Student Survey – Sample

This is a sample survey that you could provide to your students to gather feedback. This is only a representative sample of some good questions that you could ask to get them to reflect on the process and provide you with feedback.

  1. Describe your personal effort in a flipped classroom.
  • I feel like I give 100% effort everyday
  • I feel like I try my hardest, even when it doesn’t seem like it
  • I feel like I really want to try, but I get so distracted by everything else around me.
  • I feel like I am pretty lazy most the time.
  • I feel like I am lazy all the time.
  • I don’t really try very much in the flipped class.
  1. When I don’t watch the flipped classroom videos, this is my reason.
  • I always watch them
  • I had too much other homework and the videos were my lowest priority
  • I forgot to watch the assigned video
  • I just didn’t care
  • I planned on watching them in the morning or in homeroom, but time did not permit.
  • I didn’t want to watch them
  • I didn’t feel I needed to watch them, I thought I understood the material without them.
  1. What do you like most about the format of class?
  1. What do you like most about the video lectures?
  1. What do you dislike most about this class?
  1. If you could offer one suggestion for a change next year,what would it be?
  1. How do you think the format of class has helped you this year?
  1. How do you think the format of class has NOT helped you this year?

Parent Survey – Sample

This is a sample survey that you could provide to your students to gather feedback. This is only a representative sample of some good questions that you could ask to get them to reflect on the process and provide you with feedback.

  1. The Flipped classroom is a new concept, do you feel that it helped your student to learn {Insert Subject} this semester?
  • Agree
  • Undecided
  • Disagree
  • Strongly Disagree
  1. Was the class set up helpful in your students learning? Watching videos as homework, working in class on labs and worksheets.

  • Agree
  • Undecided
  • Disagree
  • Strongly Disagree

  1. How many hours a week did you feel your student spent watching the videos?
  1. How many hours a week did your student spend working on worksheets at home?
  1. We would like to incorporate more technology into the class, which would you like to see? (Mark all that apply)
  • Chats
  • Blogs
  • Facebook Class Page
  • Use of phones to text answers to quick questions given by teacher in class
  • Tests given online during class
  • None, there is enough technology being used in class already.
  1. When your student watched the videos did you see them; (Mark all that apply)
  • Stop the video when needed and start again
  • Mark when he/she had questions in the notes
  • Re-watched sections when he/she did not understand a concept
  • Paid 100% attention to the video with no distractions
  • I did not see them watch videos
  1. What do you feel we can do to increase the success of our students during class time?
  1. What do you feel the teacher did well for your student to succeed?
  1. Thank you for your time, please let us know anything comments or concerns not addressed in the survey questions.

Created by Mr. Kevin Steele from the Bureau or Education and Research