Employee Leadership Program
Application (Part A)
Tri-CountyTechnicalCollege supports and promotes professional and personal growth through a variety of programs. Employees who are interested in leadership development should complete and submit this form to the Personnel Office to be considered for participation in the College’s leadership programs.
Employee Information
Name: / Job Title:Campus: □ Main Campus
□ Anderson Campus / Division/Department:
Office location and Phone Extension / County of Residence:
E-Mail Address: / Name of Supervisor:
Educational Background (if more space is needed, attach a separate sheet)
Institution / Graduation Date / Degree
Please list any special honors or awards received in your professional career; or those received in conjunction with your educational experience.
List up to four community, civic, professional, business, social or other organizations of which you are, or have been a member.
Organization Name / Mission / Role in Organization / Date of involvement
Please provide a listing of all professional development activities you have participated in for the last three years. (if more space is needed, attach a separate sheet)
Type of Activity(workshop, degree course, conference, etc.) / Title / Dates of Attendance
Why are you applying for participation in a leadership program? If selected for a program what additional skills/knowledge or competencies are you hoping to attain? How will you utilize these in your current position? (if more space is needed, attach a separate sheet)
What future leadership roles might you be interested in filling at the College? Define your short-term and/or long-term career goals. (if more space is needed, attach a separate sheet)
Employee Leadership Program
Supervisor Endorsement Form (Part B)
Employee Information
Employee Name:Supervisor’s Name: / Title:
How long have you supervised this employee? / How long have you known this employee and in what capacity?
□ I strongly recommend / □ I recommend with reservations / □ I do not recommend
Additional Comments:
Supervisor Signature: Date:
Executive Staff Recommendations:
This employee should be considered for the following leadership development programs/activities as the opportunity arises:Program/Activity / Year to Participate / Status
(To be completed by Personnel for tracking only)
Leadership Anderson
A10-month program devoted to strengthening and dedicating our community leaders.
Leadership Clemson
Encourages individual involvement in leadership roles with the community, to better understand how the community works and provide the tools necessary to find ways to enhance the community and build leadership skills.
Leadership Oconee
Developing civic and community leaders through innovative experiences and service to OconeeCounty
Leadership Pendleton
Designed to build leadership skills and provide information about the resources of our community.
Leadership Pickens
To create a continued leadership in Pickens County by equipping participants with skills and knowledge and encouraging them to participate in the decision making process in Pickens County.
SC TechnicalCollegeLeadershipAcademy
To develop technical college employees currently serving in third level administrative positions to assume the role of vice-presidents within the technical college system. The Academy helps to provide the experience, skills and networking that will enable participants to grow as leaders. The Academy helps participants understand their individual strengths and needed areas of development as a leader.
USCGraduateSchool – certificate in Higher Ed leadership
A system-wide initiative in which participants complete six graduate courses over a two-year period for the purpose of advancing the knowledge and competencies of technical college professionals.
TCTC Supervisory Training
Designed to enhance soft skills of Tri-County Supervisors as well as to learn the processes of evaluation, discipline, counseling, classification, compensation and other employment processes at the College.
Committee Chair Opportunities
(name specific Committee)
Other types of leadership experiences desired:
□ Mentoring:(by whom)
□ Job Shadowing:
(by whom)
□ Other (please specify)
President’s Signature: / Date:
Once reviewed and approved, submit to the Personnel Office for processing and tracking.