Chemistry2014 - 2015
Instructor: Mr. Kapusta / Phone: 215-441-6000Classroom: CSSCA Room 7 / E-mail:
This course is a study of chemistry topics, including the laboratory, the scientific method, properties of matter, the structure of matter, the periodic table, ionic and covalent bonding, chemical reactions, the mole and stoichiometry, gases, acids and bases, and careers in science amongst others. In addition, laboratory work as well as development of study skills are integral parts of the course.
Students will become familiar with scientific inquiry as a tool to understanding the world.
Students will learn basic chemistry principles and apply them to real world applications.
To have fun while learning.
The following materials need to be brought to class on a daily basis
Textbook (Mr. Kapusta will describe the textbook policy, may not be needed daily)
3-Ring Binder (To hold notes, assignments, labs, class work, etc.; minimally 1 inch)
Loose-leaf Paper (with holes that fit in binder from above)
Scientific Calculator
Pencil & Pen
All completed and current assignments
Clinic & Extra Help:
We will be available for clinic every Tuesday and Thursday after normal school hours. Additional opportunities for extra help are available both before and after school upon prior discussion.
Staff Website & Skyward:
I will do my best to put all current handouts/assignments/schedule on my Centennial web site ( and it should be the first place to look when you are absent. However, certain circumstances (i.e. technical difficulties) may arise,which may not allow me to update the site. Use the site as a resource, but not as a replacement to an assignment book. In addition, both parents and students should be registered on Skyward to have access to grades. I will make every effort to have assignments graded and posted to Skyward within one (1) week.
- The Golden Rule & Student Handbook Rules: TREAT OTHERS THE WAY YOU WOULD LIKE TO BE TREATED! In addition, we are all expected to follow all the expectations outlined in the student handbook.
- Cell Phones: Unless we approve the use of it, we are to not see it. There will be times where class activities will require cell phone use; however, unless it is one of those times (or approved for another reason) it will be taken and returned at the end of class.
- Late/Missing Work: Labs and projects will be penalized 10% per day that they are late (without reminder); however, after five (5) days it becomes a ZERO! In-class work will not be accepted late (because you had in-class time to do it!) unless you are absent. Homework will not be accepted late (unless absent), as we will go over it the day it is due.
- Labs & Lab Safety:Labs are a great way to reinforce what we have been covering in the class; however, safety is taken very seriously. If you are caught doing anything that risks the safety of you or others you will be removed from the lab, receive a ZERO, and referred to an administrator for discipline! No food or drinks are allowed in the lab area. In addition, proper laboratory attire is required in order to participate in labs. We will try to have at least one (1) lab per chapter.
- Attendance & Tardiness:
- As per the student handbook, you have one (1) day for each day you are absent to make up an assignment, unless a extenuating circumstance arises (which we can discuss). Tests can be made up during class (but you are responsible for missed work!) or during clinic. Labs may only be made up during clinic.
- Class starts when the bell rings. Students will have a daily start up assignment to reinforce the prior day’s learning.
- Academic Integrity: This is taken VERY seriously both by the district and myself. Per the student handbook: “The William Tennent High School faculty expects that all course work submitted by students is original work. Plagiarism or academic dishonesty of any kind will result in a grade of ‘zero’ for that assignment.”
- Grading: All assignments are graded using a point system. Students are graded based on class preparation/participation, tests, quizzes, lab reports, and projects. Points will be deducted for unexcused lateness, off-task behavior, lack of preparedness, etc.
Grading Scale
A+ = 97 – 100% / A = 93 – 96% / A-= 90 – 92%B+ = 87 – 89% / B = 83 – 86% / B-= 80 – 82%
C+ = 77 – 79% / C = 73 – 76% / C-= 70 – 72%
D+ = 67 – 69% / D = 63 – 66% / D-= 60 – 62%
F = Below 60%
Course Sequence (tentative)
ChemistryMatter and Change
Ch. 1: Introduction to Chemistry / Ch. 9: Chemical Reactions
Ch. 2: Analyzing Data / Ch. 10: The Mole
Ch. 3: Matter – Properties and Changes / Ch. 11: Stoichiometry
Ch. 4: The Structure of the Atom / Ch. 12: States of Matter
Ch. 5: Electrons in Atoms / Ch. 13: Gases
Ch. 6: The Periodic Table and Periodic Law / Ch. 14: Mixtures and Solutions
Ch. 7: Ionic Compounds and Metals / Ch. 18: Acids and Bases
Ch. 8: Covalent Bonding
**Please cut off and return the completed slip below by September 10th for a homework grade**
______Student Name (Print) Student Signature Parent/Guardian Signature
Date: ______Textbook Number: ______