Inquiry Skills
Ms. DanielleMacclary
Student/Parent/Teacher Communication
I welcome and encourage student/parent/teacher communication. E-mail is the quickest way to contact me. I will also be providing class updates and information via e-mail as well.
Course Description
The purpose of this course is to study the development of short and long-term educational goals, the nature of learning, the nature of study skills, strategies for specific study skills improvement and improvement in content areas, the problems associated with critical thinking and their solutions, problem solving, group-discussion guidelines, the interdisciplinary nature of knowledge, and research skills.
Class Supply List
- Paper
- Pens (blue or black ink only, please) and/or pencils
- Highlighter
- Planner
- Binders and textbooks from subject area classes
*Individual projects may require supplies not listed. Advance notice will be given.
General Classroom Expectations
- Students will be respectful of others personal space at all times.
- Stay in your seat at all times unless permission by the teacher is given to move.
- No food or beverages (other than water) are allowed in the classroom.
- The use of personal electronics is prohibited unless for instructional purposes with permission provided by teacher.
Grading Criteria
Formative Assessment - 30%
- Classwork, group assignments, computer lab assignments
Summative Assessments -70 %
- Tests, quizzes, projects
Test Retakes
Students will have the option to retake an assessment during Power Hour if they scored below a 70%. The students will have the opportunity to earn up to a 70% on their retake.
School-Wide Grading Policy
A=90-100 B=80-89 C=70-79 D=60-69 F=50-Below
It is the student’s responsibility to make up any missed assignments due to absence. All missed assignments will be due the following school day after a one-day absence. In the event of an extended absence, students will be given one day for each missed day to make up assignments. If an absence is long-term, a make-up time frame will be determined following a student/parent/teacher conference (via phone or in person).
**A note about cell phone use in class: You have a unique opportunity to get work done in this class that others on campus may have to take home. I understand that many teachers have “digital classrooms”. I am moving that way myself. Knowing that, a cell phone can be a vital resource to access files, learning games like Quizlet, check grades, check assignments and updates from your teacher(s). However, it can also be a huge distraction to learning if used for the wrong reason at the wrong time. In this class, CELL PHONES ARE FOR ACADEMIC PURPOSES ONLY. I will allow you to use them as such. Remember, this is a privilege, not a right. If I see you are using it for other means (Facebook, snapchat, any social media, texting), then I will confiscate your phone AND your classmates will lose this privilege as well. Please think wisely when using your phone.
Study Hall
You will have the opportunity on a weekly basis to participate in a study hall. This will allow you to work on homework, get help from peers on a problem, or simply to get organized. THESE ARE NOT “FREE” PERIODS. I expect you to use this time wisely and efficiently. So we are clear on how these days should function, I want to let you know of some SPECIFIC expectations I have during this time.
1. USE A MODERATE TONE (A.K.A. BE QUIET!) – if you would like to study in groups, ask me for permission at front of the room. When finished go back to assigned seats.
4. PLEASE STAY IN ASSIGNED SEAT – refrain from walking to other seats
5. ANY PASS TO ANOTHER TEACHER MUST BE PRE-ARRANGED – must have a pre-signed pass from receiving teacher; no unplanned visits to other classes
6. PHONES ARE FOR ACADEMIC PURPOSES ONLY! You may listen to music while you work.