[Type your full name]

[Type yourfulladdress including postcode]

[Pick the date]

[Type the company name]

[Type the address of the company including postcode]

Dear Sirs,

Ref: [Enter your account number or reference]

Subject Access Request

Further to my letter of [Pick the date of your original request]in which I made a subject access request, I would now like you to revisit the way you handled my request.I requested the following information:


A copy of the original signed executed agreement; statements of account; duplicate statements or printouts of all account transactions; all internal and external correspondence sent or received by you including memos, logs, notes, screen prints and transcripts; notes of manual interventions such as telephone attendants' notes, copies of stored telephone conversations, internal and external emails and any other information held on all types of media in any relevant filing system.

If you have disclosed any information to a third party (with or without my express permission), will you please include details of this in your reply, along with notes of any legal action passed or pending (to include a true copy of default notices, court orders and the like).

If you store any of the older records on microfiche, please be aware that the Information Commissioner deems this to be a relevant filing system under the Act. As such, any microfiche data must be sent to me in fully legible and comprehensible form.

Where any information that you provide includes any charges, for example returned payments, late payment fees, and so forth, would you please advise your breakdown of actual costs (liquidated damages) incurred for each charge, and the Term or Condition on which you rely upon to claim such a charge. I also require that you forward, a true copy of the Terms and Conditions that were in force at the time my account was opened, and any subsequent amendments to those Terms and Conditions.]

I received a response from you on[Pick the date of their response] from [Type the name of the person who sent the covering letter with their response]. I have attached a copy of both letters for your information. From the information you have provided and from my reading of the Information Commissioner’s Office website at I suspect you have failed to disclose all the relevant information I requested.I believe that I have not received all the data I am entitled to. I expected to receive any personal data relating to me that may be contained within the following:

[List the records that you want the organisation to search and where they might be found, including any relevant dates, for example:

copies of statements (between xxxx and xxxx) held in account number xxxxx).]

If you have withheld any information relating to me I would be grateful if you would confirm this and tell me why you consider it appropriate to do so.

If there is anything further you can do to resolve this matter, or further information you can provide, please do so.

As the statutory time limit for responding to my subject access request (40 days) has now expired, I would be grateful if you could provide this information within 14 days.

I must advise you that if I do not receive a satisfactory response from you, I will submit a ‘request for assessment’ to the Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO).

You can find advice on the ICO’s website on how to deal with a subject access request ico.org.uk/sar and information on their powers and the action they can take ico.org.uk/action or call them on 0303 123 1113.

Yours faithfully,

[Your full name]