Student Wellbeing/PDHPE

Funding Opportunity 2018

Application Form

APPLICATIONS CLOSE Friday March 16th, 2018


You must read the application guidelines provided

for this program BEFORE completing the application.

SECTION 1: School Details

1(a)School Name:


Postcode: ......

Telephone No:......

Fax: ......

(b)Postal Address (if different from above):


Postcode: ......



(d)Contact Person for this project:


Position: ......

Telephone: ......

Email address: ......


Student Wellbeing/PDHPE Project Details

Funding of up to $3,000 and AISNSW consultancy support is being offered to support Student Wellbeing and/or PDHPE based projectsthat ensure a sustainable and continuous commitment to student wellbeing through embedded programs or activities that focus on either wellbeing: the safety of self and othersor wellbeing: active lifestyle and personal health choices. The funding opportunities are funded by Transport for New South Wales, Centre for Road Safety and NSW Health, Live Life Well @ School.

The Student Wellbeing/PDHPE Project that can be undertaken with this funding should include a focus on either; K-12road safety and safe personal health choicesorK-6active living and personal health choices, ensuring that the development of the greater concept of the safety of self and others or an active, healthy lifestyle is embedded.

Examples of projects may include, but are not limited to, the following:

  • teacher release for the creation or augmentation of student wellbeing/PDHPE programs or scope and sequence that includes road safety and safe personal health choicesor active lifestyle and personal health choices (e.g. nutrition)
  • teacher release to explore and implement resources specific to the development of the greater concept of the safety of self and others related to road safety and safe personal health choices or active lifestyle and personal health choices (e.g. nutrition) as part of a specific PDHPE unit of work, year group or whole-school wellbeing scope and sequence
  • the development of teacher capacity around building student safety through onsite professional learning for the whole staff or specific groups of staff
  • the use of technology to a student wellbeing and/or PDHPE unit of work related to road safetyor active lifestyle and personal health choices (e.g. nutrition)

Funding may be used for teacher release, accessing outside expertise such as the engagement of an appropriate external presenter or AIS consultancy support, and/or reasonable costs associated with conducting an event designed to enhance student wellbeing.

As a component of this funding opportunity, an AIS consultant will be available to provide support to schools to facilitate the project, up to the equivalent of two full days. Schools are encouraged to make use of the expertise and support of the AIS Consultant and include time for this in their planning.

Please note that satisfactory applications involving the use of an external presenter (other than an AIS consultant) would need to demonstrate how this will be embedded in the ongoing development of student wellbeing and PDHPE programs within the school.

A maximum of 50% of the funding may be used to engage an appropriate external presenter and a maximum of 10% on the purchase of resources.The funding cannot be used for the purchase of capital items or for student excursions.

Please complete the following information about the school’s proposed Student Wellbeing/PDHPE Project.


SECTION 2: Project Description

Outline the proposed aims and outcomes of your Student Wellbeing/PDHPE Project.

Describe your Student Wellbeing/PDHPE Project in detail.


SECTION 3: Benefits of the Program

Explain how your project will support development of wellbeing: the safety of self and otherswith a focus on K-12 road safety and safe personal health choicesor on K-6 active lifestyle and personal health choices (e.g. nutrition);and ensure a sustainable and continuous commitment to student wellbeing/PDHPE.It would be appropriate to provide specific links to syllabus documents or wellbeing frameworks if applicable.


SECTION 4: Timeline and Budget

Please indicate the timing for the various stages of your project proposal. The timeline may be indicative only.

Month/Term / Planning/Activities (please provide detail)


Indicate how the funding (up to $3,000 excluding GST) will be spent e.g. teacher release, event costs, external support.

Please note that this funding cannot be used to purchase capital items. A maximum of 50% of the funding may be used to engage an external presenter and a maximum of 10% on the purchase of resources.

Activity (please provide detail) / Cost


SECTION 5: Declaration

I declare that:

I have read the Application Guidelines pertaining to this project;

the information provided in this application is correct;

I am aware that this information will be used to determine funding, support and accountability;

All required supporting documentation has been provided.

Principal’s Name: ......

Principal’s Signature: ......


Date: ......

Please note that applications will not be considered
unless this declaration is signed by the Principal and returned
to the AIS with your application.

Should you have any questions regarding applying for this funding opportunity,
please contact Nicky Sloss, Education Consultant: Student Wellbeing or Katrina Mostyn, Education Consultant: PDHPE
at , on 02 9299 2845.

Please retain a copy of your application and emaila signed copy to:

Friday March 16th, 2018


Wendy Godden

Manager: Grants Administration
