Submission Form–Responsible Policy Engagement in Practice


Caring for Climate and its partners are calling forcorporate responsible policy engagementpractices that highlight good practices of how business can provide credible, transparent and consistent input for effective climate action. These practices will be featured in a Caring for Climate report that will be released at the Caring for Climate Business Forum 7-8 December, at COP21 in Paris.

Companies play an important role in providing proactive, constructive input for governments to create effective climate policies. Through the core elements of legitimacy, opportunity, consistency, accountability and transparency, businesses can connect the dots between their sustainability commitments and their corporate policy positions.The Guide for Responsible Corporate Engagement in Climate Policypublished in 2013 provides companies with guidance to constructively engage in climate change policy debates and puts forth practical actions for companies to inform and advance effective climate change policy.

Responsible policy engagement practicescan cover areas such as Intended Nationally Determined Contribution (INDC), GHG target setting, investment and policy clarity, engagement inindustry associations and other climate action processes companies are engaging in.

The practiceswill be considered for publication by Caring for Climate partners after evaluating their relevance defined by: impact on climate policies, potential for scalability and replicability, partnership approach, and geographic and sectorial distribution.

For any questions please contact Heidi Huusko at the UN Global Compact() and submit by 31 August 2015.

General Information

Title of case in practice:

Name of company:

Business sector relevant to the case in practice:

  • Food, Agriculture, Fisheries
/ □
  • Chemicals
/ □
  • Construction
/ □
  • Energy
/ □
  • Health
/ □
  • Insurance and Finance Services
/ □
  • Pharmaceuticals
  • Technology
/ □

  • Transport
/ □
  • Other (please specify)
/ □ ______

Number of employees of the company (approximate):

Country and/or sectorwherepolicy engagementactivity took or takes place:

Time period / date when theactivitywas or is implemented:

Links to relevant web pages and documents/materials/infographics:

Made a Commitment on Responsible Policy Engagement[1]:

  • Yes
/ □
  • No
/ □
  • Other (please specify)
/ □ ______
Descriptionof Activities

Give a brief description – the story and the policy topic – ofhow your company has engaged with policy makers to support or enable climate policy. If applicable,explain how your efforts help contribute to national or international policy debates linked with the UNFCCC process:

How is your company identifying the company’s climate change risks, opportunities and policy influences?

How is your company aligning words with actions, ambitions and influences (direct and indirect)?

How is your company reporting on policy positions, influences and outcomes?

Stakeholder Engagement

Describe the role that other stakeholders have played in the design and/or implementation of your engagementwith climate change policy makers:

Lessons Learned

Provide a brief description of internal and external challenges faced by the company in its engagement with climate change policy makers:

Provide a brief description of the opportunities and possibilities of the described policy engagementactivitieswith climate change policy makers:

Identify key recommendations to policymakers on how to advance corporate climate action:

CEO or C-suite Quote

Please submit a quote from your CEO or a C-suite on the positive role business can play on climate change through responsible policy engagement:


[1]For information on how to make a commitment: