On-campus courses: If the section begins with C – you may register on WebAdvisor
INQ 177 CA: Symbolic Narrative: The National D-Day Memorial
How does a monument tell the story of the event that it memorializes? This course looks at the National D- Day Memorial in Bedford and will examine how its design and construction creates symbols that tell the story of the Normandy Invasion. Students will first learn about the invasion through books and films and will make several trips to the memorial for first-hand analysis. Students will present their final reports at the memorial. (1) Prerequisite: GST 102.
Cost: Possible charges when visiting D-Day Memorial
Instructor: T. Carter
INQ 177 CB: If You Never Take Another Science Class
If you never take another science class, how will you continue to learn science? Surely you must continue to learn since science knowledge expands at a dizzying pace. In the future, you will learn science informally. Science news is reported on TV and radio. We can read newspapers, magazines, and books. We can go to museums. Science topics are imbedded in feature films and documentaries. Podcasts, listservs, and blogs deliver science content in 21st century formats. In this class, we will encounter science topics in nearly all of these formats, which are normally intended for audiences outside the classroom. We will learn some science and learn how people learn science. We will sort out science from nonsense in news reports. We will dig in at the library and learn details about some of the science that appears in the morning newspaper. Day trips to the Science Museum of Virginia and its planetarium in Richmond, the Virginia Museum of Natural History in Martinsville, and the North Carolina Zoo in Asheboro are planned. (1) Prerequisite: None.
Cost: $60.00
Instructor: G. Steehler
INQ 177 CC: The Mathematics of Gambling
The gaming industry is a multi-billion dollar industry that relies on the mathematics of its games to drive their profits and avoid their losses. This course provides both a hands-on and a computational analysis of the probabilities involved when gambling and playing games. We include an introduction to the rules of and basic winning strategies for roulette, blackjack, various forms of poker, and other games, including selected board games and sports. Students will also learn to apply skills developed in this class to other games they come across. There is a $50 fee to cover the cost of a field trip to the Virginia Lottery Headquarters and a casino night activity. (1) Prerequisite: None.
Cost: $50.00
Instructor: D. Taylor
INQ 177 CD: Science and Technology in Film
The role of science and technology in our culture -- and how it has evolved in time -- are topics of much current attention. This course will explore how science and technology have been portrayed in film. The recurring themes of science as savior (utopian) and science as destroyer (dystopian) will be examined as will the varied depictions of scientists themselves. In addition, filmshighlighting space travel, genetic engineering, time travel, nuclear energy, and artificial intelligence will be studied.
This course typically meets from 9:00 am – 3:00 pm each day of the term, and much of this class time is spent viewing films and discussing them. However, there is a significant writing component to the course, and most of this writing must be done outside the 9:00 – 3:00 class meeting time. (1)Prerequisite: GST 102.
Instructor: G. Hollis
INQ 177 CF: Computing Aspects of E-Commerce
An overview of electronic commerce. Topics include: network infrastructure for e-commerce; overview of web technology; a study of the web-sites hosting several web-based businesses; the electronic storefront; security; electronic payment systems; social, legal, and ethical issues. Students will form teams; each team will develop a web site, including the software to handle electronic commerce, for a mock web business. (1) Prerequisite: None.
Instructor: J. Ingram
INQ 177 CG: Psychology in Film
The goal of this course is to examine the interaction between film and psychology. Throughout this course we will explore and attempt to answer several questions: How are the discipline of psychology and psychologists portrayed in films? What are some common film techniques employed to create specific psychological reactions? What are some examples of psychological concepts that are depicted in film and are they accurately portrayed? Our answers to these questions will help us see how the discipline of psychology is seen through the eyes of the American public. (1) Prerequisite: None.
Instructor: C. Buchholz
INQ 177 CI: Women, Work, & Life
An examination of work-life issues faced by women. Recent research and theories from business, psychology, and gender studies will be evaluated and applied to these issues. Students will be expected to complete self-reflective and growth activities in which they will integrate and apply research and theories to various women’s issues. Course topics will include: gender bias at home and work, opting in and out of the workplace, childcare and eldercare, parenting and relationship skill building, conflict resolution, family planning, maternity leave, company policies, women as leaders, stress management, etc. (1) Prerequisite: None.
