Subordinate Local Law No. 1 (Administration) 20101

Subordinate Local Law No. 1 (Administration) 2010


Part 1Preliminary

1Short title

2Purpose and how it is to be achieved

3Authorising local law


Part 2Approvals for prescribed activities

5Prescribed activities that do not require an approval—Authorising local law, s6(3)

6Categories of prescribed activities for the purposes of maximum penalties—Authorising local law, s6(4)

7Approvals that are non-transferable—Authorising local law, s 15(2)

8Prescribed complementary accommodation—Authorising local law, schedule 1

9State-controlled roads to which the local law applies—Authorising local law, schedule 1

10Public place activities that are prescribed activities—Authorising local law, schedule 2, part 2

11Matters regarding prescribed activities—Authorising local law, ss 6(3), 8(2)(a), 9(1)(d), 10(3), 12, 13(a), 14(1)(a)

Schedule 1Prescribed activities that do not require an approval under the authorising local law

Schedule 2Categories of prescribed activities for the purposes of maximum penalties

Schedule 3Categories of approval that are non-transferable

Schedule 4Prescribed complementary accommodation

Schedule 5State-controlled roads to which the local law applies

Schedule 6Public place activities that are prescribed activities

Schedule 7Alteration or improvement to local government controlled areas and roads

Schedule 8Commercial use of local government controlled areas and roads

Schedule 9Establishment or occupation of a temporary home

Schedule 10Installation of advertising devices

Schedule 11 Keeping of animals

Schedule 12Operation of camping grounds

Schedule 13Operation of cane railways

Schedule 14Operation of caravan parks

Schedule 15Operation of cemeteries

Schedule 16Operation of public swimming pools

Schedule 17Operation of shared facility accommodation

Schedule 18Operation of temporary entertainment events

Schedule 19Undertaking regulated activities regarding human remains— (a) disturbance of human remains buried outside a cemetery

Schedule 20Undertaking regulated activities regarding human remains— (b) burial or disposal of human remains outside a cemetery

Schedule 21Undertaking regulated activities regarding human remains— (c) disturbance of human remains in a local government cemetery

Schedule 22Undertaking regulated activities on local government controlled areas and roads— (a) driving or leading of animals to cross a road

Schedule 23Undertaking regulated activities on local government controlled areas and roads— (b) depositing of goods or materials

Schedule 24Undertaking regulated activities on local government controlled areas and roads— (c) holding of a public place activity prescribed by subordinate local law

Schedule 25Bringing or driving motor vehicles onto local government controlled areas

Schedule 26Bringing or driving prohibited vehicles onto motor vehicle access areas

Schedule 27Use of bathing reserves for training, competitions etc

Schedule 28Parking contrary to an indication on an official traffic sign regulating parking by time or payment of a fee

Schedule 29Parking in a loading zone by displaying a commercial vehicle identification label

Schedule 30Carrying out works on a road or interfering with a road or its operation

Part 1Preliminary

1Short title

This subordinate local law may be cited as Subordinate Local Law No. 1 (Administration) 2010.

2Purpose and how it is to be achieved

(1)The purpose of this subordinate local law is to supplement Local Law No. 1 (Administration) _[insert year], which provides for a legal and procedural framework for the administration, implementation and enforcement of the local government’s local laws, subordinate local laws and other regulatory powers, and for miscellaneous administrative matters.

(2)The purpose is to be achieved by providing for—

(a)various matters regarding the granting of approvals for prescribed activities; and

(b)further specification of the definitions relevant to various prescribed activities.

3Authorising local law

The making of the provisions in this subordinate local law is authorised by Local Law No. 1 (Administration)__[insert year](theauthorising local law).


Particular words used in this subordinate local law have the same meaning as provided for in the authorising local law.

Part 2Approvals for prescribed activities

5Prescribed activities that do not require an approval—Authorising local law, s6(3)

For section 6(3) of the authorising local law, it is declared that section 6(2) of the authorising local law does not apply to the prescribed activities listed in schedule 1.

