Student Planning Guide – Mathematics 12

Mathematics Research Project March 2017

Name ______Partner:______

·  Students will be expected to research and give a presentation on a topic that involves the application of mathematics.
·  Collect primary or secondary data (statistical or informational) related to the topic.
·  Assess the accuracy, reliability, and relevance of the primary or secondary data.
·  Make a statement and justify the statement based on your data.
·  Identify controversial issues, if any, and present multiple sides of the issues with supporting data.
·  Organize and present the research project, with or without technology.

Is there something you would like to prove? Something you’ve always wondered about? Something you’d love to investigate or better understand the mathematics behind. This project is intended to help you connect mathematics to the real world in a way that is of interest to you.

This sheet is intended to help you keep on track while working. There will be periodic check in’s that will be worth marks as well as your final presentation will be graded.

Step 1 - Picking a Topic

Choose a topic of interest to you, and check with your teacher to make sure it is appropriate and manageable.

My Topic: ______

What data will you need to collect? Describe what you will be searching for:




Step 2 – Conducting Research

You will need to find data related to your topic to analyze and interpret. This data may be informational or statistical in nature. You need to access your data from at least 5 credible sources (if using raw data you don’t need to find raw data from 5 difference sources, but you should find additional supporting literature). You can then compare and evaluate the validity of the sources. Remember, as a student of CPA you have access to a number of online repositories. See the librarian for the login information.

Where will you go to find the information/data you need? Is it readily available? Explain.




Once you have found the information/data, explain how you know the data is valid/reliable.




Step 3 – Analyzing and Interpreting Data

Interpret your data. It is possible that a mathematical interpretation of your data will require mathematics you haven't studied yet. If that is the case, please see your teacher for help. Mathematical calculations are not the focus of this research project. Your interpretation is what will be assessed.

How will you present your interpretation of this data? A graph? A chart? Showing your calculations? Provide a brief description of your interpretation of the data below. What conclusions can you reach, and how justified are they?





Did you encounter any controversies or multiple points of view in your research? If so, explain below what those are.





Step 4 – Preparing your Presentation

You now have your topic, data, and an idea about how to interpret that data. Your next step is to prepare your presentation. You are required to create a video presentation between 5 minutes and 10 minutes. You can use any presentation software you’d like (PPT, VideoScribe, PowToon, etc) and Quicktime and Screen Cast-O-Matic provide easy ways to record your voiceover.

Describe below how you will present your findings. Then get to work building your presentation!




In your presentation you should provide:

·  An introduction to your topic and why you chose it

·  An explanation of what type of data you chose and why you feel it is valid

·  A presentation of your data (do not present raw data, only summary charts, graphs, etc.)

·  Your interpretation of the data supported by literature

·  A description of any multiple points of view and controversies (if applicable)

·  A section on implications and conclusions

Believe it or not, this project can be quite interesting!

Sports, Politics, Science, People, Health, Games…

The Topics are only limited by your imagination!

Rubric: Mathematics Research Project

Student ______Date ______

Criteria / Excellent
(4 points) / Proficient
(3 points) / Adequate
(2 points) / Limited *
(1 points) / Insufficient/ Blank *
(0 points)
Collect primary or secondary data related to the topic
(MRP 1)
[CN, V] / Collects data that is pertinent and conclusively establishes the trend. / Collects data that is relevant and substantially establishes the trend. / Collects data that is suitable and generally establishes the trend. / Collects data that is irrelevant and does little to establish the trend. / A zero score is awarded because there is insufficient evidence of student performance based on the requirements of the assessment task.
Interpret the Data
(MRP 1)
[ME, PS, R, V, T] / Provides an astute interpretation of the data. / Provides a credible interpretation of the data. / Provides a rudimentary interpretation of the data. / Provides a flawed interpretation of the data.
Present multiple sides of the issue with supporting data
(MRP 1)
[C, CN, R] / Presents multiple sides of issue with precise supporting data. / Presents multiple sides of issue with relevant supporting data. / Presents multiple sides of issue with basic supporting data. / Unable to present multiple sides, or presents multiple sides of issue with flawed supporting data.
Organize and present the research project
(MRP 1)
[C, CN] / Organizes and presents the research in a purposeful and compelling manner. / Organizes and presents the research in a logical and effective manner. / Organizes and presents the research in a reasonable and simplistic manner. / Organizes and presents the research in a disorganized and ineffective manner.
Criteria / Description of Criteria / Yes / Not Yet / Teacher Comment
Assess the accuracy, reliability and relevance of the sources of the data collected
(MRP 1)
[C, CN, PS, ME, R] / The student has critically analyzed the sources of data and discussed their accuracy and reliability.

* When work is judged to be limited or insufficient, the teacher makes decisions about appropriate intervention to help the student improve.