Find out how [Agency Name] is a part of a diverse group that is helping to build Florida's State Health Improvement Plan: #FloridaSHIP

[Agency Name] has been working with #FLHealth over the past few years to create a statewide plan for public health system partners and stakeholders to improve the health of Floridians. For more information: #FloridaSHIP

[We or Agency Name]have/has been a part of the State Health Improvement Plan Steering Committee for the past few years. Find out the five-year goals that we’ve set for helping to improve #PublicHealth in Florida: #FloridaSHIP

As part of the State Health Improvement Plan Steering Committee, we’ve helped identify state health priorities that will be targeted to improve the health of all Floridians. Find out more: #FloridaSHIP

In collaboration with #FLHealth, we’ve identified eight priority areas that will be focused on for the next five years to help improve our state’s health. Find out what they are and the progress plan: #FloridaSHIP


January – National Birth Defects Month

Find out how the #FloridaSHIP will increase percent of new moms who received information about how to prepare for a healthy pregnancy and baby prior to pregnancy from 22.8% to 30.0% in order to #PreventBirthDefects: Suggested agencies: AHCA, DCF, APD

February – Prenatal Infection Prev. Month

#FLHealth is working diligently toward the goal of increasing the number of Baby-Friendly Hospitals from 10 to 20 by the end of 2021! #FloridaSHIPSuggested agencies: AHCA, DCF, APD

March – Colorectal Cancer Awareness Month

#DYK that #FLHealth is working to increase the percentage of adults ages 50 to 75 who receive colorectal screening based on the most recent guidelines from 65.7% to 80%? Find out more in our #FloridaSHIP plan: Suggested agencies: AHCA

April – STD Awareness Month

#FLHealth is working to significantly reduce #syphilis and #HIV, as well as other emerging infectious diseases in Florida! Find out more about our plan for 2021! #FloridaSHIPSuggested agencies: AHCA

May – Bike Month and Bike to School Day

Find out how the #FloridaSHIP will increase the percentage of Florida’s population within one mile of bike lane and/or shared use paths from 42% to 45%: Suggested agencies: DOT, DCF, HIGHWAY SAFETY, DEP

June – HIV Testing Day (27)

We’ve set the goal! By 2021, Florida will increase the percentage of individuals that know their #HIV status from 87.6% to 91%! Find out more with our #FloridaSHIP plan: #KnowYourStatus #TalkTestTreatSuggested agencies: AHCA, DCF

July – World Hepatitis Day (28)

This #HepatitisDay, we are celebrating our goal of increasing the rate of infants who receive the #hepatitisB #vaccine within three days of birth from 53.3% to 65%! Find out more: #FloridaSHIPSuggested agencies: AHCA, DCF

Aug – Breastfeeding Awareness Month

In order to improve infant nutrition habits and increase healthy weight, #FLHealth is working to increase the number of #breastfeeding friendly work places, early care and education programs: #FloridaSHIPSuggested agencies: AHCA, DCF, DOE, DOT, DMS

September – Fall Prevention Awareness Week (23-29)

#DYK that Florida is working to reduce injuries related to senior falls through implementation of evidence-based falls prevention programs! Find out more with the #FloridaSHIP plan: Suggested agencies: AHCA, DCF, DOEA

October – Teen Driver Safety Week (21-27)

Find out how the #FloridaSHIP is working to reduce teen driving crashes by creating a safe driving culture for teen drivers through outreach and education: Suggested agencies: DCF, DOE, DOT

November – Diabetes Month & Diabetes Day (14)

Florida is working to increase the amount of adults with #diabetes who report having taken a class on diabetes management from 46.1% to 55%! Find out more: #FloridaSHIPAHCA, DCF, DOE, DOT, DMS

December – Flu Vaccine Week (4-12)

#DYK that #FLHealthis setting the goal to increase access to immunizations for infants and pregnant women! This includes changing the rate of pregnant women who receive the annual seasonal #FluShot from 34.5% to 50.0%: #FloridaSHIPAHCA, DCF, DOE, DOT, DMS

For DOE specifically:

Find out how we plan to help #FLHealth promote #HealthEquity and equity in educational access in order to reduce the graduation rate gap between students with disabilities and students without disabilities from 21.5% to 15.9%. #FloridaSHIP

For DEO specifically:

Find out how we are working with #FLHealth promote opportunities for vulnerable individuals and their communities to achieve long-term economic stability: #FloridaSHIP

For FDACS specifically:

Find out how we are helping #FLHealth improve the food environment and nutrition habits across the state to increase healthy weight goals: #FloridaSHIP