Meeting Minutes for March 3, 2005
- Call to Order
SUFAC Chair Theresa Okokon started the meeting at 5:02 P.M.
- Roll Call
- Members Present: Theresa Okokon, Angela Oestreich, Steve Lambert,Mitch Bruckert, Sarah Baugher,Kong Pheng Vang, Adam Ruechel, Katie Gassenhuber, Joe Smith,Sarah Oldenburg, Lu Vang, Ryan Steighner,Tricia Evers, Olga Kirilchuk, Bob Telford, Ron Ronnenberg.
- Members Excused: Raegan Jackson.
- Members Unexcused:Shelly Missall.
- Recognition of Guests
Alison Decker (French Club), Natasha Botty (French Club), Matt McMahon (French Club), Drew Leatherberry (Campus Crusade for Christ)
- Approval of Minutes and Agenda
Joe moved to approve the minutes. Seconded by Tricia. Motion passed. Angie moved to have Information Item a follow the Discussion Items. Seconded by Joe. Joe called question. Joe called acclimation. Motion passed.
- Reports
- OFO: Last week nothing was taken out of the contingency fund, leaving a balance of $7,958.63. SUFAC allocated Vet to Vet Club $100 out of the small orgs fund leaving a balance of $300.
- Senate: Senate approved 2 senators. They also discussed Seg. fees and a child center.
- UUB: No Report.
- GTP: Shelly couldn’t be here since she had a trip to go on for the newspaper. Val Kappa will be here tonight. There will be free non-Alcoholic drinks available. Men are also welcome to ladies night out. There will be a mechanical bull in the Nicolet Room from 10 a.m.-5 p.m. tomorrow (March 4th).
- Vice: Angie’s making copies for the Seg. Fee charts since some numbers changed.
- Chair: If anyone comes to you with questions about D-Day direct them to come to either Angie or Theresa.
- Discussion Items
- Campus Crusade for Christ Contractual Request- Cru is requesting money for a DJ for their dance on April 8th. The feel that this DJ is the best value they found and they have a previous history with him. The board asked why they didn’t bring this request along with their request last week. Cru said that it was a matter of getting the rate for the DJ. A member of the board asked if they looked into other DJs, perhaps DJO. Cru said that they have a history with this DJ and that they looked around some and thought that this was the best value. Cru asked if this could possibly be voted on tonight since it is a month away and it doesn’t give them a lot of time. Sarah O. moved to make this Action Item e. Seconded by Katie. A straw poll was taken, 8 members favored voting tonight and 3 were against it. Motion passed, this will be voted on tonight as Action Item e.
- French Club Contractual Request- French Club said that they had $150 for 3 performers and they would like to have 2 performers on 2 nights. They have taken the money from the 3rd performer and split it between the 2. They are requesting $50 to have it be even between the two. The board asked who the performer is that they are giving the money to. French Club said it Robin Plure with Kevin Suceen. French Club pointed out that they have been here before. When asked when they plan to have these performers here, French Club said on Tuesday, April 18th. The board asked French Club if they plan to advertise for the event. French Club said that they are planning on it. When asked where this would be held, French Club said that the first performer would be in the ChristieTheater and the second performer would be in the Phoenix Rooms. This will be voted on next week.
- Information Items
- Theresa- Theresa went through several different overheads. The first gave a summary of the amount SUFAC allocated to each organization this year. The seconded one gave a total of the amount allocate for all orgs plus the auxiliary budget and the Municipal Services and United Council. It also included the PSC and UU expansion. The grand total for that is $5,436,836. The third slide showed how much is taken out of the reserves. They took $50,000 out of the Reserve for Student Orgs budgets and $10,000 out of the Fourth Estate Reserve. The last slide gave the SUF Rate. The SUF Rate for next year will be $1,148 for a year for a full time student. The University Standards say that we need to keep $30,000 in the Fourth Estate Reserve and we need at least $300,000 in our reserve.