Instructors: D. Greene & J. Lyon
INQ 177 CJ: The Trial of Socrates
This course will look at the trial of Socrates and examine different views about it. Was he a martyr for the truth, for example, or a victim of
political intrigue? Was he guilty of theaccusations set against him, or unjustlyprosecuted for his religious and political views? How should
we understand the reports of those who wroteabout this trial? Finally, what would we have to know about his society and intellectual
milieu in order to answerany of these questions?(1) Prerequisite: None.
Cross-listed as PHIL 177 CJ for elective credit in the PHIL major.
Instructor: H. Zorn
INQ 177 CK: Mutual Fund Investing For Life***PENDING***
This course which is designed for students of all grade levels, backgrounds, and majors, explores the entire mutual fund world. Students will learn how to evaluate and select appropriate mutual funds that best meet their investment objectives. Inherent in this knowledge is a strong understanding of stock and bond investing. (1) Prerequisite: None.
Instructor: W. Kearns
INQ 177 CL: Historical Archeology
This course is designed to teach students the methods and theories of archaeological fieldwork in a hands-on setting. Students will have the opportunity to learn about the practical skills of surveying, excavating, and recording by engaging in fieldwork both at the Tanyard House on the southeastern edge of the Roanoke College campus and at the Blue Ridge Center near Harper’s Ferry. Students will also learn about the theories guiding the interpretation of material culture through readings and lab exercises on topics in historical archaeology. A day trip to Poplar Forest, the former retreat home and working plantation of Thomas Jefferson, and an overnight trip to Monticello, Ash Lawn, and Montpellier, the respective homes of Presidents Thomas Jefferson, James Monroe, and James Madison will expose students to the intricacies of historical archaeology in action. All participants must be in good physical health as parts of the course will involve strenuous, outdoor labor. (1) Prerequisite: None.
Cross-listed as HIST 177 CL for elective credit in the HIST major.
Students must register & deposit for this course by March 1, 2010.
Cost: approximately $250.00 (includes transportation, fieldtrip fees, lodging in Charlottesville and Harper’s Ferry, and some meals)
Instructor: W. Leeson
INQ177 CM: The Rhetorical Aspects of Tourism in Contemporary Appalachia
A rhetorical analysis of how Appalachia is persuasively constructed to appeal to tourists. Emphasis is placed on the relationships among tourists, residents, businesses, and local governments. This is a campus course with overnightfield trips. (1) Prerequisite(s): COMM 101 or 102.
Cross listed as COMM 177 CM for elective credit in the COMM concentration.
Students must register & deposit for this course by March 1, 2010.
Cost: $800.00
Instructor: E. Cooper
INQ 177 CN: Cinematic Sound
This intensive learning course offers students an introduction to film analysis and cinematic sound design. It focuses on stages in the conception and execution of cinematic sound (i.e., preproduction, production, post-production), the analysis of filmic sequences, including craft aspects such as photography, mise-en-scène, movement, editing, sound, and drama. The course includes interpretation of analyses of renowned film sequences that establish important techniques and solutions in cinematic sound. Course work includes planning ambient sound for a given scene (no underscoring), and creating the underscoring of a scene using a popular song, in addition to a final analysis of how cinematic sound is used in a sequence from a movie selected by the student. (1) Prerequisite: None.
Instructor: Marsh
INQ277 CA: Understanding Poverty through Service
This course provides the opportunity to explore and reflect on poverty as a lived social condition in the contemporary United States. Poverty will be examined through a discussion of a variety of readings and experientially through community service. Field trips will encompass doing volunteer work as a group.(1) Prerequisite: None.
Cross-listed as SOCI 277 CA for elective credit in the SOCI major.