6Categories of prescribed activities for the purposes of maximum penalties—Authorising local law, s6(4)

For section 6(4) of the authorising local law, it is declared that—

(a)the prescribed activities listed in part 1 of schedule 2 are category 1 activities; and

(b)the prescribed activities listed in part 2 of schedule 2 are category 2 activities; and

(c)the prescribed activities listed in part 3 of schedule 2 are category 3 activities.

7Approvals that are non-transferable—Authorising local law, s 15(2)

For section 15(2) of the authorising local law, it is declared that the categories of approval listed in schedule 3 are non-transferable.

8Prescribed complementary accommodation—Authorising local law, schedule 1

For the purposes of the definition of complementary accommodation in schedule 1of the authorising local law, the accommodation listed in schedule 4 is prescribed as appropriate for caravan parks.

9State-controlled roads to which the local law applies—Authorising local law, schedule 1

For the purposes of the definition of road in schedule 1of the authorising local law, the State-controlled roads listed in schedule 5 are roads to which the authorising local law applies unless otherwise provided in the local law.

10Public place activities that are prescribed activities—Authorising local law, schedule 2, part 2

For the purposes of paragraph (c) of the definition of regulated activities on local government controlled areasand roads in part 2of schedule 2 of the authorising local law, the holding of a public place activity listed in schedule 6 is a prescribed activity.

11Matters regarding prescribed activities—Authorising local law, ss6(3), 8(2)(a), 9(1)(d), 10(3), 12, 13(a), 14(1)(a)

(1)For each prescribed activity, a schedule prescribes the matters specified in this section for the prescribed activity named in section 1 of the schedule.

(2)For section 6(3) of the authorising local law, it is declared that section 6(2) of the authorising local law does not apply to an activity stated in section 2 of the schedule relating to the prescribed activity.

(3)For section 8(2)(a) of the authorising local law, the documents and materials that must accompany an application for approval for the prescribed activity are stated in section 3 of the schedule relating to the prescribed activity.

(4)For section 9(1)(d) of the authorising local law, the local government may only grant an approval for a prescribed activity if it is satisfied the proposed operation and management of the activity would be consistent with the additional criteria prescribedin section 4 of the schedule relating to the prescribed activity.

(5)For section 10(3) of the authorising local law, the conditions that must be imposed on an approval for a prescribed activity are stated in section 5 of the schedule relating to the prescribed activity.

(6)For section 10(3) of the authorising local law, the conditions that will ordinarily be imposed on an approval for a prescribed activity are stated in section 6 of the schedule relating to the prescribed activity.

(7)For section 13(a) of the authorising local law, the term of an approval for a prescribed activity is provided for in section 7 of the schedule relating to the prescribed activity.

(8)For section 14(1)(a) of the authorising local law, the further term for renewal or extension of an approval for a prescribed activity is provided for in section 8 of the schedule relating to the prescribed activity.

(9)For section 12 of the authorising local law,in Table 1 of the schedule relating to a prescribed activity—

(a)column 1 lists the application requirements for which the local government may accept as evidence the certificate of a third party certifier; and

(b)column 2 lists the individuals or organisations that are declared to be third party certifiers for the corresponding application requirement in column 1; and

(c)column 3 lists the qualifications that are necessary for an individual or organisation to be a third party certifier for the corresponding application requirement in column 1.

Schedule 1Prescribed activities that do not require an approval under the authorising local law

Section 5

[Insert any prescribed activities from part 1 of schedule 2 of the authorising local lawfor which the local government does not require an approval under the local law. The same wording for the prescribed activity as that used in part 1 of schedule 2 must be used in this schedule – for example, ‘installation of advertising advices’. However, if the local government wishes to only exclude certain aspects of prescribed activities from the requirement for an approval, then section 2 of the relevant schedule for the prescribed activity in this subordinate local law should be used. Refer to section 11(2) of this subordinate local law.]

