Sub:Committee to formulate Human Resource Policy for PACS

-Request for Comments/Views/Suggestions

We are pleased to inform you that National Federation of State Cooperative Banks (NAFSCOB) has constituted a Committee under the Chairmanship of Shri Konduru Ravinder Rao, Director, NAFSCOB & President, Telangana State Cooperative Apex Bank to formulate “Human Resource Policy for Primary Agricultural Credit Societies (PACS)’ and suggest guidelines. Kindly note that this initiative has been taken by NAFSCOB and supported by NABARD. This is the first of its kind in the country. The Terms of Reference of the Committee are as follows:

  1. To study the existing Act provisions, instructions, guidelines and orders of the State Governments, including the report submitted by the committee appointed by Govt. of Andhra Pradesh, NABARD, RBI on Recruitment, Promotion, Transfer etc. of staff in PACS in different states and suggest a rationalised policy framework for the same including study of cadre system in PACS (requisite qualifications at different cadres), pay structure etc.
  1. To suggest norms for staff strength in different categories of PACS vis-a-vis volume of credit business and other services being offered, profitability, operating expenses etc. Theon-going initiative of NABARD for converting PACS into Multi Service Centres may also befactored in while suggesting the HR Policy for PACS.
  1. To study the existing Special Bye-laws and suggest uniform service rules for all the cadres in consonance with the Act provisions, NABARD guidelines etc.
  1. To study the present status of Computerisation, scope and the need for computerisation in PACS and likely impact of it on the staff strength.
  1. To suggest a well-defined career path for the PACS staff.
  1. To study the training systems obtaining for PACS staff and suggest a well-defined training policy to meet the emerging business needs of PACS and to take care of the career progression of the staff.
  1. To study the need and options for outsourcing and identify the activities which could be outsourced.
  1. To suggest an appropriate mechanism for implementing the suggested HR Policy forPACS and ensure its compliance on an on-going basis.
  1. Study the best practises adopted by the PACS in the following States and suggest measures for strengthening of PACS:

(a) Central -UTTAR PRADESH (b) North - JHARKHAND; (c) North East- MEGHALAYA; (d) West- MAHARASHTRA; (e) East- ODISHA; (f) South- KERALA.

The Committee has already commenced its planning to address the issues involved in HR Policy for PACS and they are in the process of collection of important information to facilitate formulation of a model HR Policy for PACS.

Therefore, we request you kindly to send your views/suggestions/comments on each of the Terms of Reference of the Committee to facilitate formulation of a meaningful HR Policy for PACS, to the following E.mails on or before 31 May 2018:

NABARD did appreciate the proposal and initiative of NAFSCOB and extended its support. Kindly note this will be the first ever HR Policy for PACS at all India level and your contribution will be recorded with appreciation.