Research Foundation of CUNY
Subject: Benefits for Project Employees
/ Policy No: 507-DThis policy defines employee benefits provided by the Research Foundation's insurance programs. Eligibility for Foundation benefits is determined by employee status and by length of appointment. If an employee's work schedule changes, the employee's benefits change accordingly.
Full -Time (4 months or more).
Salaried employees who are appointed for at least 35 hours a week for at least four complete calendar months, and teaching faculty appointed for 12 or more contact hours, are entitled to statutory benefits and eligible for participation in the Research Foundation's pension plan, health insurance, life insurance, and long term disability.
Full-Time (less than 4 months).
Salaried employees who are appointed for at least 35 hours per week for less than four complete calendar months are entitled to statutory benefits.
Part-Time A (4 months or more).
Hourly employees who are appointed formore than 19 but less than 35hours per week for at least four complete calendar months or teaching faculty appointed for 7 to 11 contact hours are entitled to statutory benefits, participation in the Research Foundation's pension plan, and individual health insurance.
Part-Time A (less than four months).
Hourly employees who are appointed formore than 19 but less than 35 hours per week for less than four complete calendar months are entitled to statutory benefits.
Part-Time B.
Hourly employees who are appointed for19 hours or lessper week, or teaching faculty appointed for less than 7 contact hours, are entitled to statutory benefits.
Complete calendar month.
An appointment must begin with the first day of the month in order to be counted toward eligibility for benefits. If the appointment begins after the first day of the month, eligibility will computed from the first day of the following month.
Break in Service.
A lapse in employment by the Research Foundation lasting more than 30 days constitutes a break in service.
Statutory Benefits.
Statutory benefits are Workers' Compensation, Social Security, Short-Term Disability, and Unemployment Insurance.
Health Insurance.
The Research Foundation offers at least two types of health plans, both of which provide hospital, medical, prescriptions and vision coverage. Dental insurance is available to full-time employees who are enrolled in a health insurance plan. Employees are required to pay a percentage of the health insurance premium as set by the Research Foundation's Board of Directors. The categories of coverage are: individual; employee and spouse or domestic partner; parent and child(ren); and family. Specifics of each plan are contained in benefits booklets issued by the Research Foundation's Office of Human Resources.
Health insurance coverage is not automatically effective with the appointment date and requires formal application. There is an annual open enrollment period during which employees may change health insurance plans. Health insurance coverage ends on the last day of the month following the final month of employment. Employees who are only eligible for individual coverage may purchase coverage for dependents under the Research Foundation's health insurance plan.
To enroll dependents in his/her health plan, the employee must present a Statement of Dependent’s Participation in Health Benefits Program Form accompanied by an original or certified documents (marriage, birth, adoption or guardianship) to Client Services.
An employee enrolling dependants at a later date may do so only during the next Open enrollment period for Health Insurance elections, unless a Qualifying Event ensues. A Qualifying Event is defined as an activity such as marriage, divorce, birth or adoption. In order to participate under the Qualifying Event Election Period, the employee must submit a Statement of Dependent’s Participation in Health Benefits Program Form accompanied by an original or certified document (marriage, birth, adoption or guardianship) to the Office of Client Services within 30 days from the date of the Qualifying Event, or they forfeit their right to participate until the next scheduled Open Enrollment period.
Group Life Insurance and Accidental Death and Dismemberment Insurance. Full-time project employees who earn up to and including $30,000 a year are covered for $15,000 under the Research Foundation's Group Life Insurance Plan. Employees who earn over $30,000 a year are covered for $30,000.
Long Term Disability. Full-time employees become eligible for long term disability insurance on the first day of the thirteenth month following one year of continuous service. After coverage is in effect, benefits begin the first day of the month following six consecutive months of a certified total disability.
Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA).
An employee who has worked for the Foundation for a total of at least 12 months, and has worked at least 1,250 hours over the previous 12 months, is covered under FMLA. An employee is eligible for up to 12 weeks of leave during the FMLA designated year defined as a 12-month period, measured backward from the date an employee uses any FMLA leave. Accrued paid leave (sick, annual or compensatory time) must be used first and the remainder of the 12 weeks, if any, taken as unpaid FMLA leave.
Pension. Pension benefits for Foundation employees are provided through Teachers Insurance and Annuity Association/College Retirement Equities Fund (TIAA/CREF).
For employees in TIER I (employed and enrolled in TIAA/CREF before July 1, 1994 with no break in service) the Research Foundation contributes 11% of the first $16,500 earned during the calendar year and 14% of earnings over $16,500.
