Monitoring Report
January 13, 2010
To: Board of Trustees
From:Dean Lindquist, Superintendent of Schools
Subject: CTS Call for Proposals/Improving CTS Programming
through Enhancing CTS Equipment and Tools
Originator:Sharon Styles, Supervisor - Learning Services
That the Board receive the CTS Interim Report submitted to Skills Canada as information.
Sharon Styles will present a report on the CTS proposal prepared to access monies being made available through Skills Canada.
Background Information:
Alberta Education made available to school jurisdictions throughout the province $4.5 million to support the upgrading and maintenance of CTS equipment to bring such equipment up to industry standard. This money was available through a grant structure administered by Skills Canada.
To respond to this Call for Proposals, Matt Kolotolyk, Ryan Hall, Jacob Feniak, Jeff Burgess, Vaughn Olorenshaw and Sharon Stylesdeveloped a proposal to access these funds. The proposal focused on Mechanics, Fabrication and Construction, all areas that requiredsignificant equipment upgrades to bring equipment up to industry standard.
An interim report was submitted to Skills Canada on December 11, 2009 (attached). The report outlines the successes to date of the work that we have been able to accomplish using the money received through this grant. The bulk of the money has been spent and the effect the new equipment is having on student programming is significant. The goal will be to finish purchases and installations by the end of this year.
Thank you to the Facilities Department for their assistance in ensuring that equipment installations are completed in house, thus reducing the cost of installations, allowing all the money to be directed towards equipment purchases.
The money that has been received through the Skills Canada Grant has been extremely beneficial to GYPSD students.The goal will be the completion of all work by the end of the 2009-2010 school year.
Interim Report(due prior to December 11, 2009) / X
Final Report
(due prior to November 30, 2010)
GrandeYellowheadPublic School Division #77
(formerly Grande Yellowhead Regional Division)
Provide district or school level data that supports the achievement of the following objectives of the Call for Proposal.
- To meet or exceed the applicable industry equipment and tool standards.
- Attach a financial statement based upon your proposed budget. Include your grant allocation and expenditures up to and including September 30, 2009.
- Attach a list of equipment purchased.
- To increase the breadth of CTS courses offered.
- If your district/school objective aligned with this objective, complete the following chart:
Program / Baseline Number
(2007-2008) / Number Planned or Implemented for
2009-2010 / Percent Change
Clusters / TMT / TMT
Courses / 49 (MEC and FAB) / 67 / 37%
Smaller high schools have been able to expand their course offerings to include 20 and 30 level courses that were already being offered at larger high schools.
There is still much work unfinished in our proposal as our facilities department struggles to keep up with CTS installations and Innovative Classrooms SMART board installations for digital classrooms. This has meant that not all equipment is usable yet in schools. Once complete the impact will be even more evident.
- To increase the enrollment in the intermediate and advanced level CTS courses.
- If your district/school objective aligned with this objective, complete the following chart:
Program / Baseline Number
(Identify School Year) / Number Planned or Implemented for
2009-2010 / Percent Change
Intermediate Courses / 8071 / 9502 / 18%
Advanced Courses / 881 / 1002 / 14%
1Number of credits earned in 2007-08 school year
2Projections for 2009-2010 school year
We will notice a significant increase in the number of students who will complete modules at the 20 and 30 levels this year. A projection seems premature at this point in time, but one school that previously had 3 students complete Arc Welding 1 (FAB2050) will probably have 50 students do so this year. This school has also increased from 4 sections of MEC and FAB to 7 sections of the same, and could offer more if they had more teacher time available.
- To provide opportunities for a greater diversity of students accessing CTS courses.
- If your district/school objective aligned with this objective, complete the following chart:
Target Students Population / Baseline Number
(Identify School Year) / Projected or Actual Enrollment for
2009-2010 / Percent Change
- To develop innovative strategies for providing CTS equipment and tools (i.e., collaborations between teachers, students, parents, schools, and business/industry)
- If your district/school objective aligned with this objective, complete the following chart:
Partners / Nature of the Partnership
Dave’s Welding / Supplied materials, consultation
Park’s Canada / Supplied materials, consultation, work experience placement for students interested in fabrication as a career choice
Former Instructor (Red DeerCollege) / Supplied materials, consultation, instruction to students
Advantage Automotive / Work experience placements for students interested in pursuing a career in a trade (fabrication, instrumentation, construction etc.)
