Intensive Reading
Technology Book Trailer DUE 9/17/10
Teacher Name: N Borthwick
Student Name: ______
Book Title : ______
  • Students will read a book approved by Mr. Borthwick
  • Students will create a book trailer that previews their book to the class
  • Powerpoint, DVD video, and movie maker are acceptable formats
  • Movies can be posted to the class website @
  • In addition to the book trailer, students will also take and AR test on their book

CATEGORY / 4 / 3 / 2 / 1
Background or Video
SCORE ______ / Background or video does not detract from text or other graphics. Choice of background is consistent from card to card and is appropriate for the topic. / Background does not detract from text or other graphics. Choice of background is consistent from card to card. / Background does not detract from text or other graphics. / Background makes it difficult to see text or competes with other graphics on the page.
Buttons and Links Work Correctly
SCORE ______ / All buttons and links work correctly. / Most (99-90%) buttons and links work correctly / Many (89-75%) of the buttons and links work correctly. / Fewer than 75% of the buttons work correctly.
Sounds/ Music planning
SCORE ______ / Careful planning has gone into all music and sounds. All sounds improve the content or "feel" of the presentation. / Some planning has gone into sounds. Most enhance the content or "feel" of the presentation, but 1-2 seem to be added for no real reason. None detract from the overall presentation. / Sounds that are chosen are appropriate for the topic, but some detract from the overall presentation. / Sounds are not appropriate for the presentation.
Content - Accuracy
SCORE ______ / All content throughout the presentation is accurate and previews the book accurately. / Most of the content is accurate but there is one piece of information that is missing. / The content is generally accurate, but more than one piece of information about the book is missing. / Content is typically confusing or contains more than one factual error and missing content.
SCORE ______ / The theme of the book is presented and somehow connected to the student’s life in 2 or more ways / The theme of the book is presented and connected in 1 way / The theme of the book is presented in the trailer / The theme of the book is not presented in the trailer
Use of Graphics
SCORE ______ / All graphics are attractive (size and colors) and support the theme/content of the presentation. / A few graphics are not attractive but all support the theme/content of the presentation. / All graphics are attractive but a few do not seem to support the theme/content of the presentation. / Several graphics are unattractive AND detract from the content of the presentation.
Text - Font Choice & Formatting
SCORE ______ / Font formats (e.g., color, bold, italic) have been carefully planned to enhance readability and content. / Font formats have been carefully planned to enhance readability. / Font formating has been carefully planned to complement the content. It may be a little hard to read. / Font formatting makes it very difficult to read the material.
SCORE ______ / The student speaks clearly during the narration / The student speaks clearly, but some of the narration is difficult to hear / The student does not speak clearly / The trailer does not contain narration
Spelling and Grammar
SCORE ______ / Presentation has no misspellings or grammatical errors. / Presentation has 1-2 misspellings, but no grammatical errors. / Presentation has 1-2 grammatical errors but no misspellings. / Presentation has more than 2 grammatical and/or spelling errors
SCORE ______ / All permissions to use graphics "borrowed" from web pages or scanned from books have been listed on the works cited page. / All permissions to use graphics "borrowed" from web pages or scanned from books have been requested and received. / Most permissions to use graphics "borrowed" from web pages or scanned from books have been requested and received. / Permissions were not requested for several graphics "borrowed" from web pages or scanned from books.
SCORE ______ / Project includes all material needed to gain a comfortable understanding of the topic. It is a highly effective study guide. / Project includes most material needed to gain a comfortable understanding of the material but is lacking one or two key elements. It is an adequate study guide. / Project is missing more than two key elements. It would make an incomplete study guide. / Project is lacking several key elements and has inaccuracies that make it a poor study guide.

Total # of points: / 44

Final Grade: / 100