For employees in TIER II (employment started on or after July 1, 1994 with no break in service) the Research Foundation, at the completion of the vesting period, contributes 8% for the first seven years of employment and 10% thereafter and the employee, also at the completion of the vesting period, contributes 3% each year. Participation in the Research Foundation's pension plan is mandatory.
For employees in TIER III (employed, or rehired after a break in service, on or after January 1, 2000). Eligible employees will serve a one-year waiting period, followed by a two-year vesting period. After completion of the waiting period (year one), the employer begins pension contribution equivalent to 8% of wages. This contribution is made to an institutionally-owned TIAA-CREF Annuity Contract. At the completion of the vesting period, the contributions made plus any earnings applied to the institutionally-owned annuity contract are credited to an individually-owned annuity contract. The employee contribution of 3% of salary on a pretax basis will begin after three years of eligible service (i.e., the completion of the vesting period). After completing seven years of continuous eligible service, the employer contribution increases to 10%. Participation in the Research Foundation's pension plan is mandatory.
For purposes of determining Pension Tier level, a break in service is defined as a lapse in employment in excess of 4 months.
Supplemental Retirement Annuity (SRA):
All employees may contribute to the Supplemental Retirement Annuity program through payroll deductions. SRAs usually are effective the first of the month following receipt at the Research Foundation of the employee's SRA application and agreement forms. In no instance may contributions to an SRA be made retroactively.
Last Update: 3/31/2004
- Describes time and leave benefits for Foundation employees consistent with funding agency policy and state and federal laws.
- Explains eligibility for time and leave benefits.
- Establishes procedures for implementing this policy.
This policy applies to all employees of the Research Foundation of The City University of New York unless otherwise provided for in collective bargaining agreements. It does not apply to students on stipends or on the CUNY College Work Study Program or to foreign nationals employed outside the United States, its territories, or Canada. Any deviations from this policy must be approved in writing by the President of the Research Foundation.
The following definitions are essential for understanding applicability of time and leave benefits.
Job Classification (as determined by the Personnel Action Form)
- Full-Time Employees
- Full-Time Instructional (non-credit bearing courses) and Non-Instructional - employees scheduled to work at least 35 hours a week.
- Full-TimeInstructional (credit bearing courses) - employees paid over a 10-month academic year and schedule to work at least 35 hours a week (or academic schedule equivalent of at least 12 contact hours).
- Those paid a full annual salary over a 10-month period.
- Those paid 1/12th of annual salary per month.
- Part-Time Employees
- Part-Time Instructional and Non-Instructional - employees scheduled to work less than 35 hours a week, including Part-Time A (more than 19 but less than 35), and Part-Time B (19 or fewer hours per week).
- Part-TimeInstructional employees in a teaching assignment who are paid by the credit or contact hour. (The academic equivalent to a Part Time A work schedule is 7 to 11 contact hours per week and less than 7 contact hours per week for a Part time B work schedule.
As used in this policy, "project director" includes the director or administrator of any university and college facility employing Research Foundation personnel as well as directors of individual projects. Project directors share the responsibility for advising employees of time and leave benefits, but must keep accurate records, and make sure all provisions of this policy are uniformly enforced. See Benefit Policy (507-D) and Retirement Policy (508-E) for related information.
The normal work week for full-time employees consists of five seven-hour days, plus one hour each day for lunch, for a total of 35 working hours, calculated from 12:00 AM Monday through midnight the following Sunday. However, specific schedules are determined by the project director.
The project director may excuse lateness, absence, or early departure due to weather, transportation, or other major public emergencies. In such situations, employees who report to work despite emergency conditions may be granted compensatory time off at the discretion of the project director.
The Research Foundation’s policies provide for annual leave, temporary disability leave (sick leave), child care leave, military leave, leave for on-the-job injury, miscellaneous leave, leave without pay, and holidays under the Operating Guidelines of Section V. At the discretion of the project director, and in consideration of local customs, employees in foreign locations may be granted leave benefits in accordance with Section V. Credit for leave of any type, unscheduled holidays, and compensatory time earned while employed on one project or college earnings account may not be carried over to another project (i.e., different account number). The continuation of a project under the same director with funding from the same source, does not constitute a termination. Therefore, when permitted by the funding agency, unused annual leave, not to exceed 35 days, can be carried over.
For leave without pay, the employee should be advised by the project director of Policy No. 507-D (Benefit Programs for all Research Foundation Employees), especially since benefits may be terminated.
A summary of time and leave benefits follow:
Effective July 1, 2002, the following time and leave eligibility rules and accrual rates apply to all full-time and part-time Research Foundation employees, unless otherwise provided for in an applicable collective bargaining agreement.
