Grading Form Final Project (0BEPP0)
Student number:
Title project:
First supervisor: Signature first supervisor:
Second assessor: Signature second assessor:
Internship PhD student:
Grade final report (80%)*: / Grade interim report (20%): / Final grade:
Poor / Insufficient / Sufficient / Good / Verygood
The summary is clear
The abstract includes the research question, method, and main results
Additionalcomments (obligatory):
Introduction / theory
formulate a well-specified scientific research question fitted to the problem and relevant scholarly literature; conduct a literature search; apply and modify relevant scientific theory in order to solve a technology related problem
Poor / Insufficient / Sufficient / Good / Verygood
The research question and hypotheses are clear and relevant for P&T**
The importance of the research question is clear
There is a clear link to scientific literature and prior research
The amount of literature is sufficient and the literature is relevant
The literature is critically described
Additionalcomments (obligatory):
Method and results
make an adequate research design for empirical research on the problem / research question; apply relevant scientific methods and statistical techniques of empirical research to the research question
Poor / Insufficient / Sufficient / Good / Verygood
The method section is clear, correct, and complete (sample, procedure, IVs, DVs, materials)
The result section is clear, correct, and complete
Additionalcomments (obligatory):
relate interpretations of the data to theory and describe implications (e.g., advice for the design of technology and/or policy recommendations)
Poor / Insufficient / Sufficient / Good / Verygood
The discussion includes a clear answer to the research question based on a correct interpretation of the findings
The findings are linked to the relevant theoretical background
The (theoretical/practical) implications of the findings are clear
The discussion includes a reflection on the limitations of the study and suggestions for future research
Additionalcomments (obligatory):
Writing style
individually write a scientific report
Poor / Insufficient / Sufficient / Good / Verygood
The paper is written clearly
There are hardly any grammar / spelling errors
The paper is well-structuredand has a clear line of reasoning
Additionalcomments (obligatory):
Process / work attitude***
reflect and think systematically
Poor / Insufficient / Sufficient / Good / Verygood
The student worked independently and used his/her own ideas
The student followed agreements / rules and showed up for appointments
The student incorporated the supervisor’s feedback in later versions
Additionalcomments (obligatory):
*This is the grade after discussion with the second assessor.
**P&T = Psychology and Technology
***A second assessor can skip this part of the form.