Student Surveys of Teaching Associates

“Teacher evaluation matters because teaching matters. …the core of education is teaching and learning, and the teaching-learning connection works best when we have effective teachers working with every student every day.”

The above statement is from the introduction of the Commonwealth of Virginia’s new Guide for Uniform Performance Standards and Evaluation Criteria for Teachers which became effective on July 1, 2012. This Virginia Department of Education (VDOE) document is the framework for school divisions to establish teacher performance evaluation systems. The new criteria expect multiple data sources for teacher evaluation and include a recommendation for student surveys.

As a result, Curry has implemented a requirement for all Teaching Associates to use surveys with their students to provide them with experience in distribution, collection, and analysis of this important form of data. At the same time the Curry Teacher Education program views the accompanying TA analyses as valuable data sources in the evaluation systems of the program that are used for accreditation.

Blank survey forms are available on the UVaCollab site Resources section of the field placement courses. Teaching Associates will also be given samples in their packets at the beginning of the semester.

General Implementation Procedures: Based on Curry experience over the past few years, the following guidelines should be considered when implementing the surveys:

·  The school or its division may use similar surveys. TAs may be required to use those or have an opportunity to adapt the samples provided which were developed by the Virginia Department of Education and modified based on feedback from their pilot use.

·  TAs need to use the appropriate survey for the grade level, identified in the lower right corner of each survey form. Currently, there are four: Elementary (K – 2nd grade), Elementary (3rd – 5th grade), Secondary (6th – 12th grade), and a non-student survey to be used for students in the ECSE program, to be given to the Assistant Teachers in the Early Childhood classroom. Follow the specific instructions below for your grade level version.

·  TAs may change the questions on the survey, or eliminate any questions. However, as noted above, these surveys have been updated twice based on feedback from pilot applications.

·  Consider using technology to distribute surveys and collect data. This may not be appropriate at all grade levels, but you may save time by using a tool like SurveyMonkey or Forms in GoogleDocs.

·  Fill in the “Teacher Name” and “School Year” data on the survey prior to copying.

·  The surveys should be administered by the TA near the end of the 2nd week of full-time teaching in the placement. Some seminar instructors will ask that TAs apply the surveys twice – as a pre- and post- assessment. Follow the instructions for implementation given to you by your seminar instructor.

·  TAs should complete the Summary/Analysis paper and bring it (and the surveys) to the seminar meeting identified by the instructor on the syllabus. This assignment will be worth a minimum of 15% of the seminar grade. The objective of the Summary/Analysis is to allow the TAs to demonstrate an ability to utilize data and reflection to improve their performance.

Specific Grade 6-12 Survey Implementation Instructions:

·  TAs should explain and distribute the surveys to each class as a group – avoid individual disseminations and collections.

·  Find ways to protect the anonymity of students (e.g., pass around an envelope for them to place their sheets, have the CI collect them, etc.)

·  TAs complete a single Summary/Analysis paper in reference to all surveys, using data from at least 2 different classes, preferably with different demographic characteristics.

Specific Grade 3-5 Survey Implementation Instructions:

·  TAs should explain and distribute the surveys to the class as a group or in small groups – avoid individual disseminations and collections.

·  Use the following script:

“Today I am going to ask you some questions about my (or the student teacher’s name) teaching. Your answers will help (name) become an even better teacher.

Please be honest when answering each question.

I am going to read the sentence to you, and I want you to circle the number that best describes how well you agree with the sentence.

Let’s look at the example.” (Teachers, please read the “like music” example).

“If the sentence is true, circle number one for yes. If it happens sometimes then circle number two. If the sentence is not true then circle number three. You may only choose one answer.

Okay, let’s begin with each sentence. I will read each sentence twice. Remember to choose only one answer for each question.” (Teachers, please read each sentence two times.)

Specific Grade K-2 Survey Implementation Instructions:

·  Distribute the surveys so that students only see one question at a time – create booklets of single or half-sheet questions (both have been provided to you).

·  TAs may find it easier to complete this task in small groups, but avoid working one on one with students to complete the survey. This may unduly influence your results.

·  Use the following script:

“Today, I am going to give you a survey asking you your feelings about your teacher, Mrs./Mr. ______.

Please color the face that matches your feelings.

Let’s take a look at the example.” (Teachers, read the “ride the bus” example).

“If the sentence is true then color the smiley face.

If it happens sometimes then color the straight face.

If it isn’t true then color the sad face.” (Teachers, point to faces while explaining to help students better understand the task.)

“Now let’s begin coloring our faces about Mrs./Mr. ______.

I am going to read the sentence to you, and I want you to color the face that describes how you feel about the sentence.” (Teachers, please read each sentence two times).


Note: This assignment is to be submitted to your EDIS 587X seminar instructor and will constitute 15% of your course grade. In addition, the results of this assignment are used by the TED office to gather data across all programs to provide analysis for accreditation and other program improvement efforts.

Teaching Associate Name:

Program of Study: Academic School Year:

School: Grade(s):

Subject (for secondary):

Split Placement: rYES rNO

How many surveys did you distribute? / How many completed surveys were returned? / Percentages of completed surveys
(Divide #2/#1 for percentage) / %

Student Satisfaction Analysis

Directions: Organize your Summary/Analysis Paper by using each of the questions below as a subheading. You must respond to each question in order to complete the summary analysis.

