Study Guide For Chapters 7-10

  1. How is the fetal skull different from the adult skull?
  2. What are the names of various sutures that connect the cranial bones?
  3. Why is the hyoid considered to be unique?
  4. Where is the pituitary gland located?
  5. What are intervertebral discs and why are they important?
  6. What are various abnormal curvatures of the vertebral column called?
  7. What are the different types of joints that we learnt in class? Review the slides to learn the material.
  8. What bones make up the orbit of the eye?
  9. What is the heel bone and why is it important?
  10. Why are foramens important? Which is the largest foramen in the body?
  11. What are the components of the pectoral and pelvic girdle?
  12. Learn the various components of the knee joint to understand a synovial joint. Understand the importance of the various components in maintaining the structure and functionality of the knee.
  13. What is synovial fluid and how is it formed?
  14. Learn the various movements of the muscles and joints, such as adduction, abduction, extension, flexion, etc.
  15. How does accumulation of uric acid in joints affect one’s health?
  16. Learn the histology of muscle cells. What connective tissue layers surround muscle fibers, fascicles and entire muscles?
  17. Study the various regions of microfibrils that give rise to striations in striated muscles. Understand the importance of each region. What is the functional unit of a microfibril?
  18. To what extent can various types of muscles regenerate?
  19. Study the physiology of muscle contraction. What is meant by excitation-contraction coupling? How can the maximum contraction be achieved?
  20. What are the components of the triad in skeletal muscles? What are the functions of the various components in muscle contraction?
  21. What is the sequence of events in muscle contraction? What happens at the neuromuscular junction when a nerve impulse arrives? Know where the receptors for acetylcholine are located, and how the signal is terminated after a muscle has contracted
  22. What is myoglobin and why is it important for muscles?
  23. How does recovery oxygen uptake restore metabolic conditions in a fatigue muscle?
  24. What is creatine phosphate and what is its role in muscles?
  25. How do muscle cells obtain ATP for their actions? What are the products of aerobic and anaerobic respiration in muscle cells?
  26. What model describes movement of muscle filaments during muscle contraction? Understand how the filaments move to achieve muscular contraction.
  27. Learn the various classes of levers and understand how these relate to various types of muscular movement in the body. What is meant by mechanical advantage and mechanical disadvantage in a lever system?
  28. Study how muscles act as prime movers, synergists, antagonists and fixators.
  29. What are suprahyoid and infrahyoid muscles? How are tongue muscles named?
  30. What role do the diaphgram and intercostals muscles play in respiration?