Study Guide: Antebellum Test


The Second Great Awakening



Nat Turner


William Lloyd Garrison

Frederick Douglas

Temperance Movement

Elizabeth Cady Stanton

Compromise of 1850

Stephen Douglas

Popular sovereignty

Kansas-Nebraska Act

Dred Scott Decision

Abraham Lincoln



Major concepts

  1. What was the impact of slavery on the coming Civil War?

Think about:

--What was abolitionism?

--Why was the South willing to secede to protect their use of slavery?

--What was the significance of secession?

  1. What political policies and social fallouts led to the Civil War?

--What compromises were made to avoid war and why did they fail?

--What is popular sovereignty and how did it fail in Kansas?

--What did the Dred Scott Decision say and what did that mean to northerners?

--What role did John Brown play in causing greater political and social tension?

  1. Explain sectional differences between the North and South and how it led to the Civil War?

--What major reforms were going on in the North?

--What was life like for both slaves and whites in the South?

--Compare the economy of the North to the economy of the south.

--How did these all come together in the 1850s and lead to the secession of the southern states?

Study Guide: Antebellum Test


The Second Great Awakening



Nat Turner


William Lloyd Garrison

Frederick Douglas

Temperance Movement

Elizabeth Cady Stanton

Compromise of 1850

Stephen Douglas

Popular sovereignty

Kansas-Nebraska Act

Dred Scott Decision

Abraham Lincoln



Major concepts

  1. What was the impact of slavery on the coming Civil War?

Think about:

--What was abolitionism?

--Why was the South willing to secede to protect their use of slavery?

--What was the significance of secession?

  1. What political policies and social fallouts led to the Civil War?

--What compromises were made to avoid war and why did they fail?

--What is popular sovereignty and how did it fail in Kansas?

--What did the Dred Scott Decision say and what did that mean to northerners?

--What role did John Brown play in causing greater political and social tension?

  1. Explain sectional differences between the North and South and how it led to the Civil War?

--What major reforms were going on in the North?

--What was life like for both slaves and whites in the South?

--Compare the economy of the North to the economy of the south.

--How did these all come together in the 1850s and lead to the secession of the southern states?