Subtracting with out subtracting

Counting up

Line up numbers

Telling time



Objective – Students practice putting decimal numbers in order.

This can be used for least to greatest, greatest to least, greater than, or less than.

There are numbers attached. These are an example. Most of the time. I adapt the numbers based on my students ability. There are two set of numbers. One is easier than the other. The easy set I use first. The numbers are color coded . The red is the easier set.

Requires small group and large group work.

Numbers need to be written on cards or enlarged and cut apart. Each student will need one card with numbers on the front and back.

  1. Give each student a card with red numbers on one side and blue numbers on the other. Tell the students that we will be using the red numbers first.
  1. Randomly divide the students into groups of 3 or 4. This exercise needs to be performed with the students standing up and they will need their on “space” to move around in. This works better if the groups are spread around the room so that they will be able to see the other groups. They will need to be able to see the other students when they go back and form their large group.
  1. Tell the students that when you say go, they have to put their numbers in order from least to greatest. There are a few rules that they must follow.

-the students CANNOT put their cards down nor can they swap cards with someone else

-they can talk in a normal voice to the other students in their group

-when they think they have it in order, they need to raise their hand and the teacher will check to see if it is correct. The teacher can only tell them if they have it correct or not. The teacher will not tell them what is wrong.

  1. After all of the groups have theirs correct, have the groups join with another group and then the new group that is formed has to get in order from least to greatest. The only new rule that is added is that they now can only talk in a whisper.
  2. After the teacher has checked and the students have corrected any errors, the students need to form one long line with everyone in it. The will still be holding their numbers and everyone will need to get in order from least to greatest. The new rule for this is that they cannot talk at all now!
  3. The first time that the students do this, the teacher may have to help them get started in their large group.

123.3 / 122.43 / 122.65
123.54 / 120.44 / 120.98
121.12 / 121.48 / 122.76
122.89 / 124.23 / 124.87
125.75 / 125.34 / 126.90
126.68 / 127.41 / 127.04
128.36 / 128.71 / 129.20
988.01 / 988.021 / 989.46
989.65 / 1,000.05 / 1,000.01
1,001.01 / 996.345 / 976.345
976.435 / 996.34 / 987.24
987.41 / 987.009 / 1,323.08
985.0001 / 985.1001 / 984.23
984.23 / 1,009.1 / 1,009.01