June 5, 2017

Dear Parents:

Students in Grades 10-12 will be permitted to leave the school after writing their final exams only if he/she has: 1) all assignments complete and handed in, 2) all DLC courses complete, and 3) the following permission slip signed below by a parent.

Otherwise students will be required to stay in the school in the assigned study room during class time to prepare for subsequent exams and complete unfinished work. All students are, of course, welcome to stay to study in between exams.

I give my permission for ______


to leave the school after finishing final exams.





Exam Schedule

June 23- 28, 2017

Please note: Grade 7/8/9 students will continue in regular classes until June 28. This calendar is just to show when they write their exams.

Grade 7/8 / Grade 9 / Grade 10 / Grade 11 / Grade 12
June 23
Day 4 / a.m. / Regular
Classes / Regular
Classes / Regular
Classes / ELA B30* / ELA B30*
p.m. / Regular
Classes / Regular
Classes / Regular
June 26
Day 5 / a.m. / ELA / ELA / ELA B10 / Math (Pre-Calc 20)
p.m. / Social Studies / Social Studies / History 20 Final Project Due / History 20 Final Project Due
June 27
Day 6 / a.m. / Science / Science / Science / Chemistry 30
p.m. / At Lucky Lake / At Lucky Lake / At Lucky Lake (if necessary)
June 28
Day 1 / a.m. / Math / Math / Math (FC 20, WA 10)

*Departmental Exam

Exam Days Instructions:

·  All exams begin at 9:00 a.m. and 12:45 p.m.

·  All exams are written in the gymnasium. No one shall enter the examination room until instructed to do so.

·  Students are required to stay in the exam room for 1 hour

·  At the expiration of 1 hour the supervising teacher may dismiss those that are done

·  Grade 7-9 students will go to their current class when they have finished their exam

·  Students have 3 hours to write

·  Students must have permission slips to leave after exams are complete. If students stay in the school they must report to Room 1 to study.

·  Students who have pink sheets or outstanding assignments in any subject will not be allowed to leave after exams until all assignments are handed in.

·  Cell phones, MP3 players, books, food or drink are not allowed in the exam room.

v  Grade 10-12 Distance Learning final exams may take place during these 4 days as well, if necessary. Individual schedules will be made; therefore, DL finals are not written on the master schedule