Submitted by: St. Lucie County Human Resource Association
President: Rosalinda Vera-Aviles
2011 HR Florida
Chapter Excellence Awards
The HR Florida ATP/STP awards are now honoring the work you do as a chapter with the introduction of The Chapter Excellence awards. The Chapter Excellence awards will focus on the demonstrated achievements and execution of one or more of the following core leadership areas:
-Workforce Readiness
-College Relations
-Global Affairs
-Legislative Affairs
A total of five awards will be presented at the August Council meeting. At this time we will award one chapter with the top honor or Chapter Excellence: Ruby Class. This chapter will demonstrate wisdom, knowledge, transition and change through the execution and accomplishments of one or more of the core leadership areas listed above. The remaining four awards will be for Chapter Excellence: Garnet Class. The chapters awarded in this category will demonstrate achievement, success, inspiration and a goal driven ambition within one or more of the core leadership areas listed above.
Like the ATP/STP awards, the Chapter Excellence Awards will be judged by a panel of HR Florida State Council Members.
At this time, nominations are being accepted for the Chapter Excellence Awards of 2011. Nominations can be submitted now through June 28, 2011, to: .
Benefits of Winning:
-Recognition at the August Council Meeting and Annual State Conference attended by 1500 professionals from around the world!
-Detailed coverage in the HR Florida Review magazine with a readership of over 12,000!
-An honorarium of $1500 for the chapter awarded as the Chapter Excellence: Ruby Award and an honorarium of $500 to each chapter of the Garnet Award.
Any SHRM chapter within the state of Florida.
-Entries must be received by June 28, 2011 via email to: .
-A chapter may submit an application for one or more of the core leadership areas identified above.
-Incomplete entries may be disqualified at the discretion of the selection committee.
-The selection committee may elect not to award a winner at their discretion.
-All back-up documentation must be submitted in a Word document.
-One award will be given at the Chapter Excellence: Ruby Class and four awards will be given at the Chapter Excellence: Garnet Class level.
Chapter nominations are evaluated on the results they achieve. Results are evaluated on both a qualitative and quantitative basis. In addition to metrics, winners will clearly identify how their program demonstrated our drive to “Serve the Profession/Advance the Professional.”
Chapter Excellence Nomination Form
SHRM Chapter Number:0442
SHRM Chapter Name: St Lucie County Human Resource Association
Chapter President’s Name: Rosalinda Vera-Aviles
Chapter President’s Email:
Chapter President’s Telephone: Cell personal: 787-550-3019 or work cell
Place an X next to the area(s) you are submitting this nomination for:
Diversityx / College Relations
Legislative Affairs
x / Workforce Readiness
Global Affairs
Please provide the following information regarding your submission:
Supporting documentation such as program curriculum, toolkits, testimonials, letters, photos, newsletters, articles and/or SHRM award submissions.
- Quantitative Results:
St. Lucie HR has been involved for several years. This event in particular has been helpful in developing relationship with our community partners who have been the St. Lucie Chamber of Commerce, the local high schools and our local colleges. This program has assisted many students in our local area in Port St. Lucie. Over 100 students have participated yearly in the program. Through the St. Lucie Chamber of Commerce Education Foundation and the participations of our local businesses the scholarships have been made available. The whole experience has served to mentor, train and provides opportunities to our young graduating high school seniors in Port St. Lucie. Highlighting the advantages of keeping our potential young professional to stay and work and /or go to college locally has been the focus. There are so many opportunities located right in our backyard for young professional who are currently graduating from High School. See attach document
- Qualitative Results:
In this section, please provide examples of how the program exemplifies the SHRM initiative to “Serve the Profession/Advance the Professional.”
Our St. Lucie County HR Association has taken the imitative to volunteer their time to make a difference in our community. Our members are serving the professionby becoming mentors and trainers in our local community giving back. In order to make a difference the St. Lucie Human Resource Association has decided to work with High School students. Currently if we plant the seeds early we can develop our professional Young Floridian. See attach document with additional information.
The St. Lucie County HR Association (0442) has partnered with the St. Lucie County Chamber of Commerce, the St. Lucie County School Board, High Schools throughout St. Lucie County and Indian River State College in a program designed to introducearea high school seniors to the many opportunities in St. Lucie County, connect with the business leaders in the community and teach them the skills to succeed in a business environment.
St. Lucie County has long been interested in keeping their best and most talented students in St. Lucie County. We are a small county and “brain drain”, has always been a concern. It is imperative that our best and brightest students return to St. Lucie County after completing their college education. The St. Lucie County “Young Floridian” program is designed to recognize the best students our schools have to offer and open the path to someday, after their education, return home and serve the profession.
In that effort, the above mentioned organizations turned to the St. Lucie County HR Association to train these students on the basics of interacting with the business world. Each areaHigh School sends its’ best students in the areas of:
Career & Technology
Computer Science/Engineering & Architecture
Foreign Language
Human Services
Language Arts
Social Studies
St. Lucie County’s HR Associations role in the program is to prepare the students for a presentation to business professionals, interview and with a board of business leaders and a luncheon with over 200 area business leaders. The half day course includes information on business etiquette, dining etiquette, networking skills, public speaking skills and interviewing skills. The course is taught by a member of the St. Lucie County HR Association and includes support by other members and mentors of the Association.
Since many of the students have never attended a business meeting or luncheon, learning how to dress, meet, greet and converse with area business leaders is important. The program prepares these students with the confidence and the skills to interact with community’s many business leaders. We forget that many times some of our best students are as awkward interacting with the business world as many of our most challenged students. If we can connect with these students before they leave and make them feel comfortable with the community’s business environment, the easier it is for them to return to St. Lucie County.
Area leaders have been most impressed with the interaction of the students after the class with the St. Lucie County HR Association. The Superintendent of Schools has said of the program, “I am not sure what they do to my students, but it is an amazing transformation.” This year, two areaHigh School Vice-Principals attended the program to observe the techniques used.
The program is fast-paced, direct, participative and “in your face” with many of the truisms of the business world. The program includes lecture, demonstration, questions and finishes with a fast paced rendition of “Business Etiquette Jeopardy”. The students laugh, participate, but most importantly they change their behavior to conform to the business standards of the business world.
The Chamber of Commerce works with business leaders to fund college scholarships for many of the students. Many of the students will receive a two-year scholarship to Indian River State College All of the students receive recognition within the community as the area’s best and brightest students and a true comfort level with the many business opportunities afforded by St. Lucie County.
St. Lucie County HR Association members Mazella Smith, Lynn Rhodewalt along with Fort Pierce High Educator , discuss business etiquette rules with area High School students. The following St. Lucie County HR Association members were at hand to assist and answer questions from students: Rosalinda Vera-Aviles President, Alisha Ussery President Elect, Richard Kolleda Workforce Readiness Chair, Anastacia Byler, Shantarra Houston and Linda Cox.
Gerry Hoeffner interacts with students to prepare them for the business luncheon with over 200 business leaders.
Students intently listen to the instruction presented by SLCHRA.
Students interact with SLHRA members during “Business Etiquette Jeopardy”.
Students huddle together to discuss answers to Final Jeopardy answer.