Sub Group Meeting

Vue Cinema 18thNovember 2014

Promoting the town


  • Iain RossSouth Lanarkshire council
  • JoAnn McIntoshExcel Letting
  • Gareth WalkerHamilton BID
  • Lauren MoffatHamilton BID
  • Courtney KerrHamilton BID


  • Colin AndersonBanks Group
  1. Customer Service Charter and Training

The group discussed the free customer service the BID put on – originally meant to be 6 sessions – but due to poor demand sessions were pushed back another month until October. We had an uptake of 36 people over 4 sessions – yet we only had an attendance of 28.

GW – Felt we didn’t get a good return from FREE customer service training – although there was a need for it – how do we transform this to something that levy payers want to buy into? GW asked the group their opinions on the Customer Service Charter.

IR – with regards to customer service charter either scrap it or plough on. IR suggested laminating customer service charter and putting them in windows of the 21 shops that sent people to the free training.

  1. Other Training Needs

Group discussed what training people in the town would benefit from - GW Suggested next course could be social media or handling complaints.

IR – Needs to be practical training rather than class room training - suggested we speak to New College Lanarkshire to see if we could use their PCs.

  1. Town Safety Issues

Group agreed to move on with Customer Service Charter. However we need to source a post-box / collection box – where the public can post their completed charters. CK to look into sourcing a post box.

  1. Town appearance issues

Group discussed the new black ugly bins which have appeared in the town.

GW explained that Ian Currie from land maintenancesaid he was looking at replacing damaged steel bins and was looking for contribution and said he would contact BID to contribute to their replacement. GW explained that if council were looking for the BID to support bin replacement financially it would only be fair for us to see bins beforehand and have a role in decision making process. The chosen style is based on cost,availability, maintenance and ease of use. Ian Currie due to be in touch with regards to cost of bins and ease of access shortly.

  1. AOB

The group also discussed the use of Ipads in the town to help and assist customers as well as being able to give feedback. IR suggested we speak to Q and A upstairs regarding iPad