Faculty of Arts and Humanities

Student Voice Form

Department: English

Nature of meeting: MA SSLC

Date of meeting: 30th November 2016

Attendance: Sarah Salih, Amy Swain, Sarah Wotton (minutes), Michael Chidgey, Emily Montford, Madison Mcleod, Nina Romancikova, Alvaro Cerame Del Campo, Jasper Watkins, Georgina Munn, Abigail Scutts

Issue raised by Student Representatives / What is happening as a result
Shakespeare studies / NR suggests essay titles and deadlines should be made available at the beginning of term / SS explained that essay titles for the year cannot be set immediately due to staff encouraging students to engage on one topic at once.
NR highlighted that essay requirements were hard to find online / Staff to check links on KEATS, SS also explained that the marking criteria is online and can be found there. Students to email office if they cannot find anything on the website that they are looking for.
NR asked that the information about second semester could be make available sooner. Students would like to be emailed with course information ahead of waiting for KEATS / KEATS should be going live for semester 2 on 5th December. SS suggests convenors could email ahead of this date to outline reading and module structure.
NR highlights that students would like to be given their readings earlier than a few days before the class. Also limited copies of core books in the library was noted, or no copies available at all (AS from Theatre and Performance). / SS noted that the library does not have enough copies for every student but making the convenor aware of limited copies is the best way to get more ordered for the library. SS agreed that reading lists should be given at least 1 week in advance of the class. ASwain suggested that students write about this in their teaching and module evaluation form for this semester so that academics can receive this feedback.
Theatre and Performance / AS pointed out that there was a limited choice of modules for semester 1, students disappointed with choice and expectations. / ASwain acknowledged that level of choice was unbalanced for semester 1 and 2, the office is aware and will rectify this for next year. ASwain and SS suggested that students look at the other optional modules outside of the department for more range, and explained that staff availability can affect modules on offer.
Contemporary Literature, Theory and Culture / MC highlighted lack of uniformity on KEATS, with some module pages using the reading lists link and others using documents on the main page. Students find this confusing. / SS to feed this back to MA Committee to ensure academics are using the same place for updating reading lists and are doing so regularly. Office to check with faculty about my reading lists on KEATS to find out more about information or guidance staff given on updating these.
1850-Present / MM notes that some seminars offer more discussion than others, dependant on the convenor. Some groups get full discussion and other groups feel that the discussion goes off topic. / ASwain suggests students mention this in their module and teaching evaluations so the module convenor and tutor is aware. SS suggests that student should have a quiet word with their tutor or their personal tutor if this is an issue effecting them.
Early Modern English Literature / EM reports that students would like physical coursepacks, for example the ‘Working with Early Modern Literary Texts’ module does not have one. / SS to pass on at MA Committee that students still favour the physical coursepack
EM reported that a lot of students find the late submission penalty too harsh. / SS explains that it has recently changed to allow a capped mark for 24 hours late, this used to be zero, so will not likely change again very soon, but SS will raise this at the next MA Committee to feedback student feeling on this. ASwain suggest that students should continue to bring this up so that faculty are aware and continue to push on this if they feel this is something they are passionate about changing.
AOB / Reps reported that advice about dissertation was mixed and confusing. Some tutors are expecting more than others and the dissertation workshop is not always useful
Some clarity is needed over the critical survey and the analysis.
A general discussion followed about receiving provisional numerical marks. / SS to feedback to dissertation workshop staff, to ensure all staff are sending the same messages to students, with the aim to dispel any anxiety.
SS to feedback to staff that a basic explanation is needed about the difference, with examples used in the workshop.
ASwain also reassured students about the dissertation title, and explained this is only needed for allocation of supervisor at the beginning so students should not worry too much.
ASwain explained that the marks remain provisional until marks are ratified at the end of the year.
Any issues identified for Faculty-wide consideration
The late submission penalty being too harsh and students preferring a less severe penalty