Audio Conference Series

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Law, HealthPolicy & DisabilityCenter

University of Iowa, College of Law


The Social Security Administration and Department of Labor’s Employment and Training Administration (ETA) in cooperation with the Law, Health Policy, and DisabilityCenter of the University of Iowa’s College of Law, invite you to participate in a series of audio conferences in 2004 that will share research findings, best practice strategies, and policy developments and analysis from leading experts. The 11 months calendar of events covers a range of employment policy and practice challenges that impact Americans with disabilities nationwide: Medicaid Buy In, Transportation, Housing Accessibility and Affordability, Mental Health System, TANF, Self Employment, Ticket To Work, Employer Relations, Workforce Investment Act implementation, Navigator’s Experiences, and Asset Development. All audio conferences will begin at 2:00 PM EST and last for two hours, with time allotted for questions and answers. Pre-registration is required and space is limited. Materials to complement the audio presentation will be e-mailed to participants in advance of the conference.

Since the passage of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) in 1990, at local, state, and national levels, significant strides have been made to equal access to social and economic opportunity. The past five years have been a time of unprecedented policy reform as Congress continues in a post ADA environment to craft new strategies to respond to identified barriers to employment for persons disadvantaged by disability and poverty.

In 2004, States are implementing multiple strategies to create a seamless system of universal access to comprehensive services through One Stop centers under the workforce development system. All states will be providing individuals with disabilities “tickets to work” to be supported by new Employment Networks. A growing number of states will continue to move forward with comprehensive work incentive legislation and Medicaid Buy In programs. Most states will continue to grapple with appropriate and effective service delivery approaches for return to work of TANF recipients with disabilities.

This audio conference series seeks to provide a current perspective on these multiple challenges of employment policy development and implementation from leading experts in government, and the research and disability community.



For each audio conference series, we will invite key speakers from each area to present. Each audio conference call will last between 90 minutes to 2 hoursand include:

Content piece – the oral presentation (relevant information will be posted to the LHPDC site and participants will be able to download prior to each call)

Case study – to help problem solve (posted prior to each call on the LHPDC site) and each call will include interactive discussions on problem-solving strategies used to solve the case study)l

Additional Resources (also posted to the LHPDC site)

Beginning in January 2004
Month / Topic
January 2004 / Medicaid Waivers and Medicaid Buy-In
February 2004 / Transportation
March 2004 / Affordable and Accessible Housing
April 2004 / Mental Health System
May 2004 / TANF and Systems Coordination
June 2004 / Self-Employment and Customized Employment Strategies
July 2004 / Ticket to Work: State of the States
August 2004 / Employer Relationships
September 2004 / Systems Coordination—The Navigator Experiences: Challenges and Opportunities
-- Panel presentation by selected Navigators from projects across the country
October 2004 / Asset Development and Tax Policy