Student Plans Dashboard Configuration
(as of Version 7.3.3)
Dashboards for Student Plans are designed to be highly configurable and customizable.
A Dashboard may contain from one to six Dashboard Panels. A Dashboard Panel is the term applied to a single graphical image on a Dashboard.
Each Dashboard Panel is designed to select and display graphically a set of data points. A set of selection criteria and a set of filter criteria determine what data is selected or included for the panel.
Each Dashboard Panel can also be tailored by specifying the image type (pie, bar, line, list), the colors of the various data points of the image, and the sequence of those data points. Data points are the pie slices, the bars, or the line points depending on the image type.
Dashboard Configuration
The configuration and customization of Dashboards and Dashboard Panels is done in the District Maintenance or System/Template Maintenance pages, depending on the District setting. (Most, but not all, Coops use the System/Template Maintenance and most, but not all, single Districts use District Maintenance.) Note that the Dashboard setting will be the same as and use the Menu Customization setting.
The initial installation includes a single base Dashboard called “Management Dashboard”. Its base configuration consists of four Panels.
You should Clone this Dashboard and then configure the new Dashboard to your requirements. You may create as many Dashboards as you wish by cloning either the base Dashboard or any of your previously cloned Dashboards. Each Dashboard would be configured to include a different arrangement of Panels.
Dashboard Panel Configuration
The initial installation includes six Base Panels. You should Clone them as needed and configure them to your requirements. You may create as many different Panels as you wish by cloning either the base Panels or any of your previously cloned Panels. Each Panel would be configured with different selection and filter parameters.
Each panel configuration can be customized as follows:
Panel Format: choose the graphical style: Pie chart, Bar chart, Line chart, or Detail list. See Panel Formats section below.
Selection: choose which Cases (Students) you wish to include in this Panel. While you may choose any of the selection options, what actually gets reported or included depends on the user’s security permissions. See Dashboard Security section below.
Filters: these further refine what gets included in the Panel’s results. While most of these choices are intuitive, the “Include Students” filter determines whether to include Active/Inactive Students as supplied by the Student Information System (SIS). The “Include Cases” filter determines whether to include Active/Inactive Cases as designated on the Student demographics page.
Legends: these options allow you to customize which data points to actually include in the Panel as well as what to label the data point, what color to use, and what value to display for the data point. You may also specify the order of the data points in the image, with the first data point being at “12 o’clock” on a pie chart.
Existing Base Panels
There are six base Panels that currently are include in Student Plans.
Counts of Documents
This panel consists of 20 different possible data points, which are the counts of each of the different document types as listed in the Legends. By using the Filters, you may limit which of the document statuses to include. Note that some documents have Begin and End dates while others simply have a document date. Documents with Begin and End dates are only included if today falls within those dates. Documents that only have a document date are included if that document date falls between July 1 and June 30 of the current year.
Counts of Documents by Status
This panel is the inverse of the Counts of Documents panel. The data points for this panel are the counts of all document types for each of the document statuses as listed in the Legends. By using the Filters, you can designate which of the document types to include. Note that some documents have Begin and End dates while others simply have a document date. Documents with Begin and End dates are only included if today falls within those dates. Documents that only have a document date are included if that document date falls between July 1 and June 30 of the current year.
IEP Attention
This panel counts IEPs, IFSPs, and ISPs that will need attention within the time frames as noted in the Legends. By using the Filters, you can designate which of the document types to include. The Legends (data points) are defined as follows:
· Over Due: Count of plans currently in Final or Correct status that have an annual meeting date that is greater than one year from today.
· Due in 15 days: Count of plans currently in Final or Correct status that have an annual meeting date that is greater than or equal to 349 days from today.
· Due in 30 days: Count of plans currently in Final or Correct status that have an annual meeting date that is greater than or equal to 334 days from today, but less than 349 days.
· Due in 60 days: Count of plans currently in Final or Correct status that have an annual meeting date that is greater than or equal to 304 days from today, but less than 334 days.
· Not due: Count of plans currently in Final or Correct status that have an annual meeting date that is less than 304 days from today.
· In Progress: Count of plans currently in Draft or Pending status regardless of the annual meeting date.
IEP Compliance
This panel counts IEPs, IFSPs, and ISPs that are compliant or not compliant. Only plans that have a Plan End Date less than 3 years ago from today are considered. By using the Filters, you can designate which of the document types to include. The Legends (data points) are defined as follows:
· Out of Compliance: Count of plans currently in Final, Correct, or Inactive status that have an annual meeting date more than one year since the meeting date of the previous plan.
· In Compliance: Count of plans currently in Final, Correct, or Inactive status that have an annual meeting date less than or equal to one year since the meeting date of the previous plan.
MA Readiness
This panel counts IEP, IFSP, and ISP plans that have associated MA billing which have one or more issues such that the plan is not ready for billing. Therefore, any given plan may be counted and included in more than one of the data points of this Panel. Only plans currently in Final, Correct, or Inactive status and have a Plan End Date less than 3 years ago from today are considered. By using the Filters, you can designate which of the readiness types to include. These readiness types are also the Legends (data points) as defined here:
· MA Consent Missing: Count of plans that do not have MA consents.
