Student Wellness Committee (SWC)/Integrative Health Care Minutes 11/10/16, 1:00-2:30 pm,

Laney Tower- 801

In Attendance: Veronica Crawford, B.A., District Clerical Assistant II; Evan Schloss, LMFT, LPCC, Health Services Coordinator~ COA; Indra Thadani RN, MS, District Director of Student Health Services; Larry Lariosa, MFT~Merritt; Jon Murphy RN, FNP, PHN, MSN ~ Merritt; Janine Greer, M.A., MFT~BCC; Merrick Wise, Healthy Communities Medical Assistant; Yuting Wong, RN, NP (HCI)~ Laney; Ranjeet Rajan, MBA, MSN, RN, PHN~ COA; Emily Reese, Acupuncturist~ Laney; Claire Crosetti, MA, MFT~ Laney; Jamie Adair, MSW; Lifelong Medical Care;(excused); Cynthia Lau, Peralta Health Intern ~ Laney College

Excused absences: Glenda McComb, MBA, Deputy Director of Healthy Communities (HCI);

Agenda item: / Discussion/conclusion: / Follow up: who, when, what:
  1. Approval of Minutes
/ Ms. Crosetti made a motion to approve the October minutes. Mr. Schloss seconded the motion.
  1. A shot of hope
/ Ms. Thadani asked if anyone had a story to share, regarding giving a student a shot of hope. Ms. Thadani wants all health care employees to continue to try to give students a shot of hope!!! / Everyone will report back in the next meeting if they inspired a student with a “shot of hope”.
  1. Dr. Watson’s nursing theory
/ Ms. Thadani asked for an update regarding using Dr. Watson' All the nurses reported that it is going well. / All nurses will report back in the next meeting on the status of implementing Dr. Watson’s nursing theory.
  1. Compassion Fatigue
/ Ms. Thadani continued to urge everyone to partake in self-care so that we do not develop compassion fatigue. Ms. Thadani shared that many health care staff experience compassion fatigue sometime in their career, and the way to avoid it is by practicingself-care.
Ms. Thadani encouraged everyone to visit the Prevention Institute located at 221 Oak Street, 3 blocks from Lake Merritt Bart, which provides physical activity, healthy meals, social support and stress reduction. Ms. Thadani reported that she attended the Institute last Tuesday and she enjoyed the high-energy and healing atmosphere. On Tuesdays the open source wellness center doors open at 5:30 p.m., followed by movement for all fitness levels at 6:00 p.m. then a mindfulness mediation for 10 minutes, and then a vegetarian family-style dinner served. Ms. Thadani encouraged everyone to attend the Prevention Institute and partake in self-care. Ms. Thadani stated that if she receivespositive feedback from the committee, she would recommend that we bring this program to PCCD. / Ms. Thadani will update everyone on compassion fatigue.
Everyone will report back on his or her visit to the Prevention Institute.
  1. Intern hiring and orienting
/ Ms. Thadani informed everyone that she and Ms. Crawford hired Mary Ann Go & Cynthia Lau. Mr. Preza is the newest intern, which will provide outreach at College of Alameda. Mr. Preza is going to school to be an EMT and will be able to assist with blood pressure screening, etc. / Ms. Thadani will report back on the status of hiring Peralta Health Interns in the next meeting.
  1. Nursing updates
/ Ms. Thadani informed the committee that she is in the process of hiring Ms. Ammons, which will be the nurse for the Berkeley City College (BCC) health center. BCC health center will have a nurse available Monday-Thursday from 9 a.m.-5 p.m. / Ms. Thadani will provide nursing updates in the next meeting.
  1. Glenda Family PACT
/ Ms. Thadani asked the committee if they knew what Family Pact was? Ms. Thadani explained that Family Pact is Medi-Cal for female reproductive supplies and services. Ms. Thadani informed everyone that Healthy Communities pays for one healthcare employee to attend the annual Family Pact conference which takes place two times a year. Ms. Wong will attend the upcoming conference. / Ms. McCombs will update everyone on the status of Family PACT.
  1. Medicat in-service by Evan
/ Ms. Schloss provided everyone with how- to procedure manual for operating the Medicat software. The manual provided an walkthrough of how to: login, schedule appointments, create notes in patient charts, etc. / Ms. Thadani will provide an update on Medicat in the next meeting.
  1. Flu shots
/ Ms. Thadani reported that flu shots are available at all fours campuses. Ms. Thadani stated that she has extra supplies available at Laney Wellness Center I if needed. / Ms. Thadani will report back in the next meeting on the status of flu shots.
  1. SHS Strategic plan and SHS annual report
/ Ms. Thadani tabled this item to the next meeting. / Ms. Thadani will report back on the status of the SHS strategic plan.
  1. HIV testing
/ Ms. Thadani stated that she has arranged for La Clinica to begin HIV testing at BCC, Laney + COA already had this service at the health clinic. Ms. Thadni stated that no one has returned her calls. Mr. Rajan stated that La Clinica will be providing HIV Test to Laney on every second Monday from 9-11 a.m., College of Alameda every second Monday from 12-2 p.m., Berkeley City College every fourth Friday from 11-1 p.m. & Merritt College has East Bay Aids project. / Ms. Thadani will report back in the next meeting on the status of HIV testing.
  1. Other
/ Dr. Murphy wanted to discuss how to properly express our feelings after the election. Dr. Murphy stated that Merritt College created a wall so students can express themselves after the election, followed by de-briefing. Ms. Crawford reported that Laney College library has a poster board available asking students to voice their opinions about the election.
Ms. Crosetti stated that her daughter high school had a walkout, and it was a very powerful experience for her daughter.
Mr. Lariosa stated that this is a great time for individuals to realize that they have power. At this pointin time individuals might feel powerless, but Mr. Lariosa are encouraging students that the power comes from within.
Mr. Schloss stated that College of Alameda held brief support groups to have students share their feeling about the election. About 15 students attended, and the event, which was very powerful.
Ms. Greer shared that at Berkeley City College (BCC) students created a healing circle in response to the election. BCC also had mediation on Wednesday.

Minutes submitted by: Veronica Crawford, District Clerical Assistant II for Health Services November 16, 2016