1.  Demographics: Describe your survey population by listing specific demographics. Demographics should include race, gender, English Language Learners, and Special Education students (IEPs and 504s). List specific disabilities.

2.  Influencing Factors: List factors that might have influenced the results gathered on the surveys (e.g., recent disciplinary actions, end of a long testing day, or confusion over a question).

3.  Analysis: Analyze your survey responses and answer the following questions. Please highlight the strengths and weaknesses pertinent to each question. (e.g. your questions may not provide data on the topic, your students want you to help them more)

a.  How do students perceive your knowledge of the subject matter? Explain your answers based on data from your survey.

b.  How do students perceive your pedagogical knowledge? Explain your answer based on data from your survey.

c.  Do students perceive you as a caring and effective teacher? Explain your answer based on the responses received from the survey.

d.  Based on the student responses, what areas do you need to improve? Give examples.

e.  What steps will you take to improve your performance? Please give examples of evidence based practices you will use to improve planning, instruction, classroom environment, student-teacher interactions, etc.

EDIS 587x Summary/Analysis Paper Rubric

Exemplary - 4 / Proficient - 3 / Needs Improvement - 2 / Unacceptable - 1
Mechanics and Context
(10%) / Description of student population is complete including information regarding race, gender, ELLs, and special education students. Paper gives a clear description of the make-up of class. / Description of student population addresses areas of race, gender, ELLs, and special education students. However, specific details about the populations are not complete. / Description of student population includes information about some of the groups, but one group is missing. Information is missing that makes it difficult for reader to understand the students. / Description of student population is incomplete. More than one group is missing and the groups included are incomplete.
Influencing Factors (10%) / A complete description of influencing factors is included. The paper explains the survey environment in sufficient detail so that it is clear what factors may have impacted responses. / The description explains the testing environment and includes an incomplete discussion of how the environment may have impacted student responses. / The description explains the testing environment, but is not thoughtful about what factors may have impacted student responses. / There is no description of the testing environment or factors that may have influenced student responses to the survey.
Writing Quality
(5%) / The paper is structured logically with good transitions, headings, and no grammatical errors. The paper is between 3 and 5 pages long. APA style needs no editing. / The paper is structured logically, but the transitions are not always smooth between ideas and there are some grammatical errors. The paper is between 3 and 5 pages long. APA style is consistent. / The paper has some structure, but could be structured in a more logical way. Grammar and transitions distract from the content of the paper. The paper needs editing to cover the topics in 3-5 pages. APA style is not consistent. / The structure, transitions, and grammar in the paper are such that it is difficult to understand the content. The paper is longer than 5 pages or under 3 pages. APA style is not used.
Reflection on Knowledge of Subject
(15%) / The paper discusses survey responses addressing subject knowledge in depth. Analysis is based on data collected from sources and is more than a listing of questions and responses, but shows deep reflection. / The paper discusses survey responses addressing subject knowledge and analysis is based on data collected from sources. Assertions are generally based on data, but the connections between reflections and data are not always clear. / The paper addresses subject knowledge, but does not generally base reflections on data—or reflection lacks depth and is mostly a recitation of survey responses. / The paper simply lists the student responses to survey items with making limited or no attempt to generate general reflections on responses.
Reflection on Pedagogical Knowledge
(15%) / The paper discusses survey responses addressing pedagogical knowledge in depth. Analysis is based on data collected from sources and is more than a listing of questions and responses, but shows deep reflection. / The paper discusses survey responses addressing pedagogical knowledge and analysis is based on data collected from sources. Assertions are generally based on data, but the connections between reflections and data are not always clear. / The paper addresses pedagogical knowledge, but does not generally base reflections on data—or reflection lacks depth and is mostly a recitation of survey responses. / The paper simply lists the student responses to survey items with making limited or no attempt to generate general reflections on responses.
Caring and Responsive Teacher
(15%) / The paper discusses survey responses addressing the caring and effective nature of teacher in depth. Analysis is based on data collected from sources and is more than a listing of questions and responses, but shows deep reflection. / The paper discusses survey responses addressing the caring and effective nature of teacher and analysis is based on data collected from sources. Assertions are generally based on data, but the connections between reflections and data are not always clear. / The paper addresses teacher caring and effectiveness, but does not generally base reflections on data—or reflection lacks depth and is mostly a recitation of survey responses. / The paper simply lists the student responses to survey items with making limited or no attempt to generate general reflections on responses.
Improvement Steps
(30%) / Detailed and specific steps are explained to improve practice based on survey results. Steps are based on evidence based practices. / Specific steps are explained for improving practice but lack some detail and may not be clearly tied to survey results. Improvement is based on evidence based practices. / Vague or general improvement is mentioned but isn’t fully based in survey responses. Steps are based on evidence based practices. / Vague or general improvement steps are mentioned, but are not based on survey responses and not supported by evidence based practice.


Teacher ______

School Name and Year______

Grade Level______


I ride a school bus to school.

Yes Sometimes No