· Private Consent Missing: Count of plans that do not have MA+Private consents.
· ICD Codes Missing: Count of plans where ICD codes are missing.
· Breaks in Service: Count of plans that have breaks in service.
· Missing Logs: Count of plans that are missing service logs.
The complex logic of determining the above conditions is the same as the logic used to set the flags on the MA billing pages and reports.
MA Readiness Composite
This panel is closely related to MA Readiness Panel because it uses identical analysis logic. But instead of displaying counts of plans that have each of the different readiness types, this Panel counts plans that have or do not have any one of the readiness types. Therefore, any given Plan is only counted once. Only plans currently in Final, Correct, or Inactive status and have a Plan End Date less than 3 years ago from today are considered. By using the Filters, you can designate which of the readiness types to consider. The Legends (data points) are defined as follows:
· Ready: Count of plans that do not have any of the readiness issues.
· Not Ready: Count of plans that have one or more of the readiness issues.
Panel Formats
An individual Panel can be one of four different graphical formats, as briefly noted above. They are described in detail here.
Pie Chart
Of the four formats, the Pie Chart is the most intuitive. Currently, this generally is the best format to use for the current Panel designs. That is because the current designs are intended to give the whole picture which is represented by the pie. Except for the MA Readiness Panel, there is no overlap between the items in each of the pie slices. That’s why the pie slices give an accurate visual relationship comparing the data points.
Each “pie slice” represents a data point as customized in the Panel Legends. Each pie slice can be configured to show the actual value (count) or the label or both. And you can choose from one of 16 colors for the slice.
One of the features of the Pie Chart is the ability to “drill down” or “drill thru” to the detail that makes up the value of the slice. “Drill Down” is accomplished by clicking on the slice. Doing so causes another panel to be displayed which lists the detail items. If the count is more than 250, only the first 250 items are included in the list.
Each of the detail entries in the list is a link that can be clicked. Doing so causes a jump to the page for taking a more detailed look at or taking action on that item. Unfortunately, this replaces the Dashboard display.
The “Drill Down” feature is designed for the purpose of identifying potential problem situations and then making it easy to act on such items.
Bar Chart
In a Bar Chart each of the data points is represented by a vertical bar. Bar charts are generally used to compare similar items from different situations. An example of this might be comparing plan counts between multiple buildings.
Currently none of our Panels do that comparison between situations. So the true value of a Bar Chart is not yet achieved in our Dashboards.
The “Drill Down” feature has not been implemented for Bar Charts.
Line Chart
In a Line Chart all the data points are connected by a line. Line charts are generally used to compare the same data point over a period of time. An example of this might be to compare pending IEPs for each day of the month.
Currently none of our Panels can do that comparison over time. So the true value of a Line Chart is not yet achieved in our Dashboards.
The “Drill Down” feature has not been implemented for Line Charts.
Detail List
A Panel can be configured to give a List of Detail items instead of simply showing the counts of the items. An example of this might be to list all pending and draft documents in My Cases.
Each of the detail entries in the list is a link that can be clicked. Doing so causes a jump to the page for taking a more detailed look at or taking action on that item.
So the value of the Detail List is to quickly identify a document that needs work and go right to that document.
Dashboard Security
After installation and after cloning a Dashboard, the Dashboard does not become available for use until the Person or Security Group is configured to have permissions to that Dashboard. In other words, each Dashboard has its own security role on the security page.
Individual Panel security functions as follows:
· If the case selection is Entire District, the results will include data for all Cases (Students) in the District. The Person must have District level permissions to view the items in the individual data points. For example, if the Person has District Level permissions to view IEPs and School level permissions to view Evals, the results will not include any Evals.
· If the case selection is My Cases, the results will only include data for Cases (Students) in the Person’s My Cases list (or My Services list for Service Providers). In addition, the Person must have permissions to view the items in the individual data points.
· If the case selection is My Schools, the results will only include data for Cases (Students) from Schools the Person has been assigned to. In addition, the Person must have School level permissions to view the items in the individual data points.
· If the case select is a Selected School, the results will only include data for Cases (Students) from that School. In addition, the Person must have School level permissions to view the items in the individual data points.
Tips and Tidbits
Cases (Students) that have been archived are not included in any of the Dashboard Panels. I know some Districts assign Students to an ‘Archive Teacher’. This is not the same as actually archiving a Student, which means Students assigned to an ‘Archive Teacher’ will be included in the analysis.
If any given data point has a zero value, it is not included in the Panel, because there is nothing to graph for that data point. This may be caused by inadequate security permissions, or there actually were no data items that fit the selection and filter parameters.
If all data points of a Panel have zero values, that Panel is not included in the Dashboard display.
If all Panels have no data points, a message is displayed that no data fits the selection parameters and your permissions.
Legend Explanations will show up on the Panel when hovering over the Panel data points.
The Panel Name will be the heading of the Panel.
The Panel Notes will show up when hovering over the Panel heading.
Clicking in the space outside the “pie” causes the entire Panel to be enlarged and centered in the screen. Clicking again causes the Panel to revert back to its normal position and size.