Instructions. Schools and public libraries wishing to enter the selection process for student participation in the Texas Bluebonnet Award ceremony to be held in Fort Worth during the Texas Library Association (TLA) Annual Conference (April 24-27, 2013) should complete this form. A total of ten schools or public libraries statewide, one from each of the ten TLA districts, will be selected by random drawing for participation. Schools or public libraries chosen will be notified by November 7, 2012. Keep a copy of this entry form for your files.

Please note that entries must be postmarked no later than November 1, 2012, and are to be returned to:

Amy Louthan

Walt Disney Elementary School

5000 Mustang Rd.

Alvin, TX 77511

All information must be complete.

TLA District Number (See p. 2) ______County______

Librarian’s Name ______

School District or Public Library System ______

Name of School or Public Library______

School or Library (Street-City-Zip Code)______

Library Phone______Librarian’s Home Phone______

Librarian’s E-Mail Address______

STIPEND: For 2013TBA youth participants living outside a 50-mile radius ofFort Worth, there will be scholarship stipends for transportation.

My youth participant will or will not need the travel stipend.

Clarification of Responsibilities and Procedures list is on page two of this form.

I understand that if my school or public library is chosen to represent my TLA district I will:

  1. Establish plans for selection of the youth representative from my school or home schooled group(s).
  2. Assist the youth in writing and learning a short speech about the author if selected by the TBA Committee.
  3. Assist the youth in preparing author interview questions if selected by the TBA Committee.
  4. Serve as a liaison between the TBA committee and youth’s parents and sponsors.
  5. Furnish name of youth and guests to TBA by deadline set. Each youth may invite up to four guests.

NOTE: The TBA provides for youth participant stipends according to the Endowment guidelines. Parent travel stipends may be underwritten by a corporate grant. The Texas Library Association and the Texas Bluebonnet Award Committee assume no responsibility for additional expenses incurred by youth, teachers, parents, or others participation in the TLA conference and assume no responsibility for any injury received while traveling to or from the conference or during the conference itself.

The TBA committee will work closely with the librarian in coordinating procedures related to youth and guest participation.

Librarian’s signature______Date ______

Principal’s signature______Date ______


Branch Library Director’s signature______Date ______


Youth Participation


  1. Go to the following URL:
  2. Look on the left hand side of the TLA Homepage to the pulldown menu entitled: About TLA.
  3. Choose Units and Committees
  4. Click on Districts.
  5. At the bottom of this page, under the Texas map, are listed each county and the district where that county is located. (The direct URL to the page is


Texas Bluebonnet Award Committee is responsible for:

  • One-day conference registration fee (day of the luncheon) for the youth participant and four guests (total of no more than five persons).
  • TBA luncheon tickets for youth participant and up to four guests.
  • Travel costs to and from TLA Conference for youth participants residing outside a 50-mile radius of the convention center.
  • Housing cost of one room for one night in a TLA Conference hotel.

Librarian is responsible for:

  • Registering for and attending TLA Annual Conference. Librarian is responsible for his/her own conference registration, housing, and travel arrangements. Conference registration information can be found here.
  • Contacting the student’s family and informing them of this honor.
  • Obtaining permission for the youth to participate.
  • Explaining the ensuring responsibilities for the day of the luncheon.
  • Overseeing all necessary conference registrations, housing, and travel reservations made for the youth participant and guests.
  • Seeing that all TLA and TBA forms are completed and returned in a timely manner.
  • Assisting the youth participant in preparing his/her presentation if selected for one of the speeches or author interviews.
  • Publicity sent to local newspapers regarding the youth’s participation in the Texas Bluebonnet Award Ceremony. This information may include the youth’s name and school.
  • Librarian’s institution must be registered to participate in the TBA program.
  • Please note: librarian does not have to be a member of TLA.

Student participant, librarian, and guests are responsible for:

  • Completing and returning all forms promptly.
  • Arriving on time for the morning rehearsal, reception, and luncheon.

Criteria for TBA Student Participant:

  • The youth’s school or public library must be registered for the TBA program.
  • The youth must currently be in grades 3-6 or a home schooled student doing work equivalent to grades 3-6.
  • The youth must have read at least 5 books on the current TBA list.
  • The youth must read the winning Bluebonnet Award book before attending the luncheon.
  • Alternate schools/libraries will be chosen in the event the selected library is unable to comply with
    TBA deadlines or some unforeseen event prevents its participation.

Copy this form for your records before sending it to TBA