Asiniwuche Development Corporation / Work experience placements for students interested in pursuing a career in a trade (fabrication, instrumentation, construction etc.)
Canadiana Glass / Work experience placements for students interested in pursuing a career in a trade (fabrication, instrumentation, construction etc.)
Encana Corporation / Work experience placements for students interested in pursuing a career in a trade (fabrication, instrumentation, construction etc.). Supplied equipment to Fabrication shop for students to explore Instrumentation as a career choice.
Foothills Forest Products / Work experience placements for students interested in pursuing a career in a trade (fabrication, instrumentation, construction etc.)
Grande Cache Coal Corporation / Work experience placements for students interested in pursuing a career in a trade (fabrication, instrumentation, construction etc.)
J C Automotive / Work experience placements for students interested in pursuing a career in a trade (fabrication, instrumentation, construction etc.)
McNeil Construction / Work experience placements for students interested in pursuing a career in a trade (fabrication, instrumentation, construction etc.)
Midfield Supply / Work experience placements for students interested in pursuing a career in a trade (fabrication, instrumentation, construction etc.)
Milner Power / Work experience placements for students interested in pursuing a career in a trade (fabrication, instrumentation, construction etc.)
Rodar Contracting / Work experience placements for students interested in pursuing a career in a trade (fabrication, instrumentation, construction etc.)
Rusch Inc. / Work experience placements for students interested in pursuing a career in a trade (fabrication, instrumentation, construction etc.)
Sikanni Services / Work experience placements for students interested in pursuing a career in a trade (fabrication, instrumentation, construction etc.)
Town of Grande Cache / Work experience placements for students interested in pursuing a career in a trade (fabrication, instrumentation, construction etc.)
Steelworks Manufacturing / Supplying metal for student use
Stuart from Promach Welding / Staff training on Plasma Cam cutting table
BP Energy / Supplying metal for student use
Cailis Welding / Supplying metal for student use
Delwest Hydraulics / Staff and student training
Identify any other indicators of the impact that the enhancement grant has had upon your district, school and/or students. You may refer to some of the unique goals and objectives identified in your proposal.
Impact IndicatorsDevelopment of a CTS division wide PLC – with great distances between our schools and often only one “shop” teacher in each school developing a division wide PLC to work together to develop new curriculum materials for the TMT strand has been our goal. This year 5 CTS teachers will meet three times over the course of the year to develop curriculum materials for the new TMT courses.
Inter-visitations – in the past year 2 teachers have made inter-visitations to develop their specific skill areas in welding and machining.
OH&S inspections of shops and development of protocols and procedures for compliance have been developed and implemented.
One teacher has completed level one of the Red DeerCollege’s “Welding for Teachers” program and will work towards completing his Journeyperson designation which will increase his ability to offer 30 level courses.
Many of the things that this money has allowed us to do are not measurable with numbers and statistics, as evidenced by the following comments from teachers:
“The main effect of this new equipment is a substantial improvement of the courses offered due to the higher quality of the equipment now available and more of it, which makes it easier to teach to a given class. Obviously more effective teaching results in better trained students that are better prepared for the work world. My feeling is that this is also making this program more attractive to incoming students which could ensure future enrollments”. (GCCHS)
“The new equipment has brought our Fabrication/ Welding area out of the dark ages. We now have equipment that works, which allows the students to actually fabricate a project or product without having to wait for parts to be ordered. The equipment is giving me an opportunity to take the student learning to a higher level”. (JJSHS)
“We have upgraded all of our equipment to achieve safer, more accurate and professional results”. (GTHS)
“the money [and what it allows us to do] is making a big difference to our students”. PCHS
Financial Statement
SKILLS CANADAGrant Allocation / 299,968
Expenditure to August 31, 2009
Precision lathes & accessories / 37,186
Robotic cutting tables / 92,886
Welders / 35,418
Construction technology tools / 63,497
Protective equipment / 4,492
Total Expenditure / 233,479
Balance of Funding / 66,489
at August 31, 2009