A member of the board asked if the $30,000 allocated out of the reserve has any impact on SUF Rates. Theresa said it didn’t. The board asked where the minimum amount in the reserves comes from. Theresa said it is set by the UW system standards. The board also asked if the reserve increases if student orgs don’t use all their money. Theresa said it does. When asked what FTE means, Theresa said it stands for Full Time equivalent students. A member of the board pointed out that the UU Expansion mentioned possible increasing their cost of the Seg. Fees, and wanted to know if that was going to happen. Theresa said they never came up with a number and they held a campus vote. The majority of students voting decided not to raise Seg. fees. The proposed amount was $40 a semester, but it was voted down. The SUF Rate was $1,154 last year. A member of the board asked what the PSE account looks like. Theresa and Ron said it has a lot but the money will decrease now that they have to start hiring architects and contractors for the project. The board asked what will happen to the $400 allocated to athletics. Ron said that they would put it towards upkeep of the building. He pointed out that it has been written in every SUFAC letter to the Chancellor that all or a portion of it should go to maintenance and up keep. In 4-5 years they will have to deal with the issue of what to do. The board also asked how much was taken out of the Fourth Estates Reserve last year. Theresa said that it was $25,000 last year. It does get replenished some every year but they have been taking less and less out so that the reserve doesn’t get too low too fast.
A member of the board asked what Municipal services entails. Ron said it includes heat, lighting, air conditioning, and possibly fire and rescue. Theresa said she will take this to Student Senate next week. If it passes there, it will to go Sue Klein and the Chancellor. Adam asked if the board is going to approve it. Joe moved to make it immediate action item a. Seconded by Katie. Motion passed.
- Immediate Action Items
- SUF Rate- Joe moved to approve the SUF Rate. Seconded by Katie. Some members of the board said it looks good. Sarah B. called question. Motion passed 11-0-2 with abstention by Sarah O.
- Action Items
- Student Film Society Start-Up Funds-Joe moved to approve Student Film Society $100 from the Small Org Budget. Seconded by Kong. A member of the board suggested packaging this with their other request. The board decided not to. A member of the board felt that this organization is very similar to IFS. This member felt that SUFAC should give them the $100 start up money so they have an opportunity to prove that they are different. Motion passed 8-0-5 with abstentions by Mitch, Lu and Katie.
- Student Film Society Contractual Request- Sarah O. moved to approve Student Film Society for $500. Seconded by Kong. Part of the board felt that $500 would allow Student Film Society to show some films and have a good discussion. Another member of the board felt that they should look for funding through another avenue such as co-sponsorship. Another member of the board thought that the mission statements seem similar but that they are different orgs and want to do some different things. A member of the board thought that they have the potential for being very similar but that they need a chance to prove themselves. Adam called question. Motion passed 10-1-2.
- PEAC Redistribution- Joe moved to approve PEAC in full for $715. Seconded by Sarah B. Some of the board thought that they had good intentions and a good outline of what they would like to do with the money. Sarah O. called question. Motion passed 9-1-3 with abstention by Lu.
- Campus Crusade for Christ Contingency Request-
- Campus Crusade for Christ Contractual Request-Adam moved to package Campus Crusade for Christ’s two requests. Seconded by Steve. A straw poll was taken and the majority of the board agreed. Motion passed. Joe moved to approve Campus Crusade for Christ’s two requests in full for $570. Seconded by Kong. A member of the board thought that both of these requests looked good. Another member of the board felt that SUFAC shouldn’t pay for prizes because SUFAC took them out of Student Orgs budgets. Another member of the board didn’t like the DJ and that we are voting on this tonight. This member also didn’t like the copying of a book for Bible Studies. Another member wasn’t sure on the prizes, but said that we shouldn’t hold it against them that we are voting on it tonight since it was the board’s decision. Angie made a friendly to cut the prizes form the request. Joe declined. Olga made a friendly to cut duplicating for the Bible Study by $40. Joe and Kong accepted this friendly. Sarah O. called question. Motion passed 8-3-2 with abstention by Lu.
- Announcements
- SGA Exec-They discussed the rolls of President and Vice President. They will also be discussing this some more next week. The election papers are out for positions on Student Government for next year. They are also looking at possible constitution changes.
- Mitch- He attended COSGA this pas weekend and sat in on a workshop on how other schools do their seg fess. He said that SUFAC here does a good job.
- Adjournment
Joe moved to grove and adjourn the meeting. Seconded bySarah O. Joe called acclimation. Meeting was adjourned at 5:43p.m.
Respectfully Submitted by,
Amanda Kumrow
SUFAC Secretary