Directions: Put a check (√) beside each statement that is true about you.

Word Smart (Linguistic)

____ I like to read.

____ I enjoy word games like Scrabble and crossword puzzles.

____ Language and Social Studies are my best subjects.

____ I sometimes get in trouble for talking in class too much.

____ It’s easy for me to write 50 words or more for journal.

____ I enjoy trying out tongue twisters and rhymes.

____ I like to listen to someone read a story aloud.

____ I can hear words in my head before I read, speak, or write them down.

____ I usually make A’s in spelling.

____ It’s easy for me to remember names.

Math Smart (Logical / Mathematical)

____ I can easily add numbers in my head.

____ Math and Science are my best subjects.

____I enjoy board games such as chess or checkers.

____ I like figuring out number puzzles or brainteasers.

____ I take things apart to see how they work.

____Computer math games are fun!

____ I enjoy patterning games. (ex. What comes next? ____)

____ I usually get the picture analogies right.

____ I like school activities to follow the same order each day.

____ I enjoy doing experiments.

Music Smart (Musical)

____ I play a musical instrument or sing in a choir.

____ People have said I have a good singing voice.

____ I listen to music on radio, cassettes, or CD’s often.

____ I study better if music is playing.

____ I tap on my desk while I work.

____ I catch myself humming.

____ There is often a TV jingle or other tune running through my head.

____ I know a song after hearing it only once or twice.

____ It bothers me to hear unusual noises. (ex. lights buzzing)

____ I automatically tap my feet or hands along with music.

People Smart (Interpersonal)

____ I like to play games with other people.

____ I have 2 or more “best” friends.

____ I’d rather work in a group than on my own.

____ The best thing about school is getting to be with my friends all day.

____ I have more than one favorite teacher.

____ I prefer team sports to solo sports.

____ I would like to be a tutor and help teach other students.

____ I belong to a club.

____ I worry about my friends’ problems.

____ My friends ask me to help them with their problems.

Picture Smart (Visual/ Spatial)

____ I enjoy doing mazes and putting together puzzles.

____ I see clear pictures in my head when I dream.

____ I prefer books that have lots of pictures.

____ I like to watch TV or movies.

____ I doodle or draw often during class.

____ I like art activities.

____ Reading charts, maps, and graphs is easy.

____ I enjoy LEGOS or other building toys.

____ I notice when other people’s clothes don’t match.

____ I have checked out drawing books from the library.

Body Smart (Bodily-Kinesthetic)

____ I enjoy making things with clay or playdough.

____ I am on a sports team (or dance, gymnastics, cheerleading).

____ I get in trouble for fidgeting or tapping my pencil.

____ It’s hard to sit still for long periods of time.

____ I love to run, jump, or dance.

____ I like to ride roller coasters.

____ I use my hands a lot when talking or describing something.

____I enjoy building models or completing sewing projects.

____ I learn more when I “do” something rather than just read or hear about it.

____ I like to act things out.

Self Smart (Intrapersonal)

____ I like to do my work alone.

____ I can easily describe my feelings.

____ I like myself.

____ Adults say I’m stubborn or strong-willed.

____ I like to spend time alone.

____ I have a secret place.

____ I keep a journal or diary at home where I write about my feelings and thoughts.

____ I have a hobby that not many people know about.

____ I know what I want to be when I grow up and what I need to do to become it.

____ I can list the things I do well and the things I need to improve on.

Nature Smart (Naturalist)

____ I have a collection of things that are special to me.

____ I like to go camping.

____ I would like to live on a farm.

____ I love to go to the zoo.

____ I remind my family to recycle.

____ I know the names of at least 10 different trees or plants.

____ I like to plant seeds and watch them grow.

____ I have a pet.

____ I like to explore in woods and creeks and fields.

____ I enjoy programs on the Discovery Channel.

Wondering Smart (Existential)

____ It is important to see my role in the “big picture” of things.

____ I enjoy discussing questions about life.

____ Religion is important to me.

____ I enjoy viewing art masterpieces.

____ Relaxation and meditation exercises are rewarding.

____ I like visiting breathtaking sites in nature.

____ I enjoy reading the works of ancient and modern philosophers.

____ Learning new things is easier when I understand their value.

____ I wonder if there are other forms of intelligent life in the universe.

____ Studying history and ancient culture helps give me perspective.


In the boxes write the number of checks (√) you had in each section.

Word Smart...... 

Math Smart...... 

Picture Smart...... 

Body Smart...... 

Music Smart...... 

People Smart...... 

Self Smart...... 

Nature Smart...... 

Wondering Smart...... 

Now list the intelligence that had the most checks and the one that had the second most checks.