1. Job Classification / Annual and Sick Leave Eligibility Rules and Accrual RatesFull and Part Time Instructional* and Non-Instructional Employees / Years of Service / Annual Leave
Accrual Rates / Sick Leave
Accrual Rates
hrs/hr worked / days/year / hrs/hr worked / days/year / hrs/hr worked
0-3yrs / 15 / 0.057692 / 20 /
4-7 yrs / 22 / 0.084615 / 20 / 0.078571
8+ yrs / 25 / 0.096154 / 20 / 0.078571
The above accrual rates are based on a 35-hour workweek and are to be pro-rated for part-timers. In order to determine the amount of leave accrued by a part-time employee, multiply the number of hours worked by the appropriate factor (based on years of service). For example, a part-time employee with one year of service who works 20 hours per week (40 hours per pay period) will accrue 2.31 hours of annual leave per pay period (40 hours x 0.057692 hours/hour worked = 2.31 hours). Over 26 pay periods, that part-time employee will accrue 60 hours of annual leave.
* Part-Time Instructional employees accrue no annual leave.
Full and part-time employees may be granted annual leave only after three months of continuous service. When an individual is transferred from one Research Foundation account to another without interruption, the three-month waiting period will be waived if already satisfied.
Full and Part-time Employees Paid Over Ten Months
- If the employee is paid full annual salary over 10 months (i.e., the equivalent of 12 months pay for 10 months' work), no annual leave accumulates since the annual leave due is included in the annual salary. The same applies to employees in this classification who are paid half their annual salary over a five-month period. However, sick leave is accrued on the same basis as Instructional and Non-Instructional employees.
- If an employee in this classification is paid one-twelfth annual salary per month, he or she is entitled to annual and sick leave on the same basis as Instructional and Non-Instructional employees, after one full semester.
A. Annual Leave
Annual Leave is to be used for vacation, personal business, family illness or other family emergencies, religious holidays, days of special observance, etc. It is earned according to the following schedule of time worked.
- No annual leave accumulates while an employee is on leave without pay or after the last day actually worked before resignation, retirement or termination.
- Scheduling Annual Leave - all annual leave must be approved in advance by the project director.
With a written request to the project director by a full-time employee, annual leave may be advanced for special or emergency situations, including religious observances occurring before completion of three months service.
Employees on a project must take all earned leave before expected termination of employment unless arrangements are made for cash payment on termination. Where the project director requires the employee's services and use of all or part of annual leave is not feasible, and where funds are available, payment for leave at the time of termination can be made in place of time off. This procedure can be used only when not in conflict with regulations of the granting agency. IN SUCH CASES, THE PROJECT DIRECTOR SHALL MAKE WRITTEN ARRANGEMENTS TO BE APPROVED BY THE DIRECTOR OF EMPLOYMENT POLICY AND PRACTICE OF THE RESEARCH FOUNDATION All such arrangements must be made before termination of the project or termination of employment, whichever occurs first. This will insure that funds are set aside for payment.
If an employee takes all unused leave the month before the termination date, he/she will earn annual leave during that month. However, under no circumstances does an employee earn annual leave after termination. For example, a person with 10 days of accumulated leave as of June 1, who is to terminate June 30, will be advanced the two days additional leave he/she will be accumulating during that last month provided that he/she remains on the payroll until June 30. This would bring to 12 the total number of days to be taken as leave in the month of June.
- Maximum Accrual of Leave - no more than 35 days of annual leave may be carried over from one calendar year to the next.
- Charging Time Against Annual Leave
- The minimum unit charged against annual leave is one hour, with additional leave charged in multiples of one-quarter hour.
- Authorized holidays during a full-time employee's authorized annual leave will not be charged against annual leave.
- If a physician's or hospital certificate supports a report of illness during an employee's authorized annual leave, those days of illness may be converted to temporary disability leave.
- Advancement of Annual Leave
Where, in an exceptional case, the Research Foundation has advanced payment for annual leave, and the individual terminates before accruing the time, any funds due the Foundation for such leave will be deducted from the employee's final salary check.
B. Temporary Disability Leave (Sick Leave)
- Temporary Disability Leave shall be used for the employee's personal illness, medical diagnosis or treatment, disability related to pregnancy, miscarriage, abortion, childbirth, etc. It is not to be used for illness of another family member. The minimum unit which may be charged against Temporary Disability Leave is one hour, and then in multiples of one-quarter hour.
If an employee is absent from work for more than five consecutive working days because of illness or injury, he or she should callhis/her Client Services Representative for information on filing for New York State disability payments. This should be done whether the individual is on leave with pay or on leave without pay.