Minsthorpe Community College Bursary– Post 16
The Bursary provides financial support to help students overcome specific barriers to participation so they can remain in education. The college policy and approach outlined below is based on the guidance provided by the government which is titled 16 TO 19 BURSARY FUND GUIDE FOR ACADEMIC YEAR 2017 TO 2018.
What is it? / You could get a bursary to help with education-related costs if you’re aged 16 to 19(must be 16 on 31st August 2017 and under 19 on this date) and:-
  • studying at school or college (not university) in England
  • on a training course, including unpaid work experience

What is it for? / A bursary is money that you, or your education or training provider, can use to pay for things like:
  • books and other equipment for your course
  • transport and lunch on days you study
  • financial support with trips
  • train/bus fares or other transport costs to University Open days

The Categories and who is eligible? / VULNERABLE BURSARY– Students who are in one or more of the defined groups below.
Who= Any student in care, care leavers, young people directly in receipt of income support and disabled young people in receipt of Employment Support Allowance and also in receipt of Disability Living Allowance. SEE MRS LEWIS PERSONALLY IF YOU FIT THIS CRITERIA.
DISCRETIONARY BURSARY – Guidance says it is for institutions to decide which students receive a discretionary bursary, depending on each student’s circumstances.
Band 1= Any student with a household income of £16,190 or below (which is the threshold of qualification for Free School Meals). Even if students have not accessed the Free School Meals in the previous year they will still be eligible. This also includes parents on Income Support, Income Based Job-Seekers Allowance, Employment Support Allowance and parents in receipt of Child Tax Credit with no Working Tax Credit as long as in the case of all of these income as assessed by the Inland Revenue does not exceed £16,190. Full entitlement will be given to these students providing the P16 Learning Contract is being met in relation to attendance, effort and behaviour. Reasonable costs for clothing for college use will be met where appropriate.
Band 2 = annual household income between £16,191 - £26,000 – P60 of both/or single parent required as evidence. Support will be given in part towards costs providing these students are meeting the attendance, effort and behaviour expectations of the P16 Learning Contract.
How do I claim for a Discretionary Bursary? / You need to bring paper evidence of your eligibility along with the application form. This must be taken to the FINANCE OFFICE (all information will be photocopied and returned immediately).NOTE this fund does NOT affect your entitlement to any DWP income related benefit.
Evidence for Band 1:
1)Income Support JBSAIB or Employment Support Allowance (recent benefits letter from DWP or Job Centre Plus)
2)Child Tax Credit you must provide your most recent TaxCredit Award Notice and documentary evidence of your income.
3)‘Guaranteed’ element of Pension Credit you must provide your Pension Credit M1000 Award Notice.
4)4 Support under Part IV of the Immigration and Asylum Act 1999, please ask the Equity and Diversity Service to provide evidence (01924 304388)
Evidence for Band 2 – P60 of parent/s
Can it be withdrawn? / Yes, if you are not meeting the Student Responsibilities on the Post 16 Learning Contract that you and your parents and carers signed at the start of the academic year.
If my financial circumstances change? / Please inform the college immediately. If you fail to inform college and have made claims you will be asked to repay these in full. However, you can just provide the evidence for the next Band if you move from Band 1 to 2 that will be sufficient if that band or the next reflects your new circumstances.
How do I apply? / Complete the form overleaf and return this to Mrs Lewis – Assistant Principal Post 16
How do I make claims once I know I am eligible? / Bring your receipt for the purchase you have made to Mrs Lewis, she will sign the Bursary Slip and you then take this signed slipand the receipt to the Finance office and they will make payment directly into your bank account (usually takes approximately a week).
Changes from previous years / 2017/18 Guidance clearly states that:-
Students who apply for help should be assessed individually – so please don’t make comparisons to other students payments
If IT equipment, for example, a laptop or tablet is necessary, i.e. the student cannot complete the study programme without it, it can be bought with Bursary funds… equipment should be returned once the student has completed the study programme. – We will not ask this of current year 13 as this was not the agreement we made when we purchased theirs.
Institutions are free to decide how often both the vulnerable and the discretionary bursary payments are made – for students in Band 1 we could offer weekly payments but this is dependent on circumstances and at the discretion of the college.

Please note the above could be subject to change. Please don’t hesitate to approach the Year Office if you and your family are experiencing financial difficulty.

Name of Student: / P&A Group:
Courses enrolled on (specify name, level and course duration):
Details: of Parent / Carer (circle as appropriate) / Title:
Name: / Date of Birth:
National Insurance Number:
Home Tel No: / Mobile Tel No:
Two parent household – all income details required / Single parent household - the above person only
I agree that in order for my child to be receive the bursary payments agreed by the college that they must be meeting the expectations set out in the Post 16 Learning contract.
Signed by parent: Date:
Examples of evidence you need to provide – one example is sufficient
VULNERABLE BURSARY - Student in Care / Care Leavers / Young people directly in receipt of income support / Disabled young people in receipt of Employment Support Allowance who are also in receipt of Disability Living Allowance (circle which evidence you are providing from the list)
Band 1 - student directly on Income Support, Parent(s)/Carer on Income Support, Income Based Jobseeker’s Allowance, Guarantee Element of State Pension Credit, Child Tax Credit with no Working Tax Credit and have an income, as assessed by the Inland Revenue that does not exceed £16,190, Support under Part IV of the Immigration and Asylum Act 1999, Employment Support Allowance (income related)
Band 2 - P60
I am applying for VULNERABLE BURSARY support
I am applying for DISCRETIONARY BURSARY support BAND 1
I am applying for DISCRETIONARY BURSARY support BAND 2
BANK DETAILS FOR BACS PAYMENTS – must be the student’s own account
Name (student): / Year 12 Year 13 P&A group
Details of Bank / Building Society (name and address):
Sort Code: / Account Number:
Other References (Bld.Soc.Roll No. Etc.) / Account Name:
Signed: / Date:
Ref No: