Submitted By CRES

CONTENT 4.5The student will
a)determine commonmultiples and factors,including least common multiple and greatest common factor;
b)add and subtract fractions having like and unlike denominators that are limited to 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 10, and 12, and simplify the resulting fractions, using common multiples and factors;
c)add and subtract with decimals; and
d)solve single-step and multistep practical problems involving addition and subtraction with fractions and with decimals.
TOPIC: Computation and Estimation
What do your students need to KNOW? / DEMONSTRATORS
What do your students need to be able to DO? / ASSESSMENT
How will you assess what your students ALREADY KNOW, and assess WHAT THEY’VE LEARNED? / ACTIVITIES
HOW will you teach it?
All students will know:
  • Understand and use common multiples and common factors for simplifying fractions.
  • Develop and use strategies to estimate addition and subtraction involving fractions and decimals.
  • Use visual models to add and subtract with fractions and decimals.
/ Students will:
  • Find common multiples and common factors of numbers.
  • Determine the least common multiple and greatest common factor of numbers.
  • Use least common multiple and/or greatest common factor to find a common denominator for fractions.
  • Add and subtract with fractions having like denominators.
  • Add and subtract with fractions having unlike denominators.
  • Solve problems that involve adding and subtracting with fractions having like and unlike denominators.
  • Add and subtract with decimals through thousandths.
  • Solve single-step and multistep problems that involve adding and subtracting with fractions and decimals through thousandths.
/ Formative: Smartboard and interactive notebook
Summative: flannagan questions, student product from enhanced scope and sequence lessons /





Use Fraction Pieces and Fraction Strips
Textbook: Lesson 16.1 Factors and Multiples
Lesson 21.1 Read/Write Fractions
Lesson 21.2 Equivalent Fractions
Lesson 21.3 Compare and Order Fractions
Lesson 21.4 Problem Solving
Lesson 21.5 Mixed Numbers
Notes in interactive notebook
How will you meet the needs of all students? / RESOURCES / TEACHER NOTES:
Interactive Notebooks / DOE
Smart Exchange
Augusta County Math Pacing Guide.
Interactive notebook