Study Guide for Chapter 9 in Fox

Study Guide for Chapter 9 in Fox

Neural Control

1.  The Autonomic Nervous System (ANS) is a motor system concerned with controlling:______

2.  Unlike the Somatic Motor System (SMS), the ANS has not one but ______neurons.

3.  The 1st neuron is always in the ______and the 2nd is in a ______

4.  The axon of the 1st is called the ______fiber and the axon for the 2nd is called a ______fiber.

5.  The ANS has 2 divisions, the______and the ______

6.  What happens if you cut the axon to an effector of the ANS?

Divisions of the ANS: The SNS

7.  The sympathetic is also called the ______(anatomically)

8.  This is because it arises from the ______and ______of the spinal cord.

9.  The 1st neuron is found in the ______of the spinal cord.

10.  The most of the SNS 2nd neurons are found in the ______

11.  What are the white and gray rami?

12.  How many collateral axons may diverge, on average from a single SNS neuron in the spinal cord?

a.  This divergence results in the ______of post-ganglionic neurons.

b.  The activation of the SNS is often referred to as “______or ______”

13.  Sometimes the 1st neuron doesn’t synapse with a 2nd until it enters one of the 3 ______

14.  Their names are ______, ______, & ______

15.  Another variation of the theme is that a 2nd neuron may be found in the ______of the ______gland.

16.  What does this 2nd neuron do?

17.  The pre-ganglionic fiber is ______in length and the ______is longer.


18.  The parasympathetic is also called the ______(anatomically)

19.  This is because it arises in the ______,______,______, &______s and from the ______segments ______,______,______

20.  The 2nd neuron of the PSNS is found in ganglia called ______

Functions of the ANS

21.  How does Cocaine exert its action?

Synaptic Transmission

22.  Be able to show which neural transmitters are released at each of the junctions.

23.  What are the 2 exceptions for the transmitter at SNS effectors?

24.  All adrenergic receptors act via ______

25.  All subtypes of Beta Adrenergic receptors cause the production of ______

26.  Beta 1 receptors are found in ______and cause ______of it.

27.  Beta 2 receptors are found in smooth muscle found in 2 different place ______& ______

28.  Alpha 1 receptors use a 2nd messenger which is ______

29.  This type of 2nd messenger is associated with ______contraction

30.  The axons of ANS neurons have varicosities that form ______en ______

31.  What do the terms “agonist” and “antagonist” with respect to drugs?

32.  Curare blocks ______receptors while Atropine blocks ______receptors.

33.  Explain how an Alpha 1 receptor can cause either vasodilation or vasoconstriction.

34.  What are the organs listed without dual innervation?

35.  Of what use is “Bradykinin”

36.  How might “higher brain function” influence the ANS?