Cost: $40.00
Instructors: S. Anderson & J. Griffin
INQ 277 CB: Psychology of Thinking and Decision Making
An examination of the psychological research on how we evaluate arguments, determine the causes of things, solve problems, use our memories, and make decisions. Effective thinking techniques will be introduced and applied to a variety of content areas. (1) Prerequisite: PSYC 101.
Instructor: C. Early
INQ 277 CC: The Scopes Trial
In-depth examination of representations and ramifications of the famous Scopes Trial of 1925. Debates over science and religion and how the debates are framed will be explored from various perspectives. The course will feature a three day field trip to Dayton, TN, to visit the Scopes Trial Museum and related historical sites. (1) Prerequisites: GST 101 & 102.
Cost: $150.00
Instructor: G. Dunn
INQ 277 CD: Exploring the Biological Diversity of the Southern Appalachians
This course is designed for those interested in the natural history of the Southern Appalachian region. Biology majors, environmental science majors, and others with strong curiosity or experiences in the natural world are welcome. We will explore the biodiversity and ecology of forest communities as naturalists do. Students will keep field notebooks and develop skills for identifying trees, forest wildflowers, birds, and other animals common in the region. The course will include a number of day trips to nearby forest and a five-day trip to the Great Smokey Mountain National Park, Tennessee (an area with extremely high biological diversity). (1) Prerequisite(s):
Biol 125 Biodiversity and HHP 160 Fitness for Life, or permission from instructor.
Students must register & deposit for this course by March 1, 2010.
Instructor: R. Collins
INQ 277 CF: Writing Film Reviews and Film Criticism
This is a course in writing about film. We will screen films, both current and classic, read reviews and essays about them, and write our own reviews and essays. We will attend to the different kinds of film reviews, their different audiences and purposes, and, within the different kinds, we’ll try to see what makes an accomplished and interesting review stand out among lesser reviews. We’ll also read essays in film criticism distinguish the different audiences and purposes of reviews and film criticism. Students will screen new films, review them, read current reviews of them, and discuss together the films and reviews. This is a campus course, with some afternoon movie-going in the area, on-campus film screenings, a lotof reading of current film reviews in the local paper, national dailies, weekly magazines (for example, The New Yorker, The Nation), film magazines (for example, Premiere), online sites (for example, Slate, Rotten Tomatoes), classic review-essays by the likes of Pauline Kael, and film criticism in the more scholarly film journals (for example, Screen). (1) Prerequisite: None.
Cost: $40.00 (The cost is an estimate for movie tickets when we go to local theaters and review current films)
Instructor: R. Schultz
INQ 277 CG: Sustainable Business: The Next Industrial Revolution***PENDING***
This course focuses on the topic of sustainable business which is one that seeks to accomplish not only profit oriented goals but also ones that seek to protect the natural environment [a societal concern] and promote social justice. This course will examine the principles and theoretical concepts behind sustainable business. A review of events that are social and environmental consequences of non-sustainable business activities will be followed by numerous case studies of businesses that are successful and sustainable. Regional sustainable businesses will be visited. Students will collaborate to create marketing research instruments (an interview protocol using and a survey using social science survey methodologies) to assess consumer awareness and attitudes toward sustainable business activities. Students will create and present promotional plans to convey the need for consumers in our society to be aware of sustainable business and persuade them to choose products produced by sustainable businesses rather than ones that are not produced sustainably. (1) Prerequisite: None.
Cross listed as BUAD 277 CG for elective credit in the MRKT concentration.
Students must register & deposit for this course by March 1, 2010.
Cost: $500.00 (The cost is an estimate for field trips to Blacksburg and Washington DC)
Instructor: E. Velazquez
INQ 377 CC: Psychology of Consciousness
The intensive study of the psychological epi-phenomenon of self-awareness and/or consciousness from multi-disciplinary perspectives including cognitive psychology, neuroscience, computer neural networks and artificial intelligence, philosophic psychology, and Judeo-Christian and Eastern religious traditions. (1) Prerequisite: PSYC 101.
