & NSF program officers.
All, combination of talks & hands-on review
All – but experience of career awardees was most beneficial – give hope!
Mock review
Clarification of scientific goal of NSF, i.e. the importance of having a scientific goal of career proposal
Defining career plan
Mock review panel
Review mock
Presentations by former awardees
“CAREER Program Development” presentation and the presentations of recent CAREER awardees
Review panel sessions
The talk by the program director
Mock review
Panel review
Presentations by the awardees
All activities are very helpful
Panel review
George’s talk
Presentation on NSF CAREER proposal Guidelines
Presentations by recent CAREER awardees
Mock panel review
1st presentation by the program director
Understand what a career proposal is, how it reviewed.
Explaining difference between research & CAREER proposal
George’s presentation
Mock–up review
How to write proposal
Mock panel
All of them
Mock review panel activity
George’s presentation
Recent awardees’ presentations
Mock review session
George’s talk
Meeting other scientist struggling to get their proposals accepted. Understanding the position of the program officers, listening to what they have experienced within NSF. Taking part of the mock panel.
Dr. Hazelrigg’s Presentation
Mock panel review
Reading other people’s proposal and participating in a mock review panel
Mock panel review
The mock panel review
Dr. Hazelrigg’s presentation on career proposal guide
How to write a “Career Proposal”
George’s presentation
Mock interview
Mock panel review
George Hazelrigg’s presentation on “CAREER Program Development”
Panel review
George’s talk
Mock panel review
Talks of successful researchers
The initial presentation by George Hazelrigg was a highlight, great overview
Panel review
Mock panel review
Panel discussion
Recent awardees’ experiences with the process
Mock review and final summary of the workshop, where each participant reflected what they learn and George summarized the most important part
Panel discussions, Q & A, and presentations
Proposal review exercises
George’s presentation
All the activities, including
- Mock panel review
- Presentations
- Breakfast / Lunch
The panel review
The do’s + don’ts
Panel review
Mock review
Mock panel review
Program manager presentation
Morning presentations/mock panel
Dr. Hazelrigg’s presentation (slides)
Presentations by CAREER grant awardees
Dr. Hazelrigg’s comments and the awardees’ comments
George’s presentation
Mock panel was excellent practice
8 – 10 AM session was also great
1st 2 hr lecture overview on NSF proposals in general + specifics of CAREER proposals
Mock panel review of actual funded + unfunded proposals