

Period ______

Final Exam Study Guide

Computer Applications II—Fall 2012

Directions: Answer the following questions pertaining to Microsoft Word and Microsoft Excel. Use your book, notes, the software programs, and program windows to locate the answers. Use this completed study guide to help you prepare for the Final Exam. In addition to this study guide, you should also study your vocabulary, PowerPoint notes, program windows, and daily class assignments.

EXCEL Definitions:

1. Microsoft Excel –

2. Worksheet -

  1. Workbook –
  1. Active worksheet—
  1. Spreadsheet—
  1. Formula Bar -
  1. Active Cell –
  1. Live Preview –
  1. Toggle –
  1. Relative cell reference—
  1. Absolute cell reference—
  1. Mixed cell reference—
  1. Sheet tab—
  1. Name box—
  1. Order of evaluation (order of operations)—
  1. Formula AutoComplete—
  1. Cell reference—
  1. Mathematical functions—
  1. Text functions—
  1. Financial functions—
  1. Statistical functions—
  1. Date and time functions—

EXCEL Concepts:

1. What is the difference between columns and rows? How are they labeled?

2. What do all formulas and functions begin with in Excel?

  1. Explain the function of the formula bar.
  1. Explain the difference between Save and Save As.
  1. What is an active cell and how can you clear an active cell?
  1. A cell reference is composed of what?
  1. What is a workbook? By default, how many worksheets are in a workbook in Microsoft Excel?
  1. What are the different ways you can print a worksheet?
  1. Explain how to magnify the view of a worksheet while in Print Preview.
  1. What is merge and center? Explain the steps you take to merge and center a title in Microsoft Excel.
  1. What is the Go To command? Where can you find the go to command? Explain how it works.
  1. What is the purpose of Microsoft Excel?
  1. Name the different ways you can change column width in Microsoft Excel.
  1. What is a range? Give an example of how you might write a range in Excel.
  1. What are number formats? List and explain at least three number formats used in Microsoft Excel.
  1. By default, which theme is applied to each workbook?
  1. To remove a style from a selected cell, you should click ______in the Good, Bad, and Neutral section of the Cell Styles gallery.
  1. What does Excel display if the number is too long to fit inside the cell?
  1. What happens if text is too long to fit within a cell
  1. What is the default number format in Excel? Describe this format.
  1. List the keyboard shortcuts for cutting, copying, and pasting cells.
  1. List the steps for splitting a worksheet window. List the three different ways a window can be split.
  1. Which view should you use when preparing a worksheet for printing?
  1. List and describe the two components of worksheet formulas.
  1. When using formulas, what does Excel automatically check for you?
  1. List and describe the various calculations available on the status bar when a range of cells is selected.
  1. Describe the purpose of the Insert Function dialog box. How do you access this dialog box?
  1. Do all mathematical operations require functions? Explain.
  1. Describe and provide an example of all the various types of functions we discussed in lesson 5.
  1. Describe what happens when an IF function is used.
  1. The rounding operation requires two arguments separated by what?
  1. Explain how to use the Clipboard.
  1. What is Page Break Preview?
  1. Which keyboard shortcut can you use to switch between showing formulas and showing formula results in a worksheet?
  1. Give an example of a square root function written correctly.

WORD Definitions

  1. Microsoft Word –
  1. Widow –
  1. Orphan –
  1. Merge fields –
  1. File properties—

WORD Concepts

  1. What is the thesaurus? Give one example of when it would be beneficial for you to use the thesaurus in Word.
  1. Which research resources require an Internet connection?
  1. Explain the function of main document and data source when using mail merge.
  1. What is the default setting for printing labels?
  1. List the steps for creating a document based on a template from Microsoft Office Online and the steps for using an installed Word template.
  1. What is the file extension for templates in Microsoft Word?
  1. List the steps to insert a table into a Word document.
  1. List the steps you would follow to see the envelope layout before you print. (places the envelop at the top of the current document)
  1. List the steps for comparing two documents side by side.
  1. Explain the steps for writing a comment to the author of a document.
  1. Describe how you know text has been pasted when track changes is turned on.