Instructor: D. Pranzarone
All travel courses will follow the registration procedure outlined on the May Travel/Intensive Learning course enrollment form – YOU MAY NOT REGISTER FOR THE FOLLOWING
INQ 177 TA: Cultural Kinesis: Greece and the Ancient Olympics
This course will explore the leisure and sport of ancient Greece. Travel destinations will include sites of the Crown Games, the most famous being the Ancient Olympic Games. Students will examine the historical significance of the games and their connection to ancient and modern society. In the spirit of the ancient Greek ideal of developing the mind and body in harmony, students will participate in some form of physical activity every day (i.e. Olympic events, Greek folk dances, physical training, etc.). (1) Prerequisite: None.
Cost: $3950.00
Instructors: J. Buriak & J. Creasy
INQ 177 TB: The National Park System: Explore Your America
This domestic travel course explores the National Park Service (NPS) through a discussion of the areas it protects and the history of the NPS itself. The course will explore units of the NPS that focus on biological, historical, and cultural sites of importance in Texas, New Mexico, and Colorado. Biological diversity from deserts to alpine ecosystems will be explored along with historical and cultural areas. The course includes discussion of important events in NPS history (Roosevelt, Muir, and the Civilian Conservation Corps) as well. (1) Prerequisite: None.
Cost: $2650.00
Instructor: Lassiter
INQ 177 TC: The Collaborative Art of the Contemporary British Theatre
This is a course for anyone interested in how actors, directors, and designers collaborate to make drama from any era relevant for a contemporary audience. While in London, we attend 10-12 plays, tour backstage at the New Globe, the Royal National Theatre, and Drury Lane Theatre, and we hear from working theatre professionals. In Stratford, we visit Shakespeare’s birthplace and other sites pertinent to his life and attend plays at the Royal Shakespeare Theatre. We tour the art museums in London and have lectures at Westminster Abby and St. Paul’s Cathedral. This class immerses you in the history and the arts of London. (1) Prerequisite: GST 102.
Cost: $3300.00
Instructor: L. Warren
INQ 277 TA: Tropical Marine Biology
A course on biodiversity, ecology, and taxonomy along the Gulf of California coast, Baja, Mexico, involving identification and classification of animals and plants and their interactions and organizations as species, and as part of communities and ecosystems; chemical and physical factors are also treated. Emphasis on coral reef and rocky shore habitats. (1) Prerequisite: BIOL 120 or permission.
Cross-listed as BIOL 277 TA & ENVI 277 TA for elective credit in the BIOL, ENVI & ENVP majors.
Cost: $2900.00 approx.
Instructor: D. Jorgensen
INQ 277 TB: Comparative Education (in England and Scotland)
The course will be a comparative study of non-American education and international education. Students will be participant observers in international classrooms under the supervision of classroom teachers and an Education faculty member. International travel will allow the students experiential learning in the culture and schools of the host nation. (1) Prerequisite: EDUC 210 and Praxis I passed.
Cost $3950.00
Instructor: G. Whitt
INQ 277 TC: Visualizing Italy
This is a travel course consisting of two weeks spent in Italy, primarily in Rome, Florence, and Venice. The goal is to study how Italian artists have visualized their world and how we, as travelers to Italy, visualize that world in our turn. (ARTH 146 expected) (1) Prerequisites: None
Cross listed as ARTH 277 TC for elective credit in the Art & Art History major and minor.
Cost: $3900.00
Instructors: J. Long and K. Shortridge
INQ 277 TD: Japanese Culture: Classical and Modern***PENDING***
The objective of the course is to experience and learn about the essence of Japanese culture, art, tradition and life-style in two of Japan’s ancient capitals, Nara & Kyoto; and the current capital, Tokyo, where Japanese Emperors have lived for over 1300 years. During the trip, students will visit and study the most famous and representative arts and landmarks of each historical era at Buddhist and Shinto shrines, imperial palaces, festivals and museums. Students will study both classical and modern Japanese culture, as well as learn how to enjoy Japanese Art and how to discover the aesthetic elements of Japanese traditions.