Schedule 2Categories of prescribed activities for the purposes of maximum penalties

Section 6

Part 1 Category 1 activities

[Insert list of prescribed activities for which the penalty for not having an approval will be 50 penalty units under section 6(2) of the authorising local law. For example– ]

1alteration or improvement to local government controlled areas and roads

2commercial use of local government controlled areas and roads

3establishment or occupation of a temporary home

4installation of advertising devices

5keeping of animals

6undertaking regulated activities regarding human remains

7undertaking regulated activities on local government controlled areas and roads

8use of bathing reserves for training, competitions etc

Part 2Category 2 activities

[Insert list of prescribed activities for which the penalty for not having an approval will be 200 penalty units under section 6(2) of the authorising local law]

9operation of camping grounds

10operation of caravan parks

11operation of cemeteries

12operation of public swimming pools

13operation of shared facility accommodation

14operation of temporary entertainment events

Part 3Category 3 activities

[Insert list of prescribed activities for which the penalty for not having an approval will be 500 penalty units under section 6(2) of the authorising local law.]

15operation of cane railways

Schedule 3Categories of approval that are non-transferable

Section 7

[Insert any category of approval for a prescribed activity that the local government wishes to be non-transferable. For example, ‘approvals to operate a caravan park’]

Schedule 4Prescribed complementary accommodation

Section 8

[List the complementary accommodation that is approved for all caravan parks within the local government’s area. These types of accommodation will therefore be covered by an approval to operate a caravan park. For example–

‘Demountable accommodation units’

‘Converted railway carriages’]

Schedule 5State-controlled roads to which the local law applies

Section 9

[Insert any State-controlled roads to which the local law applies. Note that these roads can only be listed here if the chief executivehas given written agreement under section 66(5)(b) of the Transport Operations (RoadUse Management) Act 1995.]

Schedule 6Public place activities that are prescribed activities

Section 10

[List any public place activities that are prescribed activities when held on a local government controlled area or road, which means that an approval is required to hold such an event. Note that these activities should be distinguishable from those covered by the definition of temporary entertainment events, which require an approval in accordance with schedule 18. Temporary entertainment events are specifically excluded in the definition of the public events prescribed activity in schedule 2 of the authorising local law. Therefore temporary events open to the public for entertainment (including both recreation and amusement) should not be included here. Note also that public place activities listed here will be excluded from the definition of “commercial use of local government controlled areas or roads” under schedule 2 of the authorising local law. Therefore, this prescribed activity should require approval for one-off public place activities (whether or not the activity involves the soliciting or carrying on the supply of goods and services (including food or drink) for profit) and ongoing public place activities that do not involve the soliciting or carrying on the supply of goods and services (including food or drink) for profit, provided the activities are not forpublic entertainment. For example –

‘Film and television production activities for which a development application is not required under the local government’s planning scheme’

‘An invitation-only ceremony, party or celebration attended by more than XX people’

‘A cake stall, sausage sizzle, car wash or similar fundraiser held on no more than 1 day’

‘A training event held on no more than 1 day’

‘A training event held on more than 1 day without payment of a fee’

‘A display, demonstration or information booth’

‘A right of occupation and use of a specified part of a park or reserve by a sporting association’

Schedule 7Alteration or improvement to local government controlled areas and roads

Section 11

12Prescribed activity

Alteration or improvement to local government controlled areas and roads

13Activities that do not require approval under the authorising local law

[In this section, list any activities that fall within the overall category of this prescribed activity that the local government does not require an approval for. This might exempt activities of a certain type, activities that are in a particular location (e.g. outside urban areas, or in a specified locality), activities of a certain size (e.g. smaller operations) or activities that meet specified criteria.

NOTE: Where the prescribed activity is one mentioned in section 5(b) of the authorising local law and relates to an activity for which an Act authorises the local government to give an approval then this section must be marked “not applicable”. The scope for exempting activities under section 6(3) of the authorising local law applies only to prescribed activities prescribed under local laws. If they relate to approvals under an Act, the local government cannot make exemptions to the requirement for an approval, for example, works or interference on roads under the Local Government Act 2009.]

14Documents and materials that must accompany applications for approval

[In this section, list all documents and materials that must accompany an application for an approval for this activity. The type of materials required might include–

  • full details of the proposed alteration or improvement; and
  • details of building or other work to be carried out under the approval.]

15Additional criteria for the granting of approval

[Insert criteria with which applications for approval for the prescribed activity must be consistent. These are more specific criteria that are additional to the general criteria stated in section 9(1) of the authorising local law. They are matters about which the local government must be satisfied before granting an approval. For example –

  • For alteration or improvement to a local government controlled area—the alteration or improvement would not unduly interfere with the usual use of the area or the amenity of the area.]

16Conditions that must be imposed on approvals

[Insert conditions that must be imposed on approvals. The conditions of approvals are not intended to duplicate the conditions on development approvals under the Integrated Planning Act 1997. The development conditions are concerned with the initial approval for the use of the land. The conditions prescribed here for the approval should relate to the ongoing management of the activity. Conditions might for example –

  • require compliance with specified safety requirements; and
  • require the approval holder to give the local government specified indemnities; and
  • require the approval holder to take out specified insurance indemnifying persons who may suffer personal injury, or loss or damage, as a result of the work; and
  • require the approval holder to maintain structures erected or installed, or vegetation planted, under the approval in good condition; and
  • require theapproval holder to remove a structure erected or installed under the approval at the end of a stated period.]

17Conditions that will ordinarily be imposed on approvals

[Insert conditions that will ordinarily be imposed on approvals.These are conditions that are not mandatory, but are listed here to guide applicants about the conditions that are usually imposed. Under section 10(3) of the authorising local law, the local government retains the discretion as to whether to impose these conditions or not for a particular approval.]

18Term of approval

[Insert provisions about theterm for which a new approval will be granted. This may simply state a standard fixed term, such as ‘6 months’, or it may make the term contingent on other matters (e.g. the earliest of 1 year or a certain event, such as the completion of the works, occurs). No provision is required if a 1 year term is considered appropriate as section 13(b) of the authorising local law applies as a default.]

19Term of renewal of approval

[Insert provisions about theterm for which an existing approval will be renewed or extended. Note that if no term is specified here, section 14(1)(b) of the authorising local law provides that renewal will be for the same term as the original approval.]

Table 1 – Third party certification

[This table may be deleted if no third party certification is to be applied or required for this prescribed activity]

Column 1
Application requirement
[insert description of the application requirement or requirements for which a third party certificate may be accepted. For example– / Column 2
Individuals or organisations that are third party certifiers
[Name the individuals or organisations that are approved as third party certifiers for the particular application requirement or requirements in column 1. For example– / Column 3
Qualifications necessary to be a third party certifier
[As an alternative or in addition to naming specific individuals or organisations in column 2, in this column the local government can prescribe minimum qualifications required for an individual or organisation to provide a third party certificate about the application requirement or requirements in column 1 . For example–
‘The matters mentioned in section 9(1) of the authorising local law’ / ‘Joe Bloggs’
‘XYZ Consulting’ / ‘Diploma in XXX’
‘Membership of YYY professional body’

Schedule 8Commercial use of local government controlled areas and roads

Section 11

1Prescribed activity

Commercial use of local government controlled areas and roads

2Activities that do not require approval under the authorising local law

3Documents and materials that must accompany applications for approval

[The type of materials required might include–

  • details of the nature, time and place of the proposed activities for which the approval is sought; and
  • if the applicant wants to use a particular part of a road for serving food or drink or for other business purposes—a plan showing the relevant part of the road; and
  • details of the type of signage which is intended to be displayed and the method intended to be used to ensure stability of the signage.]

4Additional criteria for the granting of approval

[For example –