Ballarat Clergy Support Fund

Annual Collection for Sick and Retired Priests



The Ballarat Clergy Support Fund provides for retired priests who have spent a lifetime selflessly caring for others, and who deserve a happy and peaceful retirement. The Fund is currently supporting and caring for fourteen retired priests, at a cost of over $150,000 per year.

Some of our retired priests live privately, some are in units in Ballarat or elsewhere, and others live in supported accommodation. Many of these priests generously continue to assist in our parishes.

Over the next few years a number of priests currently in parish ministry will be moving into retirement, and will also need to be supported by the Fund.

Creating a secure retirement future for the priests of the diocese is a duty and care in which we can all participate. In caring for our senior priests, we are continuing to offer them peace, security and independence, as well as a very real sense of belonging.

This collection has raised over one million dollars since it began in 1991, including nearly $90,000 last year. Along with the priests’ contribution of approximately $50,000 per year, it has allowed the Support Fund to continue to support our sick and retired clergy.

Special envelopes are available in each parish for this collection, which will be taken up throughout September. Contributions over $2.00 are tax-deductible.

If you are preparing or changing a will, you may consider making a bequest to the Ballarat Clergy Support Fund. Your family solicitor can advise on how to consign donations through a family trust or other body.

This collection is one very practical way in which priests feel truly supported by their people in these changing times. The priests of the Ballarat Diocese are very grateful for your past and ongoing support.